Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Abe Lincoln Essay Example For Students
Abe Lincoln Essay Abraham Lincolns death was a pernicious consummation of an as of now bitterand resentful occasion in American history, the Civil War. John Wilkes Booth and hisgroup of co-plotters created designs in the pre-fall of 1864 to onlykidnap the President and take him the Confederate capital of Richmond and holdhim as an end-result of Confederate detainees of war. Corners gathering of conspirators:Samuel Arnold, Michael OLaughlen, John Surratt, Lewis Paine, George Atzerodt,David Herold, and Mary Surratt (Johns spouse), made arrangements on March 17, 1865, tocapture Lincoln, who was planned to see a play at a medical clinic in the outskirtsof Washington. In any case, Lincoln changed plans and stayed in the capital(Booth 98) On April 9, 1865, General Lee gave up to GeneralGrant at Appomattox. After two days Lincoln conveyed a discourse before theWhite House to a gathering that had accumulated outside. Stall, being available in thisgroup, heard Lincoln recommend that specific democratic rights ought to be conceded to theblacks. Irritated, being a bigot, Booths designs presently abandoned thekidnapping of Lincoln to his death (Lewis, Neely 115) Three days beforehis death Lincoln recounted a fantasy he had to his significant other and one of hisfriends, Ward Hill Lamon. As per Lamon, the President stated: Aboutten days back, I resigned exceptionally late. I had been sitting tight for some importantdispatches from the front. I was unable to have been long in bed when I fell into aslumber, for I was exhausted. I before long started to dream. There appeared to be a passing likestillness about me. At that point I heard repressed cries, as though various individuals wereweeping. I thought I left my bed and meandered ground floor. There the quiet wasbroken by the equivalent forlorn wailing, yet the grievers were undetectable. I went fromroom to room; not a single living individual was to be found, yet the equivalent melancholy sounds ofdistress met me as I went along. I saw light in all the rooms; each objectwas natural to me; yet where were all the individuals who were lamenting as though theirhearts would break? I was perplexed and frightened. What could be the importance of allthis? Resolved to discover the reason for the situation so strange andshocking, I kept on until I showed up at the East Room, which I entered. There Imet a nauseating astonishment. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpsewrapped in memorial service vestments. Around it were positioned troopers who were actingas watchmen; and there was a crowd of individuals, looking sorrowfully upon the corpse,whose face was secured, others sobbing sadly. Who is dead in the WhiteHouse? I requested of one of the officers, The President, was hisanswer; he was slaughtered by a professional killer. At that point came a boisterous eruption of melancholy fromthe crows, which woke me from my fantasy. I dozed no more that night; and althoughit was just a fantasy, I have been abnormally irritate d by it eversince.((Online) http://members.aol.com) Was it conceivable that PresidentLincoln knew about his death before it really occurred? On the morning ofFriday, April 14, Booth halted by Fords Theater and discovered that PresidentLincoln and General Grant were anticipating going to the night execution ofOur American Cousin. Stall at that point held one last gathering with the schemers andsaid he would execute Lincoln at the theater, he had discovered that Grant had lefttown. Atzerodt was to execute the Vice-President Andrew Johnson at Kirkwood Housewhere he lived. Powell and Herold were relegated to slaughter the Secretary of StateWilliam Seward. The two assaults were booked to happen all the while atapproximately 10:15 p.m. that night. Corner trusted that the subsequent confusion andweakness in the administration could prompt a rebound for the South (:Lewis, Neely187) At about 7:00 p.m. William H. Convict, Lincolns guardian, was relievedthree hours late by John Parker. Parker was advised to be available at FordsTheatre when the Presidential party arrived. Law breaker stated, pleasant evening, Mr. .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 , .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 .postImageUrl , .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 , .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5:hover , .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5:visited , .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5:active { border:0!important; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5:active , .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d6 2097c5 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ua01f8abb27751c237da73d10d62097c5:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Walmart internet business operations Essay Lincoln. The President answered, Good-bye, Crook. Agreeing toCrook this was a first. Lincoln ALWAYS recently stated, Good night,Crook.(Reck 148) Around 8:00 p.m. the Lincolns went out in astage mentor and continued to get Clara Harris and Major Rathbone. Parker ledthe route into the theater, with the play as of now in progress. When Lincolnentered the acting halted and they played Hail to the Chief. Theaudience rose to their feet and acclaimed the President. When he was situated inthe state box the play proceeded. Corner showed up at Fords Theater at 9:30 p.m. furnished with a solitary shot derringer and a chasing blade. Joseph Burroughs, a boywho worked at the auditorium held his pony in the back rear entryway while Booth went toget a beverage at a close by cantina. He returned the performance center at 10:07 p.m. andslowly advanced towards the state box. John Parker had recently left his post. At about 10:15 p.m., Booth opened the entryway and shot Lincoln in the rear of thehead at close to point-clear range, and battled with Rathbone. Stall stabbedRathbone in the arm and hopped around eleven feet to the stage. At the point when he crashedto the floor he snapped the fibula bone in his left leg. Numerous in the theaterthought they heard him holler Sic Semper Tyrannis, latin for asalways to despots. Corner flashed his blade to the group and made his wayacross the phase before in excess of 1,000 individuals. It happened so speedy no onehad opportunity to stop him. Corner got away out the indirect access and left the city (Lewis,Neely 261-263). The other portion of the arrangement to murder Vice-President Johnson andSecretary of State Seward was fundamentally a disappointment. Atzerodt made no endeavor tokill Johnson, and Powell wounded Seward however it neglected to murder him. Heroldescaped from the capital utilizing a similar extension, the Navy Yard Bridge, as BoothThe two met in Maryland and halted quickly around 12 PM in Mary Surrattstavern, where they had supplies prepared to escape toward the South. At around 4:00 a.m. they showed up at the home of Dr. Samuel Mudd who set and braced Boothsbroken leg. Back in Washington, the shot had entered Lincolns head aboutthree creeps behind his left ear and went around seven and a half inches intothe mind. The principal specialist to take care of the President was Charles Leale. Heknew right then that the injury was mortal and the President wouldnt be ableto recuperate. Lincolns body was conveyed over the road to the PetersonHouse. Outfitted officers monitored the house while a night long demise watch started. Specialists said a normal man with this sort of wound would have kicked the bucket in twohours, Lincoln kept going nine. At 7:22 and 10 seconds a.m. on April 15, 1865President Abraham Lincoln was dead. After becoming aware of the news Secretary of WarEdwin M. Stanton stated, Now he has a place with the ages. Federalauthorities found Booth and Herold at Garretts ranch close to Port Royal,Virginia on the morning of April 26. Covering up in a horse shelter, Herold surrendered, however Boothwould not all that he has lethally shot. Inside days of their catch theco-schemers were captured by the legislature. All were seen as liable by amilitary court. Mrs. Surratt, Powell, Atzerdot, and Herold were all hanged onJuly 7, 1865. Dr. Mudd, OLaughlin, and Arnold were given life terms inprison. John Surratt fled to Canada and afterward disappeared to Europe, where he wascaptured and was attempted in 1867 out of a common court. The jury was gridlocked andSurratt went free. Dr. Mudd and Arnold were completely absolved by President AndrewJohnson right off the bat in 1869. .u70af91e52fd2a02158f7e04823fefece , .u70af91e52fd2a02158f7e04823fefece .postImageUrl , .u70af91e52fd2a02158f7e04823fefece .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u70af91e52fd2a02158f7e04823fefece , .u70af91e52fd2a02158f7e04823fefece:hover , .u70af91e52fd2a02158f7e04823fefece
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Education Problem in Korea Essay Example for Free
Training Problem in Korea Essay A mother recovers a migraine at whatever point she returns home subsequent to going to moms ordinary gatherings, the reason for which is to get some data about private guidance. Her youngsters keep her as occupied as an expert supervisor. She studies mainstream recently opened organizations called hagwon, makes a gathering for private exercises, picks educators and pushes her youngsters to examine. At the point when they are approached about their arrangements for the declining long stretches of their lives, most are not putting something aside for mature age. They feel uncomfortable on the grounds that they can't set aside cash, so a few moms go to work to gain enough for additional guidance cost. Numerous married couples contend about their childrens instruction. Nonetheless, their youngsters dont care about their folks inconveniences. The youngsters see it as the characteristic job of guardians, since they are the lords or sovereigns of the family, served by yielding guardians from birth. Guardians appear to permit their childrens whining. Kids dont value their folks since they are not content with their help. Here and there they act like robots constrained by moms orders. They dont have the opportunity to chat with family, to play with their companions or to get adequate rest. They generally rush to get the hang of something. Concerning me, I likewise have nervousness about my little girls private schooling. There are minutes that I need her to push to concentrate somewhat more since I feel stressed when I hear what number of sorts of additional guidance her companions are taking. Yet, I can quiet down my childish want by taking a gander at my depleted little girl. I attempt to affirm that the best consequence of considering originates from self-concentrating with solid inspiration. Most guardians dont hold up until their kids request that they help with their examining. Theyre forever discontent. For instance, numerous Korean goose daddies choose to forfeit their lives without anyone else, not by the childrens requests, despite the battle with depression after they send their families to an outside nation. Nowadays, numerous normal families without adequate funds are getting ready for their kids to concentrate abroad in spite of the gigantic expense. They most likely need to press their financial plan or even acquire the cash. Are their valuable children and little girls going to thank their folks later on? Will their folks be happy with their youngsters later? I wonder how incredible their results will be. Notwithstanding issues inside families, there are many symptoms with private schooling at school, which are for the most part from the examining trouble. They get familiar with the material they need ahead of time in hagwon before they learn it at school. Numerous math instructors in center school become disturbed while they are showing hypotheses or ideas. A few understudies dont focus on the exercise since they are under a dream that they definitely know it all. As a matter of fact, they cannot unravel even the simple and essential issues when somewhat changed. What is the speculation of the cash and time for private exercises for? Math educators state the fragmented information ruins the understudies capacity to think. In English class, there are a few familiar understudies with local elocution picked up in English talking nations. Notwithstanding, once in a while instructors are disturbed when they are tranquil and never volunteer for the class since they dont need to be casualties of skeptical prodding from their companions. The understudies high-leveled from private schooling will in general be exhausted during class. Another large issue is about the understudies who have a sort of mental infection, some of who are incredibly hostile and some who have abiosis with no enthusiasm for anything. Their mentality is typically brought about by the weight of contemplating and of too elevated standards contrasted with their capacity. Koreans all realize that financial development depends on instructing for the group of people yet to come. Korea doesnt have enough common assets, so we have to create information and aptitudes. The administration these days needs to increment self-ruling secondary schools for serious framework to develop predominant gifts. Be that as it may, guardians are not liable to diminish the private schooling. We trust the administration listens cautiously to what the residents state. For example, English educators need little classes as per understudies levels so as to accomplish the focus on English-talking class. Guardians and educators dont need age making approach, yet only one stage in the improvement of instruction strategy. Korean guardians need to recollect this reality: their interest in youngsters who dont have self-inspiration may squander their cash, their time and their vitality. Id like to encourage guardians to allow their kids to pick what they need, and to hold up until they are anxious to examine what they need. Additionally, I propose they ought to disregard their neighbors private schooling, not government funded training.
Monday, July 27, 2020
BlackBerry Company and E-business
BlackBerry Company and E-business BlackBerry Company Nov 15, 2018 in Coursework Introduction BlackBerry Company rebranded since 2003 as Research in Motion Limited is one of the Canadian based wireless and Telecommunication Companies. The company has made several equipments starting from Blackberry smart phones and tablets and it was founded by Mike Lazaridis in 1984. The company worked with several companies such as Sony Erikson in order to develop some Internet Technologies such as Email Network and two-way paging system up to 1998. Since then, the company has introduced several modern technology devices that have hit the market by not only being used by the businessmen but also by government representatices. In our business report, the current and future use of Internet Technologies of the Blackberry company will be discussed and analysed. The E-business background based on various theories and frameworks, e-marketing analysis of the company, Web-design and business to business analysis will be addressed as well. Moreover, the social networking /web 2.0 applications by the company will be discussed before providing conclusion and recommendation remarks to the company. E-business Background Electronic business is the process of doing business electronically and it is more demanding than electronic commerce. In most cases electronic business possesses broader scope of all electronically enabled businesses such as business to business, business to consumer and even business to public sector. The word was coined by the IBM CEO, Mr. Lou Gerstner who began to define and analyze the idea of network based computing. According to the World Wide Web theory, several adverts placed by the company through the web did better than those placed on catalog-based sales boards (Boone Kurtz 2012). The advert promoted new sales level and hence various companies including BlackBerry and IBM decided to develop the E-business website through the website. Other business found that the website was a good site for placing customer service information such as location of products, corporate images and vacancies. As the website expanded, Internet business developed through other companies such as Amazon and eBay.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Friday, May 8, 2020
I Am Grateful For What You Have Your Life - 1025 Words
It is so important to be grateful for what you have in your life. Be grateful for what you have right now, and you will simply be living a happier life. People that fill their lives with complaining, fill their lives with stress. We almost go through our day looking for things to complain about. Once you change that and have a positive outlook, lots of that stress will go away. Be grateful, positive, live in the now, because on a moments notice it can all be taken away. This took me a long time before I realized this for myself. The first memories that I can recall, are in the ambulance. Due to the collision and the impact to my head, I had lost my sight for the moment. I could feel my body completely strapped down, to what I soon figured out was a gurney. At the beginning not knowing I was restrained, I struggled to free myself. As I struggled pain filled my neck and shoulder. The pain was so intense that even the smallest movement of my head would shoot a sharp pain int o my neck. I was totally confused and had no idea what had happened to me. I listened as I heard paramedics talking around me. They begin strapping a brace to my neck. As they put it on pain once again filled my neck. I tried to communicate to the paramedics, but it was difficult to form my words. I know what I wanted to say, but it was near impossible to actually speak it. Moments later I passed out. I woke up again in a hospital bed. I glanced down and saw I was in a hospital gown.Show MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Blessing?1155 Words  | 5 Pagesneed bravery to be grateful, but we do indeed need to be brave, because it’s very hard to point out one’s own failure to be thankful. Gratitude softens our hearts to where they are more pliable in the hands of a loving God. Hard hearts are generally ungrateful, so asking God to make us brave enough to see where we are lacking gratitude is a worthy endeavor and surely pleases our Father in heaven. Examine your life. Are there any gratitude shortcomings? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Organizations Monetize Their Presence On Social Networking Platforms Free Essays
string(53) " generate revenue through Facebook \(Carolyn 2011\)\." Introduction The recent years has seen tremendous changes with the way people communicate and interact. These changes have been driven primarily by the development of social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Linked In among many others. These Web-based â€Å"social networks†have revolutionized the way people network, communicate and interact. We will write a custom essay sample on How Organizations Monetize Their Presence On Social Networking Platforms or any similar topic only for you Order Now Twitter reached a Facebook currently boasts of more than 750 million active users and is predicted to grow twice as large over the coming years (Conroy Narula 2010). Twitter has over 100 million active users. With the advent of technology, it is clear that the world is growing into one ‘global village’ Not only has social media had tremendous impact on the way people communicate and interact, but it has also revolutionized the business world with a vast majority of companies joining social media platforms (Argawal Mital 2009). The proliferation of these media platforms have led to the rise of new business approaches that provide opportunities to organizations to connect and interact with their customers, thereby challenging the traditional approach of marketing. Companies are making the most out of the web 2.0 opportunities with majority of them seeking to enhance customer relationships through these media platforms (ATT 2008). Others are using them for sales and marketing purposes (ATT 2008). Participating in these web-based â€Å"social networks’ has clearly become a business imperative. In this regard, this paper will explore the use of social media as a business tool. In particular, it will examine how organizations monetize their presence on social networking platforms while drawing reference to practical case studies. The paper will examine trends in social networking, applications and challenges of these powerful tools in business. This will include an analysis of the impact of social networks in business transactions. Additionally, the paper will recommend methods and approaches to building relationships with customers that could potentially increase revenues in organizations. Social networking trends and application in business People by nature are social and love to share and interact with others. The proliferation of social media platforms has radically shifted the way people interact and how business is conducted. The advent of technology has made it possible for people to easily communicate and interact across the globe. Social networking is now an important aspect of people’s lives (Gillin 2010). The business domain has not been left behind either. From pure interaction tools to business tools, social media appears to have had a tremendous impact in the business world. Gone are the days when pure-bricks business model would thrive well in the market (Bashar et al 2012). With advances in technology, businesses have learnt to use them to their benefit. Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and eBay are Prime examples of technology driven companies. Given the proliferation of social networking sites, such as Myspace, Linked In, Facebook and twitter, it has become almost impossible to design marketing strategies without taking into consideration these media platforms. Social media has gained prominence and is considered vital for today’s marketing mix. Both the small and big businesses have flocked to these media platforms. Whilst Major brands, such as Virgin and Starbucks, appear to have established their presences in these media platforms, social media adoption seems to be increasing amongst small businesses as well. According to study conducted by the University of Maryland, the rate of adoption among the small enterprises doubled from 12% in 2009 to 24% in 2010 (Rao 2010). The use of social media as a business tool is particularly evident in emerging markets of China, India and Brazil. According to a KPMG report, these countries are 20% more likely to expand their business frontiers into social media than their counterparts in UK, Germany, Australia and Canada (KPMG 2011). This can be attributed to their lower dependence on ‘legal systems’ compared to the developed economies which bind their organizations to their long-established channel strategies. How organizations can monetize their presence in social networking platforms Businesses are targeting social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, as key market surveillance areas given their large user base. This becomes the key source for the businesses to innovate in congruence with the demands for their mutual benefit (Trottier, 2013). Given the popularity of these social networking platforms in various parts of the world, companies seeking to engage the vast and increasingly affluent online audience can use it as a marketing tool. Marketers can use these social networks for customer acquisition, retention and even generating their revenue. Business units such as marketing, sales, and HR can use these powerful tools to stimulate innovation and monetize their presence. Starbucks is a good example of a company which has successfully established its online presence in social media platforms. Having amassed over 35 million Facebook likes, Starbucks is without doubt one of the largest company that has successfully established presence in social media platforms (Smith 2013). One strategy which Starbucks used to attract Facebook users was ‘through deals’. This retailer company offered to give free coffee to the first 30,000 Facebook users that checked in at UK Starbucks stores using their phones (Smith 2013). This went a long way towards increasing the number of followers and ultimately translated to greater returns. Further, Starbucks used these media platforms to communicate with its ever increasing cus tomer base about their favourite products (Smith 2013). Besides just informing their customers about their products via Facebook, Starbucks has also done well by integrating social issues that people care about into their brand. Given Starbucks success in establishing presence in social media platforms, other retailers across all sectors have similarly followed suit, from clothing sellers such as GAP who have amassed 4.6 million likes to general good retailers such as Target, and even to telecom providers and video games stores such as Verizon wireless and GameStop respectively (Smith 2013). Another company that has monetized its presence in Facebook is The New York Jets. In September 2010, the NFL team launched their ultimate Fan social game, the first application to generate revenue through Facebook (Carolyn 2011). You read "How Organizations Monetize Their Presence On Social Networking Platforms" in category "Essay examples" This application allowed Facebook users to predict game scores, root for their teams and to hold a virtual party with fans from different parts of the world. Further, the Jets engage with their fans on a regular basis via twitter. For example, towards the 2011 AFC playoff championship, the Jets advertised a contest for winning tickets to the tournament. The contest was twitter-based and winners were guaranteed free tickets to the 2011 AFC championship game against Pittsburgh Steelers (Carolyn 2011). It is clear that these companies are leveraging social media platforms to generate sales and increase their revenues. Many more businesses have also begun to exploit social networking sites as business tools, offering various deals and discounts through the sites. Whereas the opportunities created by social networking sites are many, success depends on how best to deploy creative skills to achieve the business goals. Creating traffic and brand awareness As a first step to monetizing social media presence, marketers must build their brand awareness and create traffic. Unless the brand is widely recognized such as Apple, it is necessary to develop social media magnetism (Conroy Narula 2010). Social media campaign can be done by word of mouth or advertising through TV commercials. Audience engagement The second step is building audience engagement. Unless marketers successfully engage with the audiences, they will not be able to reap great returns. For the social media campaign to be a success, marketers must effectively engage with the audience through meaningful conversation and by creating great content that raises awareness and increase sales (Carolyn 2011). Online Advertising Once a consistent traffic has been built and the audience have been engaged, then it becomes easy to monetize. The most basic form of monetizing is putting ads on social media sites and adding affiliate advertising links. Marketers can also choose to offer special promotions such as offering discounts exclusively to followers. Dell computers is a good example of a company that offers discounts to its followers. Dell tweets 15% off for any of their computers with special coupon code entered at checkout (Carolyn 2011). Social media has enabled Dell to amaze over 1.6 million followers and generate more than 2 million incremental revenues. Use of applications Companies may also use apps to monetize social media. They can charge a certain fee for the apps or give it freely in order to strengthen customer relationship. â€Å"Gucci Connect†is a quintessential example of a mobile marketing app (McKinsey 2007). The app enables users to watch live runway and to chat live with Facebook and twitter guests via their mobile devises. Setting up an online store on social media Finally, marketers need to set up a shop on Facebook. Companies can list their products and put updates on social media sites. Whereas these strategies should enable the company to monetize themselves on media platforms, most of the benefit has been branding and not actual purchases. However, for products which are inherently social in nature such as DVDs, books, and event tickets, these have translated to greater returns on investments. Challenges with the use of social media as a business tool Social media has certainly impacted on business. While many companies have found significant benefits with these social platforms, some have encountered unexpected risks and challenges along the way. There have been some challenges such as loss of sensitive information, reputational, legal and operational risks, and reduced productivity as a result of time wastage. Whereas there are many remarkable upside to using social media as a business tool, the vast reach of these media platforms also offer a vast uncharted ‘sinkhole’ of risk (Merril et al 2011). The benefits may be outweighed by reputational risks. For example, in 2009 an employee from a national pizza delivery chain was recorded in a video camera tainting a sandwich which was to be delivered to a customer (Merril et al 2011). When the video was posted on YouTube where it drew heavy reaction from millions of viewers across the world. Viewers tweeted the news and in a span of 48 hours, the chain had experienced a change in consumers’ perception from positive to negative. Such embarrassing moments can tarnish the image of the company. Other risks of particular concern include risks pertaining to intellectual property and media risks, security risk and risk pertaining to employment privacy (Stelzner 2013). Company’s security may be breached by malwares downloaded onto their website. Intellectual property risks may arise if employees post other’s information without their permission. Claims can be made against the company under such situations and contractual breach claims may result where the intellectual property belongs to an existing client (Merril et al 2011). Beyond these risks, some companies may face the challenge of integrating social media into their strategies. According to a Harvard Business review survey, 79% of the 2,100 organizations surveyed used social media platform as a business tool (Gullin 2010). The remaining 21% were in the process of launching social media initiatives. However, majority of these organizations pointed out to the challenge of integrating social media into their strategies. A vast majority of them seem to have no formalized social media strategy whereas others appear to struggle with how best to use the different channels. Methods and approaches to building relationships with customers that could potentially increase revenues in organizations A key important aspect that marketers should take into consideration is knowing how to communicate the right message with customers over media (Smith 2013). Most companies often post their updates through social media platforms which enables existing customers to interact with their favourite brand and get updates of their products. Whereas this approach enhances brand visibility and sometimes lead to new-customer acquisition, it often does not convert social media follows to direct sales and hence ends up hurting the bottom line (Smith 2013). A vast majority of online audience are eager to interact with their brands through these media platforms, but for them to engage in a financially meaningful way, marketers must know how best to reach them. Increasing traffic in the corporate page may seem somewhat beneficial, but it does not result in significant return on investment. As opposed to just focusing on increasing traffic, companies should focus on engaging more with the customers, both at the local and personal level. This would enable them to identify customer needs and tailor services and products to meeting those needs. Not only would this increase sales revenue, but it will also build and enhance customer relationship. Conclusion Business today has transformed from the previous pure brick business models to new approaches that utilize social media as business tools. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace and YouTube among many others have become an important gradient in today’s marketing mix. Customers’ buying experience has gone beyond the traditional transactional base to a contemporary conversational tone by connecting with the clients through the various socializing networks like Twitter or Facebook. In response to the changing consumer behaviors, it has become a business imperative to integrate with the social networking sites. These tools offer business with many benefits including customer acquisition, retention and generation of sales revenue. Further, business units such as marketing, sales, and HR can use these powerful tools to stimulate innovation and monetize their presence. Whereas there are many remarkable upside to using social media as a business tool, there are some unexpected risks and challenges as well. These include the loss of sensitive information, reputational, legal and operational risks, and reduced productivity as a result of time wasted. Beyond these risks, some companies may face the challenge of integrating social media into their strategies. In spite of these risks, social media platforms appear to have had tremendous impacts on the business world, given its ubiquity and remarkable ability to attract and retain new customers which ultimately translates to more returns on investment. There is however need for companies to establish a strategy and associated policies that seek to address the pertinent issues. Although these risks and challenges may seem significant, they can be easily managed with forethought and planning. References Agarwal, S., and Mital, M. (2009) â€Å"Focus on Business Practices: An Exploratory Study of Indian University Students’ Use of Social Networking Web Sites: Implications for the Workplace†, Business Communication Quarterly. ATT, (2008). The business impact of social networking. AT T Bashar, A., Ahmad, I. and Wasiq, M., (2012). Effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool: an empirical study. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services Management Research, vol. 1 (11) Boyd, D. M., Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210 – 230. Carolyn, B., (2013). How to monetize social media. Inc. Conroy, P., Narula, A. (2010). A new breed of brand advocates – Social networking redefines consumer engagement. Delloite. Curtis, A. (2011). The brief history of social media. Retrieved fromhttp://www.uncp.edu/home/acurtis/NewMedia/SocialMedia/SocialMediaHistory.html Gillin, P., (2010). The new conversation: taking social media from talk to action. Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business publishing Hutley, R., (2009). Social networking as a business tool. Cisco IBSG Inc. ISACA, (2010). Social media: business benefits and security, governance and assurance perspectives. ISACA KPMG, (2011). Going social: how businesses are making the most of social media. KPMG International Li, C. Bernoff, J. (2008) Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Boston: Harvard Business Press. McKinsey. (2007). How companies are marketing Online: A McKinsey Global Survey. McKinsey Merrill, T., Latham, K., Santalesa, R. and Navetta, D., (2011). Social media: the business benefits may be enormous, but can the risks-reputational, legal, operational-be mitigatedInformation Law Group. ACE publishers Oracle, (2012). Is social media transforming your businessOracle Corporation. Smith, B., (2013). Shortsighted social media strategy misses huge revenue opportunity. [Viewed on 27th November 2013] available from http://chainstoreage.com/article/shortsighted-social-media-strategy-misses-huge-revenue-opportunity Stelzner, M.A., (2013). Social media marketing industry report: how marketers are using social media to grow their businesses. Social Media Examiner Trottier, D. (2013) â€Å"The business of Conversations: Market Social Media and Surveillance and Visibility†, First Monday. Vol. 18, pp. 2-4. How to cite How Organizations Monetize Their Presence On Social Networking Platforms, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Literary Analysis of Maya Angelou’s poem `Africa` free essay sample
In the poem Africa, Maya Angelou describes the continent of Africa getting destroyed by the Europeans who has taken their children for slavery. She has described Africa as a black woman who has been exploited for ages for what she is. This has been rightly expressed in the lines â€Å"She does this when she writes â€Å"†¦mountains her breast two Niles her tears† (â€Å"Africa†under study). It has also been stated that â€Å"The continent of Africa is personified to create vivid images and the rhythmical patterns contribute to the changing tone from pleasant to unpleasant to contemplative.†(An essay analyzing Maya Angelous poem Africa) The poet is deeply hurt by the fact that English people came into their land by the sea and sold their men as slaves in other countries as they refused to worship the God as described by the English version. These words are expressed in the lines â€Å"churched her with Jesus bled her with guns†. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of Maya Angelou’s poem `Africa` or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page  By expressing the words that â€Å"now she is rising†, the poet is trying to say that in spite of all the wrong doings done to that country, Africa is growing stronger instead of laying down and in the process, it still remembers its losses and tragedies. (â€Å"Africa†under study) The line â€Å"now she is striding although she had lain† expresses that in the early stages she was too weak, but now â€Å"she has gained strength of her own injustices.†(â€Å"Africa†under study) Maya Angelou through the poem has tried to describe Africa as a black woman who is torn apart by her past, but still remains strong and confident while moving ahead towards the future. â€Å"Angelou encourages the audience to react sympathetically to the great and almighty continent of Africa through out this poem.†(â€Å"Africa†under study)  Works Cited 1)     â€Å"Africa†Under Study; July 28, 2005 in the website of echeat.com: 5th April, 2009 from http://www.echeat.com/essay.php?t=27420 2)     Title:  An essay analyzing Maya Angelous poem Africa using personification and rhythms; 18th February, 2004 in the website of cheathouse.com: 5th April, 2009 from http://www.cheathouse.com/essay/essay_view.php?p_essay_id=30402 Literary Analysis of Maya Angelou’s poem `Africa` free essay sample In the poem Africa, Maya Angelou describes the continent of Africa getting destroyed by the Europeans who has taken their children for slavery. She has described Africa as a black woman who has been exploited for ages for what she is. This has been rightly expressed in the lines â€Å"She does this when she writes â€Å"†¦mountains her breast two Niles her tears† (â€Å"Africa†under study). It has also been stated that â€Å"The continent of Africa is personified to create vivid images and the rhythmical patterns contribute to the changing tone from pleasant to unpleasant to contemplative.†(An essay analyzing Maya Angelous poem Africa) The poet is deeply hurt by the fact that English people came into their land by the sea and sold their men as slaves in other countries as they refused to worship the God as described by the English version. These words are expressed in the lines â€Å"churched her with Jesus bled her with guns†. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of Maya Angelou’s poem `Africa` or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By expressing the words that â€Å"now she is rising†, the poet is trying to say that in spite of all the wrong doings done to that country, Africa is growing stronger instead of laying down and in the process, it still remembers its losses and tragedies. (â€Å"Africa†under study) The line â€Å"now she is striding although she had lain† expresses that in the early stages she was too weak, but now â€Å"she has gained strength of her own injustices.†(â€Å"Africa†under study) Maya Angelou through the poem has tried to describe Africa as a black woman who is torn apart by her past, but still remains strong and confident while moving ahead towards the future. â€Å"Angelou encourages the audience to react sympathetically to the great and almighty continent of Africa through out this poem.†(â€Å"Africa†under study). 1)     â€Å"Africa†Under Study; July 28, 2005 in the website of echeat.com: 5th April, 2009 from http://www.echeat.com/essay.php?t=27420 2)     Title:  An essay analyzing Maya Angelous poem Africa using personification and rhythms; 18th February, 2004 in the website of cheathouse.com: 5th April, 2009 from http://www.cheathouse.com/essay/essay_view.php?p_essay_id=30402
Friday, March 20, 2020
Fashion and Modernity Essay Example
Fashion and Modernity Essay Example Fashion and Modernity Paper Fashion and Modernity Paper Fashion is dress in which the key feature is rapid and continual changing of styles. Wilson, E. 1985 Adorned in Dreams: Fashion and Modernity London: Virago p. 3 How to identity and obsolescence contribute to this continual change? Illustrate your argument with reference to specific examples. Fashion today is one of the predominant cultural aspects of the Modern Society. We are consistently informed about its latest changes in the quality newspapers, on TV and even in films. Yet it is becoming more of a norm and not, as most of us think, creative. Fashion nowadays is not one established trend; its the multitude of trends. This has replaced the trend which until a few decades ago was the style introduced every fashion season. Therefore, fashion includes a broad range of possibilities now than it did in the first 6 or 7 decades of the last century or any of the past centuries. Whoever wants to be stylish abides by fashion. This causes continuous change. Fashion represents distinctiveness and ephemera. The fact of the ephemera itself is fascinating. Fashion, by description, changes constantly. Since the 1980s and the growth of the global economy, there has been massive growth in the world fashion. The biggest effect of globalization is on fashion, and the changing fashion trends are proof to the fact that the effect of globalization has significantly affected the fashion trends in the whole world. Americanisation is the nucleus of the global consumer society. It has become synonymous with commodification, the rationalising and material power of modernity and Westernisation. The influence of the United States of America on the cultures of other countries of the world is far more negative than positive. Consumers are constantly being manipulated by the foreign influence, which results in the loss of ones own individuality. : For centuries societies have used dress as a form of unspoken communication to show occupation, status and personality. What we wear and how and when we wear it provides others with information of a social situation as well. Even those who reject fashion are connected to it through their refusal. They refer to the current trends in order to break away from it. This is one example of conflicting nature of fashion with its constant changes of styles. These changes indicate reaction against what went before; although they may be self-contradictory too. A Twenties flapper might wear a masculine sweater as to undermine the femininity of her bell-shaped skirt or in the 70s young women wore feminine lace blouse and unisex jeans. Sometimes this paradox appeared pointless. Ever changing, fashion produces only orthodoxy, as the sensation of the never-before-seen adapts to the moralistic principles of the society. The nineteenth-century urban bourgeois, anxious to preserve their distance from the omnipresent gaze in the strangely inquisitive anonymity of the crowd where anyone might see you, developed a discreet style of dress as a protection (E. wilson, 1985 p. 137) Fashion is a modern European occurrence, which is inseparable from capitalism in Europe. It is the progress of the bourgeois 19th century and the industrial revolution. Fashion can only flourish and become a mass event in an industrialized society with developed technology, sound aesthetic taste and uniqueness, as well as wealth. Because fashion is the opulence one must be able to pay for. Both haute couture and mass-production fashion were quick to adapt the youth cult to mainstream fashion. (E. wilson, 1985 p. 174). Although today, in a time of mass production of cheap fashion for all, fashion becomes democratic. But this idea is misleading; even though everyone can be fashionable, fashion still plays the role of social distinction. But the decisive factor is not very emphasized; it shifted from the complete shape to details in preference in fabric and manufacturing. There are also factors such as the way of speaking and personal behavior that reflect social belonging. When dress was the only sign of status these factors werent as primary. Before fashion there was a traditional costume, or simply clothing. Clothing is the more broad term. It stresses the functional roles, such as protection from cold, heat and other environmental factors. But costume did not only protect the human body, it decorated it too, which proves that the core role of fashion has always been to adorn human body. But the difference between fashion and clothing is that the clothing has a sound function. Whereas with fashion it is not enough; we need it to express ourselves to the visually obsessed society through the way we wear clothes, jewellery and body art. We need fashion because others approve it and we always change it because it becomes dull and stops to serve its purpose of being unique.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Typical Course of Study for 9th-Grade
Typical Course of Study for 9th-Grade Ninth grade is an exciting time for most teens. The beginning of the high school years marks the culmination of their primary education, and the course requirements for high school students begin their preparation to enter college or the workforce after graduation. Curriculum for 9th-grade students shifts to address higher level thinking skills and autonomous study skills. In 9th grade, language arts prepares teens for effective oral and written communication. Typical courses in science include physical science and biology, while algebra is the standard for math. Social studies usually focuses on geography, world history, or U.S. history, and electives such as art become a vital part of a students education. Language Arts A typical course of study for ninth grade language arts includes grammar, vocabulary, literature, and composition. Students will also cover topics such as public speaking, literary analysis, citing sources, and writing reports. In 9th grade, students may also study myths, drama, novels, short stories, and poetry. Math Algebra I is the math course that is typically covered in 9th grade. Some students may complete pre-algebra or geometry. Ninth grade students will cover topics such as real numbers, rational and irrational numbers, integers, variables, exponents and powers, scientific notation, lines, slopes, the Pythagorean Theorem, graphing, and using equations to solve problems. They will also gain experience in reasoning skills by working through reading, writing, and solving equations, simplifying and rewriting equations to solve problems, and using graphs to solve problems. Science There is a wide range of topics that 9th-grade students can study for science. Standard high school courses include biology, physical science, life science, earth science, and physics. Students may also take interest-led courses such as astronomy, botany, geology, marine biology, zoology, or equine science. In addition to covering standard science topics, it’s essential that students gain experience with science practices such as asking questions and forming hypotheses, designing and carrying out experiments, organizing and interpreting data, and evaluating and communicating results. This experience usually results from taking science courses with labs and learning to complete lab reports after each. Most colleges and universities expect high school students to complete two or three lab sciences.  Two of the most common science courses for ninth grade students are biology and physical science. Physical science is the study of the natural world and includes topics such as the earth’s structure, ecology, weather, climate, erosion, Newton’s laws of motion, nature, space, and astronomy. Physical science may also cover general science principals such as the scientific method and simple and complex machines. Biology is the study of living organisms. Most biology courses begin with a study of the cell, the most basic component of all living things. Students will learn about cell structure, anatomy, taxonomy, genetics, human anatomy, sexual and asexual reproduction, plants, animals, and more. Social Studies As with science, there is a wide range of topics that students can study for ninth-grade social studies. Social studies encompass history, culture, people, places, and environments. Students need to gain experience with social studies skills such as reading maps, using timelines, critical thinking, evaluating data, problem-solving, and understanding how cultures are affected by geographic location, events, and economics. Standard high school courses for 9th-grade students include American history, world history, ancient history, and geography. Students studying U.S. history will cover topics such as the exploration and settlement of America, Native Americans, the foundations of American democracy, the Declaration of Independence, the U. S. Constitution, taxation, citizenship, and types of government. They will also study wars such as the American Revolution and the Civil War. Ninth graders studying world history will learn about major world regions. They will learn about the patterns of migration and settlement in each, how the human population is distributed, how people adapt to their environment, and the effects of physical geography on cultures. They will also study wars such as World War I and World War II. Geography can easily be incorporated into all history topics. Students should learn map and globe skills using a variety of map types (physical, political, topographical, etc.). Art Most high school coursework now requires art credit. Colleges and universities vary on how many elective credits they expect, but 6-8 is average. Art is a broad topic with ample room for interest-led, elective studies. Art studies for ninth grade students can include visual arts such as drawing, photography, graphic design, or architecture. It can also consist of performance art such as drama, dance, or music. Art studies should allow students to develop skills such as watching or listening and responding to art, learning the vocabulary associated with the art topic being studied, and fostering creativity. It should also allow them to encounter topics such as art history, famous artists and works of art, and the contributions of various types of art to society and its impact on culture.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Festival and events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Festival and events - Essay Example In addition, we have also approached for additional funding from the Virgin Australia Airlines Pty Ltd that offers sponsorship based on their internal evaluations for events that deliver community benefits that align to the direction of the company (n.d). In this note, the company agreed to donate $1000 to sponsor the night trivia. Further, we were keen in controlling the costs of organizing the event by ensuring that we select a venue that is cost effective. Our choice of venue for the event is Apple cross Anglican Church where it is possible to reduce the total cost for holding the event while still making the guests to have fun. The main hall areas in the Apple cross Anglican Church can host a maximum of about 230 guests at a cost of $20 per hour after 6pm for non-profit events (Applecross Anglican Church, n.d). In addition, the venue has other additional offers such as tables and soft drinks. Further, we have approached the Sound Guys Company where we have obtained discounted sound system at a cost of $70 for the event. All these additional resources make the cost of holding the event in the venue to be within our limited budget. In order to attract a large number of guests, we have organized some prizes and gifts that will be given to the participants of night trivia. For instance, we have approached Dymocks book shop who agreed to donate different types of books in order to support the event. In addition, we have also approached Coles Supermarkets who agreed to support the night trivia by donating food hampers that will play great part in attracting more participants. Further, we were able to get some gifts such as soaps, perfumes and lotions from Elizabeth Shop that will also constitute the prizes to be given out. In order for the participants to win the gifts, the trivia will be organized in such a way that groups in a table will compete
Sunday, February 2, 2020
The importance of Hydrogen Bonding in Biology Essay
The importance of Hydrogen Bonding in Biology - Essay Example The atom that covalently links to the hydrogen is the hydrogen bond donor and the other atom represent the hydrogen bond acceptor. These atoms have lone pair of electrons and a negative partial charge that enable them form this bond with hydrogen. Orphardt explains that hydrogen carries a partial positive charge. The formation of a hydrogen bond requires that hydrogen get attracted to an atom that has a partial negative charge. Orphardt explains that hydrogen bond is a directional bond this means the strength of a hydrogen bond relies on its alignment with two electronegative atoms (Orphardt, 2003). Hydrogen Bonding in Water Hydrogen bond is important in that it determines the physical and chemical properties of polar substances for example water. Water has a simple molecular structure consisting of two hydrogen atoms and the atom of oxygen. The hydrogen atoms covalently bond with the oxygen atom. The oxygen atom contains two lone pairs of electrons. The partial positive charge prese nt on the hydrogen atom together with the partial negative charge present on the oxygen atom gives water its polar characteristic. This attractive force between the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atoms result in the formation of a hydrogen bond. The polarity of water makes it a good solvent it allows polar substances and ions to dissolve in water. The polarity in water allows high cohesive force to exist in water molecules. One water molecule can form a hydrogen bond with other four water molecules. The high cohesion between water molecules allows water to be drawn up the xylem vessels in plants Hydrogen bonds bind water molecules together constantly form and break; therefore, changing the temperature of water requires the constant addition or removal of heat. This makes water have a high specific heat capacity water and favourable in preventing temperature changes in the body. The hydrogen bonds in water are responsible for the high surface tension in water. The hydrogen bonds hold w ater molecules tightly at the surface. This allows dense substances to float in water and for insects to walk on water Hydrogen Bonding in DNA Structure The hydrogen bonds determine and stabilize the structure of macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids. The hydrogen bond is responsible for holding together the three-dimensional structures of proteins and DNA. Hydrogen bonds are responsible for formation of biological structures such as double helix DNA strand. The hydrogen bond plays a critical role in ensuring the DNA structure is stable. Hydrogen bonding in a DNA structure is the chemical interaction responsible for base pairing. Arnold states that hydrogen bond holds together the double helix structure. The base pairs in DNA and RNA strands are connected by hydrogen bonds. The DNA molecule consists of four bases cytosine, guanine, thymine, and adenine. The DNA double helix structure has two polynucleotide strands that are intertwined together. The DNA structure is very sta ble because of DNA base pairs arrangement, which allows the interaction of the bases (Arnold, 2009). Hydrogen bonding is significant in holding together the polynucleotide strands of DNA. An adenine on one-strand pairs with a thymine base on the other strand and a guanine pairs with cytosine. Arnold describes that the stability of a double helix DNA strand is due to the internal and external hydrogen bonds existing between the complementary nucleotide base pairs. Arnold
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Rameshwaram,Tamilnadu Rameswaram town in Ramanathapuram district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu is famous as Rameshwaram throughout the world.The holy island of Rameswaram called as ?Benaras of the South? is the only place worshipped by both Saivites and Vaishnavites as it is India?s most venerated and most visited Shiva shrines and is also associated with the life of Lord Rama, the hero of the epic Ramayana. It is located on an island separated from mainland India by the Pamban channel. Kashi and Rameshwaram together are one of the holiest places in India to Hindus and part of the Char Dham pilgrimages.The Rameshwaram island is spread over 61.8 square kilometers and has shape of a conch. Rameswaram is one of the 12 Jyothirlingas of India and considered one among four most sacred pilgrim centers of India namely Rameswaram in the South, Badrinath in the North, Puri in the East and Dwaraka in the West. Among these, Rameswaram is dedicated to Shiva, while the other three are dedicated to lord Vishnu.T he Ramanatha Swamy Temple is the main temple of Rameshwaram and is very beautifully constructed.It can be considered as the masterpiece of Dravidian architecture.The temple has twenty-two wells and surprisingly the taste of the water of each well is different and wells are believed to possess medicinal properties.Dr. Abdul Kalam,Ex-president of India,belongs to a small village,Dhanushkodi situated on the island.Legends says Lord Rama built a bridge Ram Setu across the sea at this place to reach Lanka to rescue godess Sita and also worshipped Lord Shiva after killing Ravana, who was the greatest worshipper of Lord Shiva and also blessed by lord shiva.According to the Puranas lord Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana installed and worshipped the Sivalinga here to avoid sins of killing Ravana,a brahmin.Sethu Karai is 22 km before the island of Rameswaram where lord Rama is believed to have built a Floating Stone Bridge Ramasethu till Rameswaram that further continued from Dha nushkodi in Rameswaram till Talaimannar in Sri Lanka.Rameswaram is an acclaimed Parihara Sthala, where it is believed all sins get absolved. Devotees take holy dips at Sethu Theertha, Agni Theertha and other sacred waters, offer pujas to get progeny, perform Shraadha for their ancestors. Places to visit- Sri Ramanathaswamy Temple- This temple is directly related to lord Rama and believed to be the must visit place for hindus if one wants to attain nirvana from the cycle of birth and death.There are seven such places in India where one would like to offer prayers for achieving salvation in life and Rameshwaram temple is one of those.The temple has the longest corridor in whole of India. This place has great significance as it is believed that Whole Ramayan was conceived in this place. Gandhamadhana Parvatham- Gandhamadhana is most renowned and worshiped in the southern India having Lord ramas feet imprinted on the chakra placed in the temple.Gandhamadhana is the deity of several communities in southern India. It is a holy place thronged by devotees from all parts of India.It has Rama tirtham constructed on the Gandamadhana Parvata hence th it is called Gandamadana.It is near Dhanushkodi,where Rama met Vibhishana and has its own historical importance. Agnitheertham- It is one of the 12 jyotirlings of India and is one of the holiest place to visit.It has a large lake whose water is considered holy and people believes that taking bath in the place washes away their sins and one attains salvation.It has 22 wells having waters of different taste. It is one visit place. Badrakaliamman Temple- It is the largest temple of Ma Kali in southern India who is the holy mother for devottes in southern India.The statue of Maa kali is of pure gold and temple has different master pieces of different ages. Annai Indira Gandhi Road Bridge- It is the longest bridge in southern India connecting Rameswaram Island to the main land.It is also called the Pambam Bridge as it is located beside Pamban, the sacred place where Rama could quench the thirst of Sita by throwing an arrow in the place where they could actually retrieve cool water.It is 7kms long. Other temples- There are numerous other temple having religious as well as historical significance. Villondi tirtham is one of those temples located on a place where lord Rama buried his bow as villondi means a buried bow.It is about 7 kms from main Rameshwar temple and is considered to be a sacred place by most of the followers.It has a spot where drinking water is available in the midst of salty sea. Dhanushkodi Temple is other main temple on the southern tip of India located near the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean on the other side. The seas are in the shape of bow and arrow when viewed from the top.Lord Rama has his pious feet even in this temple and whole story of Ramayana revolves here as well. Five faceted Hanuman temple is other famous temple.The statues of lord Rama, Laxman, Sita and Hanuman are placed in the temple.The temple has a floating stone which was believed to be used to bulid the bridge on the sea.Nambu Nayagiamman Temple is other worth visiting temple How to reach- By Air- Nearest airport is Madurai,163 km from Rameshwaram and has good road connection to it. By Train- The railway connects Rameshwaram to places like Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy and Thanjavur and 2 km long Indira Gandhi Bridge connects the island of Rameshwaram with the mainland of Mandapam. By Road- Rameshwaram is well connected by roads to all the major cities nearby, Kanyakumari, Trichy, Pondicherry, Tanjore and Chennai.Â
Friday, January 17, 2020
Barriers of Communication Essay
Reducing barriers whether be in general conversation or other mediums (e.g. emails, memos, or phone calls) is the responsibility of both the sender and receiver of the message. Techniques to improve communication and overcome barriers on the sender’s end would include being aware of barriers such as noise or distractions, be empathetic to the receiver, pay careful attention to nonverbal cues, and confirm understanding of the message they are sending (Baack, 2012). Baack (2012) also pointed out receivers must be active listeners and seek clarification of the message while also providing feedback to keep clarity in the conversation. Verbal and nonverbal cues play a huge role in communication. For example, brokers in the middle of the Wall Street stock exchange have the best nonverbal communications despite all the noise, distraction, and environmental barriers. Brokers have worked years on perfecting hand gestures to communicate with other members of their firms. This is one way to overcome such barriers. The use of evolved technologies such as email, power point, or text messages creates another barrier to overcome. The medium of message delivery can produce barriers with too many fonts, slang, emoticons, pictures, text talk, and unclear descriptions. This barrier is personal to me. I find my emails to be extremely detailed, full of industry jargon, and read as if I speak. After reading this chapter I see how my written messages confusion the receiver and cause unnecessary barriers and wasted time. I need to focus more on condensing my thoughts and making a concise clear message. Baack, D. (2012). Management communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Southern Secession and the Causes for the Civil War
The issue of Southern secession and the causes for the Civil War have been immensely debated, researched, and written on. An analysis of just a small portion of these historical and sociological works reveals that just about every approach and position on the topic has been explored. Yet still today, nearly 150 years later, historians continue to find new ways to answer this age old questionâ€â€why did the South secede? The debate continues as authors seek to make sense of the primary documentation from that era, often forming conclusions that seem to contradict one another. Why does such a debate exist when there is so much primary source material and early analysis available to us? One answer I propose is that like many diverse and complicated issues there often equally diverse and complicated agendas, interests, and apprehensions about the issue. This is certainly one of those issues. Often the American Civil War is portrayed as a conflict between two entities: the North and t he South. One very good secondary source by William W. Freehling, The Road to Disunion, Volume II: Secessionists Triumphant 1854-1861 shows us what a drastic oversimplification this idea is. Here we are shown what a diverse group of interests the â€Å"South†really were. The different sections of the South had varying degrees of investment into the institution of slavery and by extension varying degrees of interest in secession. Even within the Deep South States, there were those who wanted to avoidShow MoreRelated`` Apostles Of Disunion : Southern Secession Commissioners And The Cause Of The Civil War `` Essay1187 Words  | 5 PagesIn â€Å"Apostles of Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of the Civil War,†Charles B. Dew analyzes the public letters and speeches of white, southern commissioners in order to prove that the Civil War was fought over slavery. By analyzing the public letters and speeches of the commissioners, Dew offers a compelli ng argument proving that slavery along with the ideology of white supremacy were primary causes of the Civil War. Dew is not only the Ephraim Williams Professor of AmericanRead MoreThe Struggle Of The Civil War1492 Words  | 6 PagesTexans contend that the Civil War was not fought over slavery, citing the limited number of slave-owning households in the state. While the majority of Texans did not own slaves, it would be inaccurate to argue that they were therefore against slavery. Texas, representative of other southern states that supported slavery, had a vested interest in preserving the institution at all costs, which is why they risked their lives over it. Moreover, Texans may argue that the civil war was about states’ rightsRead MoreThe Struggle Of The American Civil War765 Words  | 4 Pages The American Civil War, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in Januar y 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, simply called the South, grew to include eleven states. Although they claimed thirteen states and additional western territories, the Confederacy was never recognized byRead MoreThe United States And The Civil War920 Words  | 4 Pages widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, often simply called the South, grew to include eleven states, and although they claimed thirteen statesRead MoreAbraham Lincoln House Divided Speech Essay1148 Words  | 5 Pagesdivided the nation in two and began a civil war that would last until May of 1865. Although the cause of the war was later twisted into looking like states’ rights, the actual cause of the Civil War was slavery. Two years before the Civil War officially began, people were already wary of the problems that slavery could cause in the nation. In his â€Å"House Divided†Speech at the Republican Convention in 1858, Abraham Lincoln warned that slavery would cause a war, saying that the two opinions on theRead MoreApostles Of Disunion Summary1102 Words  | 5 Pagesof Fletcher Pratt Prize from the Civil War Round table of New York for two of his books: Apostles of Disunion and Iron maker to the confederacy, is a native of St. Petersburg, Florida. A son of the south. His book Apostles of Disunion is a book in an attempt to analyze the question: why did the southern states went to secession? In his book, Dew explains why he is writing it and tries to answer (which I believe he does successfully) the question of was the secession due to state right or was the endRead MoreThe American Civil War: Interpretations of Democracy Essay1415 Words  | 6 Pages One of the most convoluted themes i n history is that of the meaning of war. The American Civil War specifically offers many differing explanations as to the true cause for which over 600,000 men dedicated and lost their lives. The Civil War was particularly so, in that there was no universal acceptance of the objectives or causes of the war from either side. Leaders from the Union and the Confederacy delineated distinctly different reasons for fighting, magnifying the hostility between the two regionsRead MoreReview of Charles B. Dew, Apostles of Disunion (2001)702 Words  | 3 Pages11/22/10 Review of Charles B. Dew, Apostles of Disunion (2001) Charles B. Dews Apostles of Disunion delves into the controversial topic of the causes of the Civil War and the secession of the states that eventually became the Confederate States of America. There are many accounts that point to defending states rights as the primary cause of the Civil War. However, most people believe that slavery was the main and primary concern the deep South cited for seceding from the Union to form their ownRead MoreJames M. Mcpherson : An American Civil War Essay1397 Words  | 6 PagesJames M. McPherson: James McPherson was born on October 11th 1936, he is an American Civil War historian. He received the 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Battle Cry of Freedom, his most famous book. McPherson was the president of the American Historical Association in 2003, and is a member of the editorial board of Encyclopedia Britannica. In his early career McPherson wanted to leave a legacy as being known for the historian who focusses on more than one point. Through skillful narrative in a broad-rangingRead MoreThe Main Cause Of The American Civil War1047 Words  | 5 Pagesone main cause of the American Civil war must be resolved, and while there are many ideas, history reveals that there was only one. There are many arguable motives to the start of the Civil War, but there are four main concepts. These four concepts were slavery, taxation, the election of Abraham Lincoln and lastly, struggling with power between the Northern and Southern states. To start with, the end of slavery is undoubtedly one of the most popular arguments to the creation of the Civil War. While
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
American Popular Culture Sexual Abuse - 1180 Words
American Popular Culture There’s a common saying that â€Å"sex sells†, which turns out to be true according to pop culture. However, it’s not just a sexual appeal that is shown, it’s also a fantasy of sexual abuse. â€Å"Sex in advertising is the use of sexually provocative or erotic imagery that is designed to arouse a certain group of people†(Suggett). Advertisers are manipulating the human desires to make their products sell. It’s products that sell, are products that can capture anyone’s attention. One of the most helpful approaches is sex of course, which can capture anyone’s attention. The downside of using sexual imagery in advertisements is that it is generally going to come across sexism. In American popular culture, advertisers continue to grab our attention to their brand through sexual abuse; making it seem like a normality in our society. Advertisers use whatever they are able to, to make â€Å"sex sell†i n our culture just from a certain look or text. In this Burger King advertisement, the sexual tension has become clear. Females are perceived a certain way in our society to fit a man’s needs in order to become an attraction for brands. It’s been brought up to the surface just by adding the black background, making the woman’s face an extreme focal point. The woman only has the bottom half of her face presented in the ad, drawing attention to her mouth. She fits the description for how men want to see their women in their sexual fantasies. We are able to tell that justShow MoreRelatedThe Society We Currently Live In Is Infused With Aspects1451 Words  | 6 Pagescrime and last but not least, domestic abuse/ Intimate partner abuse. Though there are many important social problems that influence society, I will focus on the aspect of domestic abuse and intimate partner abuse. 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Rape culture is seen in every aspect of daily American life, even if peopleRead MoreComputer Games And Its Effect On The Achievement Of Solving Mathematics1317 Words  | 6 Pagesactivities that includes with strangers online (Jackson et al., 2004). At times internet use for the communication purpose depends upon the culture of the people as most of the African American culture includes the â€Å"oral culture†(Hale, 1982). As it is one the reason why it needs to be proved that mostly they prefer one to one communication than the people from other cultures. However Children’s socio demographic features were also can be responsible for the vivid nature of internet use by children as theRead MoreBlack Women Stereotypes763 Words  | 4 PagesThe stereotypical misrepresentations of African-American women and men in popular culture have influenced societal views of Blacks for centuries. The typical stereotypes about Black women range from the smiling, asexual and often obese Mammy to the promiscuous Jezebel who lures men with her sexual charms. However, the loud, smart mouthed, neck-rolling Black welfare mother is the popular image on reality television. The typical stereotype about Black men is the violent, misogynistic thug, and theRead MoreNegative Effects Of Dancehall Music1224 Words  | 5 Pagesintrinsic to all cultures. In Jamaica, the popular genre of music are Reggae and Dancehall. Re ggae is a genre of music that has its roots in many other musical styles. It incorporates influences from Jamaican music as well as American Rhythm and Blues, which was broadcasted from high powered stations. Dancehall music advanced in the 1970s and was a sparser version of Reggae than roots style. According to Freddy Yonckoy, dancehall music is a vital element of the Jamaican society and its a culture that impactsRead MorePrecious Based on the Novel Push by Saphire Analysis1368 Words  | 6 PagesAfrican Americans nationwide said the movie made their African American ghettos into a sexually incest ridden, classless society and didn’t properly show any of the positive attributes that come from the African American ghettos. In our course of Intra cultural communication we have studied through different topics, ones that I think are shown in the movie are culture, race, class, and sexuality. I am going to analyze the film â€Å"Precious†by looking into those four a reas of the African American cultureRead MoreBlack Women And Native American Women984 Words  | 4 PagesBlack women and Native American women have been oppressed for many years throughout history. They were enslaved and were essentially objectified by white men. 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Using internet search terms including sexual add iction, sexual dependency, and hypersexuality, information was gathered on historical and current viewpoints on the causes of such behavior to determine whether overactive sexual activity shouldRead MoreBlack Women As Sexual Objects1662 Words  | 7 Pagesoften the Black woman is wrongfully represented and sexualized in the media. This view of black women as sexual objects we see in the media today has its roots in the common practice of rape during slavery by white male owners of their black female slaves. Many Black novelists attempt to complicate this idea of Black women as sexual objects through literature. The idea of Black women as sexual objects has been internalized by Black women themselves and has affected their way to have healthy romantic
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