Wednesday, January 1, 2020
American Popular Culture Sexual Abuse - 1180 Words
American Popular Culture There’s a common saying that â€Å"sex sells†, which turns out to be true according to pop culture. However, it’s not just a sexual appeal that is shown, it’s also a fantasy of sexual abuse. â€Å"Sex in advertising is the use of sexually provocative or erotic imagery that is designed to arouse a certain group of people†(Suggett). Advertisers are manipulating the human desires to make their products sell. It’s products that sell, are products that can capture anyone’s attention. One of the most helpful approaches is sex of course, which can capture anyone’s attention. The downside of using sexual imagery in advertisements is that it is generally going to come across sexism. In American popular culture, advertisers continue to grab our attention to their brand through sexual abuse; making it seem like a normality in our society. Advertisers use whatever they are able to, to make â€Å"sex sell†i n our culture just from a certain look or text. In this Burger King advertisement, the sexual tension has become clear. Females are perceived a certain way in our society to fit a man’s needs in order to become an attraction for brands. It’s been brought up to the surface just by adding the black background, making the woman’s face an extreme focal point. The woman only has the bottom half of her face presented in the ad, drawing attention to her mouth. She fits the description for how men want to see their women in their sexual fantasies. We are able to tell that justShow MoreRelatedThe Society We Currently Live In Is Infused With Aspects1451 Words  | 6 Pagescrime and last but not least, domestic abuse/ Intimate partner abuse. Though there are many important social problems that influence society, I will focus on the aspect of domestic abuse and intimate partner abuse. 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