Thursday, January 9, 2020
Southern Secession and the Causes for the Civil War
The issue of Southern secession and the causes for the Civil War have been immensely debated, researched, and written on. An analysis of just a small portion of these historical and sociological works reveals that just about every approach and position on the topic has been explored. Yet still today, nearly 150 years later, historians continue to find new ways to answer this age old questionâ€â€why did the South secede? The debate continues as authors seek to make sense of the primary documentation from that era, often forming conclusions that seem to contradict one another. Why does such a debate exist when there is so much primary source material and early analysis available to us? One answer I propose is that like many diverse and complicated issues there often equally diverse and complicated agendas, interests, and apprehensions about the issue. This is certainly one of those issues. Often the American Civil War is portrayed as a conflict between two entities: the North and t he South. One very good secondary source by William W. Freehling, The Road to Disunion, Volume II: Secessionists Triumphant 1854-1861 shows us what a drastic oversimplification this idea is. Here we are shown what a diverse group of interests the â€Å"South†really were. The different sections of the South had varying degrees of investment into the institution of slavery and by extension varying degrees of interest in secession. Even within the Deep South States, there were those who wanted to avoidShow MoreRelated`` Apostles Of Disunion : Southern Secession Commissioners And The Cause Of The Civil War `` Essay1187 Words  | 5 PagesIn â€Å"Apostles of Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of the Civil War,†Charles B. Dew analyzes the public letters and speeches of white, southern commissioners in order to prove that the Civil War was fought over slavery. By analyzing the public letters and speeches of the commissioners, Dew offers a compelli ng argument proving that slavery along with the ideology of white supremacy were primary causes of the Civil War. Dew is not only the Ephraim Williams Professor of AmericanRead MoreThe Struggle Of The Civil War1492 Words  | 6 PagesTexans contend that the Civil War was not fought over slavery, citing the limited number of slave-owning households in the state. While the majority of Texans did not own slaves, it would be inaccurate to argue that they were therefore against slavery. Texas, representative of other southern states that supported slavery, had a vested interest in preserving the institution at all costs, which is why they risked their lives over it. Moreover, Texans may argue that the civil war was about states’ rightsRead MoreThe Struggle Of The American Civil War765 Words  | 4 Pages The American Civil War, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in Januar y 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, simply called the South, grew to include eleven states. Although they claimed thirteen states and additional western territories, the Confederacy was never recognized byRead MoreThe United States And The Civil War920 Words  | 4 Pages widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, often simply called the South, grew to include eleven states, and although they claimed thirteen statesRead MoreAbraham Lincoln House Divided Speech Essay1148 Words  | 5 Pagesdivided the nation in two and began a civil war that would last until May of 1865. Although the cause of the war was later twisted into looking like states’ rights, the actual cause of the Civil War was slavery. Two years before the Civil War officially began, people were already wary of the problems that slavery could cause in the nation. In his â€Å"House Divided†Speech at the Republican Convention in 1858, Abraham Lincoln warned that slavery would cause a war, saying that the two opinions on theRead MoreApostles Of Disunion Summary1102 Words  | 5 Pagesof Fletcher Pratt Prize from the Civil War Round table of New York for two of his books: Apostles of Disunion and Iron maker to the confederacy, is a native of St. Petersburg, Florida. A son of the south. His book Apostles of Disunion is a book in an attempt to analyze the question: why did the southern states went to secession? In his book, Dew explains why he is writing it and tries to answer (which I believe he does successfully) the question of was the secession due to state right or was the endRead MoreThe American Civil War: Interpretations of Democracy Essay1415 Words  | 6 Pages One of the most convoluted themes i n history is that of the meaning of war. The American Civil War specifically offers many differing explanations as to the true cause for which over 600,000 men dedicated and lost their lives. The Civil War was particularly so, in that there was no universal acceptance of the objectives or causes of the war from either side. Leaders from the Union and the Confederacy delineated distinctly different reasons for fighting, magnifying the hostility between the two regionsRead MoreReview of Charles B. Dew, Apostles of Disunion (2001)702 Words  | 3 Pages11/22/10 Review of Charles B. Dew, Apostles of Disunion (2001) Charles B. Dews Apostles of Disunion delves into the controversial topic of the causes of the Civil War and the secession of the states that eventually became the Confederate States of America. There are many accounts that point to defending states rights as the primary cause of the Civil War. However, most people believe that slavery was the main and primary concern the deep South cited for seceding from the Union to form their ownRead MoreJames M. Mcpherson : An American Civil War Essay1397 Words  | 6 PagesJames M. McPherson: James McPherson was born on October 11th 1936, he is an American Civil War historian. He received the 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Battle Cry of Freedom, his most famous book. McPherson was the president of the American Historical Association in 2003, and is a member of the editorial board of Encyclopedia Britannica. In his early career McPherson wanted to leave a legacy as being known for the historian who focusses on more than one point. Through skillful narrative in a broad-rangingRead MoreThe Main Cause Of The American Civil War1047 Words  | 5 Pagesone main cause of the American Civil war must be resolved, and while there are many ideas, history reveals that there was only one. There are many arguable motives to the start of the Civil War, but there are four main concepts. These four concepts were slavery, taxation, the election of Abraham Lincoln and lastly, struggling with power between the Northern and Southern states. To start with, the end of slavery is undoubtedly one of the most popular arguments to the creation of the Civil War. While
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