Monday, December 23, 2019
Having Dreams Of Being On The Moon By John F. Kennedy
Having dreams of being on the moon, President John F. Kennedy approaches the podium on September 12th, 1962 at Rice University in Houston Texas to inspire others to have unimaginable dreams of their own. Kennedy produces a dramatically moving speech to create brilliance across America and for all of America, through his own dreams in the context of â€Å"The decision to go to the moon.†Around this time was the height of the cold war and just the start of the space race, with that said, he starts his speech of with I am delighted to be here, and I m particularly delighted to be here on this occasion (Kennedy, John). With all of the urge and competition of racing to the moon, on that exact day, Kennedy declared the he would go to the moon before the decade ran out. I think this has speech has a lot of astounding examples of rhetoric and motivation through persuasion. In this paper I will give an analysis of John F. Kennedy’s speech and the numerous rhetorical tools he u ses to enthuse his audience at Rice University. After reading through this specific speech an abundance of times, I have found that it can be broken down into many parts, which each play a significant role in his overall message of if you have the opportunity to do something then take advantage because you may never come across something like that again. After he recognizes the time of his appearance he continues to express how grateful he is to have this opportunity and express to his audience that, we meet at aShow MoreRelatedPresident John F. Kennedy1608 Words  | 7 Pagesthey liked and enjoyed where they lead this country. One of those few presidents was President John F. Kennedy. Elected in 1960 as the 35th president of the United States, Kennedy became the youngest and first Roman Catholic president. He won the hearts of many Americans with his youthfulness and charming good looks. 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Kennedy took his innovative and thoughtful ideas and brought them to life. Born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, the Kennedys were a wealthy Irish-American family that was very involved with the politics of Massachusetts. Raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, Kennedy was the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, an American ambassador to Britain duringRead MoreThe World Of The Soviet Union1699 Words  | 7 Pageshave be if the United States never landed on the moon, but instead the Soviet Union was successful at sending cosmonauts to the moon and were the first humans to ever step foot on a celestial body? This is what I wanted to explore in my research, this is all subjective we cannot go back in time to see what the outcome would have been if it never happened the way it did. The idea has been talked about even with the sceptics who think the whole moon landing in 1969 was a hoax to give the United StatesRead MoreThe Assassination Of John F. Kennedy1620 Words  | 7 Pages Ever since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, there has been controversy over whether the true gunman was held accountable. The United States Government claimed that it was an easy, open and closed case. They found Lee Harvey Oswald, close to ground zero, with a freshly fired riffle, immediately after JFK was shot. Contrary to the governments report, skeptics argue a vast scope of conspiracies to shed light on what they believe happened that day; ideas ranging from magic bullets, multipleRead MoreThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy1632 Words  | 7 PagesMorgan Oates Professor Holland United States History II 3 March 2015 The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy, formally known as JFK, was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He successfully attended Choate Boarding School and his Alma Mater was Harvard University, After completing his education he decided he wanted to help society somehow. As a result of that, he enlisted in the United States Army the night before World War two began. After his Navy daysRead More Appolo 11 Essay example1923 Words  | 8 Pages When you were a kid did you dream of being an astronaut? Did you what to go to the moon? Like many people this dream was a goal in this research paper I will prove that this dream became a reality to be the best at ones goals and see them through. President Kennedy showed us all he was a hero by getting America to support the American space program, and get three heroes on the moon. On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite and caught America and the whole worldRead MoreThe United States Apollo 11 Moon Landing1870 Words  | 8 Pages Section A : Plan of Investigation This investigation assesses to what extent the United States’ Apollo 11 moon landing, ensure their victory over the Soviet Union in the Space Race. This investigation will follow the situation that the United States were behind the Soviet Union in the Space Race, hoping to achieve the unachievable by being the first ever to land on the Moon. Because the Soviet Union were the first to launch a satellite into orbit (Sputnik 1), and becoming the first country toRead MoreJohn F Kennedy And The President Of The United States2011 Words  | 9 Pagesone of her greatest icons that she had. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States was killed with just under three years in office. Although this man was killed with just over half of his term in office accomplished many things that Americans now consider him to be the most influential person to have held the office of president of the united states, as well as an instigator of significant social change . John F Kennedy was a President that fought for civil rights forRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography on the Progression on Changes During the 1960s3103 Words  | 13 Pageswoman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean were some of the few woman who made history for woman accomplishments; inspiring many future woman to make history also. †¢ By the 1960s, both genders were receiving the same education in schools and were being encouraged to pursue successful futures. 2. Clark, N. (2006, November 18). Gagarin goes into orbit.. Student Research Center. Retrieved January 10, 2014, from
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Pop Culture Essay Free Essays
Movie Genres There are many movie genres out today than there were before in earlier years. Movie genres are basically different types of movies, such as: horror, suspense, mystery, drama ,romance, etc. Today it seems that most peoples favorite movie genre is horrow or action. We will write a custom essay sample on Pop Culture Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Action movies have a lot of different stuff in them that is pleasing to the eye. Action movies are typically loud and have a lot of fighting, racing, and adventurous things in the film. Horror movies on the other hand have a lot of scary things in the movies. Their big thing is that the more blood they have the better it is to the audience watching. Even though horror and action may be the top picks of the rest of the country, I have my own genre of movies that I particularly like the best. My favorite genre of movies is romance. In a romance based movie, it is filled with love and a lot of laughter throughout the whole movie. While most romance movies start off bad and end up with a happy ending, some start out good and end good as well. Most romance movies today start out being bad and then it ends up in the happy ending that you suspect from the title of the movie. Romance movies go through every movie genre there is. There is suspense and sometimes a little horror as well. Sometimes, and most of the time, they contain a lot of drama. The best romance movies are the ones full of drama that is fun to watch. Every woman around the world enjoys a good romance movie. Many women around the world love romance movies, including myself. Simply because they meet the cravings that every woman has sometime throughout their lives. Each and every romance movie touches a woman in some way or another. Every girl dreams of having that guy from a love story. They want them to be loving and caring and when we watch these movies we imagine ourselves being the girl in the movie. Some movies, even make a girl feel better after a breakup. However, some of the real love stories can make it worse than ever before. Also, romance movies will make you cry if it is one of those that are filled with sad moments throughout the whole movie. As a girl, sometimes we feel the need to cry, whether it is stress or PMS. The romance movies are a good way to bring out the inner emotions and in the end, make you feel a whole lot better. Drama is another movie genre that gets included into romance movies. Drama can be funny and it can also bring out deeper thoughts and emotions. Everyone and especially women, have a fair share of their love for drama. Women like to gossip and chick flick, love stories are filled with it. Gossiping is a way to let things out and to give out information that can be bad or good. It just depends on who is saying it or what is said. The good thing is, the drama in the romance stories are usually not true. Even though we all get a good laugh at the stupid ones in the movie. In conclusion, romance genre movies are a favorite. They can make you happy or sad or bring out different emotions. Romance movies are twisted with drama along with romance to bring out laughter or anger in the audience. Everyone will have their own personal reaction to every single romance movie that comes out. Therefore, in my opinion, romance genre movies are the best because they contain many qualities that other genres do. Meaning that they satisfy almost every â€Å"craving†that a person has for a good movie. How to cite Pop Culture Essay, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Occupational Health and Safety Hypothetical Structure
Question: Discuss about the Occupational Health and Safety forHypothetical Structure. Answer: Introduction MacDonald in his journal article, The impact of job demands and workload on stress and fatigue, referred to the hypothetical structure of workload. It is such a concept that has its wide application in the human factor or rather in the HF psychology. The concept of workload is often equated with the concept of job demand. Scholars and critics have often equated occupational health and safety related issues with job demand, as it is not only related to workload but at the same time, it is related to stress management at the same time. Summary of the first article: In the article Workload, control, and social support effects on serum lipids: A longitudinal study among apparently healthy employed adults, published by Shirom et al. (2009), the author has pointed out the effectiveness of high density lipoprotein cholesterol and the low density lipoprotein cholesterol for both the male and female employees. In order to survive in an organization, employees need to keep their health safe. As per the JUC-S model, the employees need to have some important physiological mechanism in order to provide an effective service at the workplace. In order to provide good service within the organization, employees should be concerned about their health. Summary of the second article: The second article, The impact of job demands and workload on stress and fatigue, published by MacDonald (2003), the author has stated that the overarching term workload is a hypothetical concept dealing with the human factors psychology. The two underlying term job demand and workload are inseparably related to each other. The author in this article has pointed out that human factor psychology can be demonstrated as one of the most effective determinants of fatigue levels of employees. If the workload inside an organization cannot be reduced, the employees would never show their interest to perform well. Therefore, the sufficient demand for the job would be created only when the employees would enjoy the rhythm of work at the workplace. Summary of an article of university electronic library: The article Mediator and Moderator effects of demands on self-control in the relationship between workload and indicators of job strain by Diestel and Schmidt (2009), mentioned that high work pressure is the only reason of excessive job strain. The author has highlighted that job strains hamper the entire rhythm of business. Organizational environment is one of the most effective reasons for rendering job strains on the mind of the employees. The managers with the help of autocratic leadership style like to impose their decision on the employees. As a result, employees feel uncomfortable to become accustomed with the managers following action regulation theory at the workplace. Summary of fourth article: Occupational stress and hypertension published by Rosenthal and Alter (2012) has focused to highlight on the negative impacts occupational stress and hypertension inside the organization. Employees would never be able to perform well taking extreme pressure and tension at the time of executing services. The managers have to form their strategies and policies in such a way that employees do not hesitate to share any kind of problem regarding the job profile. Summary of fifth article: The article, Preventing occupational stress in healthcare workers by Ruotsalainen, Verbeek, Marin and Serra (2015) is reflecting that occupational stress has become much prominent in health care context. The prevention of occupational stress underlies in the complete checking of the progress report, which is documented by reviewing different segments. Various Psychological Impacts and Effects of Workloads and Job Demand In the journal, Workload, control, and social support effects on serum lipids: A longitudinal study among apparently healthy employed adults, conducted has proved that serum lipid are not only affected by the workloads and job demands. The research bring forward several other factors like heredity, genetic problems and even problems like smoking that could affect the serum lipids that are there in the human body. The research further proves that the work-based support that is being received by a specific individual does not affect the serum lipid level, although at times the home based support could affect the serum lipid level. (Figure 1: The Perceived Workload within the T1 Time (Source: Ruotsalainen et al. 2015) The particular research although has been conducted with the help of the Job-Demand Control (-Support) or with the help of the JDC-S model, which proved that the workload or the job demand does affect the serum level. There is although, another model that has been used by various researchers to conduct the research based on the relationship between workload and the affect it has on the physiological and the psychological health of the human beings. The second model that is being used by other researchers to conduct the research is the JD-R or the Job Demand-Resource model. The researchers who have used this particular research model has given importance to two kinds of tradition; between these two kinds of tradition one is the motivational research and the other is the stress research tradition (Velnampy and Aravinthan 2013). According to this particular, model the job demands that are there in the organization leads to problems like health impairment. It can be said that this research proved that the job demands lead to health impairment and on the other hand, there are things like job resources act as a motivator for the individual. (Figure 2: The Job Demand-Resource Model (Source: Liu et al. 2012) The extend and awareness of occupational stress among various stakeholders The definition of stress s subjective nature, and although the phenomenon is quite new, it is present everywhere and especially in the work places. In simple words stress could be define as a response towards a demand. According to many critics and authors, the concept of stress is very natural and normal part of a life and thus it has its occurrence whenever there is any kind of major changes. Globalization, too, is responsible for the occupational stress that is being experienced by the workers of a particular organization (Yong et al. 2013). The reason behind this is that the demand level is increasing at both the global as well as the local level. Therefore, many times the workers could not cope up with this demand and thus it gives rise to problems like work related stress. The workers or the employees working in the organization should be aware of the occupational stress because the occupational stress not only has a negative effect on the workers but at the same time, it has a negative effect on the companies as well. Work related stress not only creates physiological or psychological health problems among the workers but at the same time, this kind of stress affects the cognition and the behavior of the workers. The companies too can get affected by this kind of stress because, this kind of stress could create physiological problems, which could lead to problems like increase absenteeism in the company. The increase absenteeism, would affect the performance of the company, and it too may affect the productivity of the company. Discussion on the Control and Management Strategies of occupational stress Liu et al. (2012) stated that organizations should reduce the occupational stress on the employees in order to get the best endeavor from them. Incorporating basic stress reduction action is one of the major management strategies for reducing the occupational stress. Basic stress reduction action ensures that employees need to get a free work environment. Managers should never impose their own decision on the employees during the performance. Managers should provide priority and response to the service procedure of employees as well. As a result, employees would be motivated to perform well inside the organization instead of considering work as a stress. Implementing participative leadership at the workplace is one of the major ways to reduce occupational stress at the workplace. With the help of participative leadership, the employees get immense opportunities to share their opinion regarding the business goal. Therefore, the leaders as well before taking any kind of decision at the workplace should make a collective decision. As a result, the employees feel free to provide effective services. The co-operation from the managers helps the employees to feel independent at the time of their performance. Therefore, work environment has been considered as one of the major factors for controlling and reducing occupational stress at the workplace. Conclusion The entire study has provided an in-depth understanding regarding the effectiveness of occupational health at the workplace. Employees are able to maintain healthy environment within workplace only when managers would like to provide them liberty in their own performance. Therefore, this particular study has focused to highlight some of the major articles regarding the importance of avoiding occupational stress at the workplace. In addition, different kinds of management strategies have also been pointed out in this specific study in order to know the ways of controlling occupational stress. Reference List: Diestel, S. and Schmidt, K.H., 2009. Mediator and moderator effects of demands on self-control in the relationship between work load and indicators of job strain.Work Stress,23(1), pp.60-79. Liu, L., Chang, Y., Fu, J., Wang, J. and Wang, L., 2012. The mediating role of psychological capital on the association between occupational stress and depressive symptoms among Chinese physicians: a cross-sectional study.BMC Public Health,12(1), p.1. MacDonald, W., 2003. The impact of job demands and workload on stress and fatigue.Australian Psychologist,38(2), pp.102-117. Rosenthal, T. and Alter, A., 2012. Occupational stress and hypertension.Journal of the American Society of Hypertension,6(1), pp.2-22. Ruotsalainen, J.H., Verbeek, J.H., Marin, A. and Serra, C., 2015. Preventing occupational stress in healthcare workers.The Cochrane Library. Shirom, A., Melamed, S., Rogowski, O., Shapira, I. and Berliner, S., 2009. Workload, control, and social support effects on serum lipids: A longitudinal study among apparently healthy employed adults.Journal of occupational health psychology,14(4), p.349. Velnampy, T. and Aravinthan, S.A., 2013. Occupational Stress and Organizational Commitment in Private Banks: A Sri Lankan Experience. Yong, M., Nasterlack, M., Pluto, R.P., Lang, S. and Oberlinner, C., 2013. Occupational stress perception and its potential impact on work ability.Work,46(3), pp.347-354.
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