Saturday, January 25, 2020
Rameshwaram,Tamilnadu Rameswaram town in Ramanathapuram district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu is famous as Rameshwaram throughout the world.The holy island of Rameswaram called as ?Benaras of the South? is the only place worshipped by both Saivites and Vaishnavites as it is India?s most venerated and most visited Shiva shrines and is also associated with the life of Lord Rama, the hero of the epic Ramayana. It is located on an island separated from mainland India by the Pamban channel. Kashi and Rameshwaram together are one of the holiest places in India to Hindus and part of the Char Dham pilgrimages.The Rameshwaram island is spread over 61.8 square kilometers and has shape of a conch. Rameswaram is one of the 12 Jyothirlingas of India and considered one among four most sacred pilgrim centers of India namely Rameswaram in the South, Badrinath in the North, Puri in the East and Dwaraka in the West. Among these, Rameswaram is dedicated to Shiva, while the other three are dedicated to lord Vishnu.T he Ramanatha Swamy Temple is the main temple of Rameshwaram and is very beautifully constructed.It can be considered as the masterpiece of Dravidian architecture.The temple has twenty-two wells and surprisingly the taste of the water of each well is different and wells are believed to possess medicinal properties.Dr. Abdul Kalam,Ex-president of India,belongs to a small village,Dhanushkodi situated on the island.Legends says Lord Rama built a bridge Ram Setu across the sea at this place to reach Lanka to rescue godess Sita and also worshipped Lord Shiva after killing Ravana, who was the greatest worshipper of Lord Shiva and also blessed by lord shiva.According to the Puranas lord Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana installed and worshipped the Sivalinga here to avoid sins of killing Ravana,a brahmin.Sethu Karai is 22 km before the island of Rameswaram where lord Rama is believed to have built a Floating Stone Bridge Ramasethu till Rameswaram that further continued from Dha nushkodi in Rameswaram till Talaimannar in Sri Lanka.Rameswaram is an acclaimed Parihara Sthala, where it is believed all sins get absolved. Devotees take holy dips at Sethu Theertha, Agni Theertha and other sacred waters, offer pujas to get progeny, perform Shraadha for their ancestors. Places to visit- Sri Ramanathaswamy Temple- This temple is directly related to lord Rama and believed to be the must visit place for hindus if one wants to attain nirvana from the cycle of birth and death.There are seven such places in India where one would like to offer prayers for achieving salvation in life and Rameshwaram temple is one of those.The temple has the longest corridor in whole of India. This place has great significance as it is believed that Whole Ramayan was conceived in this place. Gandhamadhana Parvatham- Gandhamadhana is most renowned and worshiped in the southern India having Lord ramas feet imprinted on the chakra placed in the temple.Gandhamadhana is the deity of several communities in southern India. It is a holy place thronged by devotees from all parts of India.It has Rama tirtham constructed on the Gandamadhana Parvata hence th it is called Gandamadana.It is near Dhanushkodi,where Rama met Vibhishana and has its own historical importance. Agnitheertham- It is one of the 12 jyotirlings of India and is one of the holiest place to visit.It has a large lake whose water is considered holy and people believes that taking bath in the place washes away their sins and one attains salvation.It has 22 wells having waters of different taste. It is one visit place. Badrakaliamman Temple- It is the largest temple of Ma Kali in southern India who is the holy mother for devottes in southern India.The statue of Maa kali is of pure gold and temple has different master pieces of different ages. Annai Indira Gandhi Road Bridge- It is the longest bridge in southern India connecting Rameswaram Island to the main land.It is also called the Pambam Bridge as it is located beside Pamban, the sacred place where Rama could quench the thirst of Sita by throwing an arrow in the place where they could actually retrieve cool water.It is 7kms long. Other temples- There are numerous other temple having religious as well as historical significance. Villondi tirtham is one of those temples located on a place where lord Rama buried his bow as villondi means a buried bow.It is about 7 kms from main Rameshwar temple and is considered to be a sacred place by most of the followers.It has a spot where drinking water is available in the midst of salty sea. Dhanushkodi Temple is other main temple on the southern tip of India located near the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean on the other side. The seas are in the shape of bow and arrow when viewed from the top.Lord Rama has his pious feet even in this temple and whole story of Ramayana revolves here as well. Five faceted Hanuman temple is other famous temple.The statues of lord Rama, Laxman, Sita and Hanuman are placed in the temple.The temple has a floating stone which was believed to be used to bulid the bridge on the sea.Nambu Nayagiamman Temple is other worth visiting temple How to reach- By Air- Nearest airport is Madurai,163 km from Rameshwaram and has good road connection to it. By Train- The railway connects Rameshwaram to places like Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy and Thanjavur and 2 km long Indira Gandhi Bridge connects the island of Rameshwaram with the mainland of Mandapam. By Road- Rameshwaram is well connected by roads to all the major cities nearby, Kanyakumari, Trichy, Pondicherry, Tanjore and Chennai.Â
Friday, January 17, 2020
Barriers of Communication Essay
Reducing barriers whether be in general conversation or other mediums (e.g. emails, memos, or phone calls) is the responsibility of both the sender and receiver of the message. Techniques to improve communication and overcome barriers on the sender’s end would include being aware of barriers such as noise or distractions, be empathetic to the receiver, pay careful attention to nonverbal cues, and confirm understanding of the message they are sending (Baack, 2012). Baack (2012) also pointed out receivers must be active listeners and seek clarification of the message while also providing feedback to keep clarity in the conversation. Verbal and nonverbal cues play a huge role in communication. For example, brokers in the middle of the Wall Street stock exchange have the best nonverbal communications despite all the noise, distraction, and environmental barriers. Brokers have worked years on perfecting hand gestures to communicate with other members of their firms. This is one way to overcome such barriers. The use of evolved technologies such as email, power point, or text messages creates another barrier to overcome. The medium of message delivery can produce barriers with too many fonts, slang, emoticons, pictures, text talk, and unclear descriptions. This barrier is personal to me. I find my emails to be extremely detailed, full of industry jargon, and read as if I speak. After reading this chapter I see how my written messages confusion the receiver and cause unnecessary barriers and wasted time. I need to focus more on condensing my thoughts and making a concise clear message. Baack, D. (2012). Management communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Southern Secession and the Causes for the Civil War
The issue of Southern secession and the causes for the Civil War have been immensely debated, researched, and written on. An analysis of just a small portion of these historical and sociological works reveals that just about every approach and position on the topic has been explored. Yet still today, nearly 150 years later, historians continue to find new ways to answer this age old questionâ€â€why did the South secede? The debate continues as authors seek to make sense of the primary documentation from that era, often forming conclusions that seem to contradict one another. Why does such a debate exist when there is so much primary source material and early analysis available to us? One answer I propose is that like many diverse and complicated issues there often equally diverse and complicated agendas, interests, and apprehensions about the issue. This is certainly one of those issues. Often the American Civil War is portrayed as a conflict between two entities: the North and t he South. One very good secondary source by William W. Freehling, The Road to Disunion, Volume II: Secessionists Triumphant 1854-1861 shows us what a drastic oversimplification this idea is. Here we are shown what a diverse group of interests the â€Å"South†really were. The different sections of the South had varying degrees of investment into the institution of slavery and by extension varying degrees of interest in secession. Even within the Deep South States, there were those who wanted to avoidShow MoreRelated`` Apostles Of Disunion : Southern Secession Commissioners And The Cause Of The Civil War `` Essay1187 Words  | 5 PagesIn â€Å"Apostles of Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of the Civil War,†Charles B. Dew analyzes the public letters and speeches of white, southern commissioners in order to prove that the Civil War was fought over slavery. By analyzing the public letters and speeches of the commissioners, Dew offers a compelli ng argument proving that slavery along with the ideology of white supremacy were primary causes of the Civil War. Dew is not only the Ephraim Williams Professor of AmericanRead MoreThe Struggle Of The Civil War1492 Words  | 6 PagesTexans contend that the Civil War was not fought over slavery, citing the limited number of slave-owning households in the state. While the majority of Texans did not own slaves, it would be inaccurate to argue that they were therefore against slavery. Texas, representative of other southern states that supported slavery, had a vested interest in preserving the institution at all costs, which is why they risked their lives over it. Moreover, Texans may argue that the civil war was about states’ rightsRead MoreThe Struggle Of The American Civil War765 Words  | 4 Pages The American Civil War, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in Januar y 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, simply called the South, grew to include eleven states. Although they claimed thirteen states and additional western territories, the Confederacy was never recognized byRead MoreThe United States And The Civil War920 Words  | 4 Pages widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, often simply called the South, grew to include eleven states, and although they claimed thirteen statesRead MoreAbraham Lincoln House Divided Speech Essay1148 Words  | 5 Pagesdivided the nation in two and began a civil war that would last until May of 1865. Although the cause of the war was later twisted into looking like states’ rights, the actual cause of the Civil War was slavery. Two years before the Civil War officially began, people were already wary of the problems that slavery could cause in the nation. In his â€Å"House Divided†Speech at the Republican Convention in 1858, Abraham Lincoln warned that slavery would cause a war, saying that the two opinions on theRead MoreApostles Of Disunion Summary1102 Words  | 5 Pagesof Fletcher Pratt Prize from the Civil War Round table of New York for two of his books: Apostles of Disunion and Iron maker to the confederacy, is a native of St. Petersburg, Florida. A son of the south. His book Apostles of Disunion is a book in an attempt to analyze the question: why did the southern states went to secession? In his book, Dew explains why he is writing it and tries to answer (which I believe he does successfully) the question of was the secession due to state right or was the endRead MoreThe American Civil War: Interpretations of Democracy Essay1415 Words  | 6 Pages One of the most convoluted themes i n history is that of the meaning of war. The American Civil War specifically offers many differing explanations as to the true cause for which over 600,000 men dedicated and lost their lives. The Civil War was particularly so, in that there was no universal acceptance of the objectives or causes of the war from either side. Leaders from the Union and the Confederacy delineated distinctly different reasons for fighting, magnifying the hostility between the two regionsRead MoreReview of Charles B. Dew, Apostles of Disunion (2001)702 Words  | 3 Pages11/22/10 Review of Charles B. Dew, Apostles of Disunion (2001) Charles B. Dews Apostles of Disunion delves into the controversial topic of the causes of the Civil War and the secession of the states that eventually became the Confederate States of America. There are many accounts that point to defending states rights as the primary cause of the Civil War. However, most people believe that slavery was the main and primary concern the deep South cited for seceding from the Union to form their ownRead MoreJames M. Mcpherson : An American Civil War Essay1397 Words  | 6 PagesJames M. McPherson: James McPherson was born on October 11th 1936, he is an American Civil War historian. He received the 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Battle Cry of Freedom, his most famous book. McPherson was the president of the American Historical Association in 2003, and is a member of the editorial board of Encyclopedia Britannica. In his early career McPherson wanted to leave a legacy as being known for the historian who focusses on more than one point. Through skillful narrative in a broad-rangingRead MoreThe Main Cause Of The American Civil War1047 Words  | 5 Pagesone main cause of the American Civil war must be resolved, and while there are many ideas, history reveals that there was only one. There are many arguable motives to the start of the Civil War, but there are four main concepts. These four concepts were slavery, taxation, the election of Abraham Lincoln and lastly, struggling with power between the Northern and Southern states. To start with, the end of slavery is undoubtedly one of the most popular arguments to the creation of the Civil War. While
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
American Popular Culture Sexual Abuse - 1180 Words
American Popular Culture There’s a common saying that â€Å"sex sells†, which turns out to be true according to pop culture. However, it’s not just a sexual appeal that is shown, it’s also a fantasy of sexual abuse. â€Å"Sex in advertising is the use of sexually provocative or erotic imagery that is designed to arouse a certain group of people†(Suggett). Advertisers are manipulating the human desires to make their products sell. It’s products that sell, are products that can capture anyone’s attention. One of the most helpful approaches is sex of course, which can capture anyone’s attention. The downside of using sexual imagery in advertisements is that it is generally going to come across sexism. In American popular culture, advertisers continue to grab our attention to their brand through sexual abuse; making it seem like a normality in our society. Advertisers use whatever they are able to, to make â€Å"sex sell†i n our culture just from a certain look or text. In this Burger King advertisement, the sexual tension has become clear. Females are perceived a certain way in our society to fit a man’s needs in order to become an attraction for brands. It’s been brought up to the surface just by adding the black background, making the woman’s face an extreme focal point. The woman only has the bottom half of her face presented in the ad, drawing attention to her mouth. She fits the description for how men want to see their women in their sexual fantasies. We are able to tell that justShow MoreRelatedThe Society We Currently Live In Is Infused With Aspects1451 Words  | 6 Pagescrime and last but not least, domestic abuse/ Intimate partner abuse. Though there are many important social problems that influence society, I will focus on the aspect of domestic abuse and intimate partner abuse. Domestic abuse is defined as the act of one individual controlling their spouse or intimate partner using fear, intimidation, or violence (Tina de Benedicts, Jaelline Jaffe, Jeanne Segal). Most people automatically think of sexual and physical abuse when they think of domestic violence howeverRead MoreTrends In Popular Culture Essay789 Words  | 4 PagesTrends in Popular American Culture American culture has evolved so much in the last 40 years, it is amazing. So many things that are acceptable now, would have never been considered in the past. I will be discussing the social trend of using my space on the internet to create friendships and more serious relationships, the newest political trend of a women name Sarah Palin with a very controversial pasts running for vice president, the personal trends of drug use among young people, and lastRead MoreEssay about The Effects of Rape Culture in Modern Society 1107 Words  | 5 Pagesstatistics show rape and sexual assault numbers have risen due to the presence of rape culture in modern society. Rape culture promotes more assaults and violent acts, not only towards women but also towards men. Some evidence rape culture is present in today’s society are rising statistics showing that only three out of a hundred rapists see jail time and that over 17 million American women are victims of sexual assault every year . Rape culture is seen in every aspect of daily American life, even if peopleRead MoreComputer Games And Its Effect On The Achievement Of Solving Mathematics1317 Words  | 6 Pagesactivities that includes with strangers online (Jackson et al., 2004). At times internet use for the communication purpose depends upon the culture of the people as most of the African American culture includes the â€Å"oral culture†(Hale, 1982). As it is one the reason why it needs to be proved that mostly they prefer one to one communication than the people from other cultures. However Children’s socio demographic features were also can be responsible for the vivid nature of internet use by children as theRead MoreBlack Women Stereotypes763 Words  | 4 PagesThe stereotypical misrepresentations of African-American women and men in popular culture have influenced societal views of Blacks for centuries. The typical stereotypes about Black women range from the smiling, asexual and often obese Mammy to the promiscuous Jezebel who lures men with her sexual charms. However, the loud, smart mouthed, neck-rolling Black welfare mother is the popular image on reality television. The typical stereotype about Black men is the violent, misogynistic thug, and theRead MoreNegative Effects Of Dancehall Music1224 Words  | 5 Pagesintrinsic to all cultures. In Jamaica, the popular genre of music are Reggae and Dancehall. Re ggae is a genre of music that has its roots in many other musical styles. It incorporates influences from Jamaican music as well as American Rhythm and Blues, which was broadcasted from high powered stations. Dancehall music advanced in the 1970s and was a sparser version of Reggae than roots style. According to Freddy Yonckoy, dancehall music is a vital element of the Jamaican society and its a culture that impactsRead MorePrecious Based on the Novel Push by Saphire Analysis1368 Words  | 6 PagesAfrican Americans nationwide said the movie made their African American ghettos into a sexually incest ridden, classless society and didn’t properly show any of the positive attributes that come from the African American ghettos. In our course of Intra cultural communication we have studied through different topics, ones that I think are shown in the movie are culture, race, class, and sexuality. I am going to analyze the film â€Å"Precious†by looking into those four a reas of the African American cultureRead MoreBlack Women And Native American Women984 Words  | 4 PagesBlack women and Native American women have been oppressed for many years throughout history. They were enslaved and were essentially objectified by white men. Today in the media black women are seen as interesting individuals who are hypersexualized or promiscuous. On the other hand, there is hardly any representation of Native American women in our daily life but when they do appear they are usually sexualized. Our culture essentially label and define these women based on their representation inRead MoreThe Underlying Causes Of Sexual Behavior1404 Words  | 6 Pagesout-of-control sexual behavior has led to contentious arguments, since the underlying causes of the behavior determine how it should be treated. This literature review looks at the possible causes of sexual dysfunction in the form of overactive sexual activities. Using internet search terms including sexual add iction, sexual dependency, and hypersexuality, information was gathered on historical and current viewpoints on the causes of such behavior to determine whether overactive sexual activity shouldRead MoreBlack Women As Sexual Objects1662 Words  | 7 Pagesoften the Black woman is wrongfully represented and sexualized in the media. This view of black women as sexual objects we see in the media today has its roots in the common practice of rape during slavery by white male owners of their black female slaves. Many Black novelists attempt to complicate this idea of Black women as sexual objects through literature. The idea of Black women as sexual objects has been internalized by Black women themselves and has affected their way to have healthy romantic
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