Thursday, October 31, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 35
Economics - Essay Example Neoclassical synthesis was a post-war economic concept which combined the Keynesian macroeconomics and microeconomics of the neoclassical school of thought (Mankiw, 2006). Paul Samuelson personified and popularized the neoclassical synthesis by trying to make a solid mathematical foundation of economics. This has led to the current domination of neoclassical synthesis in mainstream economics. The mainstream economics combines the supply and demand models of markets with Keynesian theory (Mankiw, 2006). It provides that costs and opportunities play an important part in shaping the decision making process of economic agents. For example, the consumer theory of demand is a model of mainstream economics which determines how prices (costs) affect quantity demanded of a particular product. In this case, decision makers (e.g. consumers) will choose products with lower costs or prices; hence affecting quantity demanded. One of the theoretical assumptions of neoclassical microeconomics is the allocation of scarce resources among unlimited wants. It is assumed that people develop rational preferences of identifiable outcomes that can be valued. Consumers/households maximize utility while firms maximize profits. Provided that they get access to sufficient information, individuals make independent decisions and act independently. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply are the main theoretical foundations of Keynesian macroeconomics (Mankiw, 2006). The IS-LM model is the basic theory of aggregate demand. When these two classes of theoretical foundations (neoclassical microeconomics and Keynesian macroeconomics) are combined, they result in short-run economic fluctuations which form the basis of mainstream economics. The new neoclassical synthesis borrows the general equilibrium theory from the new classical models. The microeconomic foundations of preferences and constraints also form the basis of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nursing Professional Collaboration - Developing Professional Identity Essay
Nursing Professional Collaboration - Developing Professional Identity - Essay Example This angel is no other than the nurse, who takes care of her patient as if it were her own. Nursing is a profession aims to provide medical assistance to individuals, families, community in their times of distress and illness. When I was a kid I thought of every wild profession to choose when I grow up. But as I grew up a lot of changes occurred and I had a severe accident and was hospitalized. At first it seemed that all was lost and I might never recover. The doctors would chat merrily with me to keep my hopes up but somehow I would not trust them. My nurse whom I came to realize during my stay at the hospital was a human but worked like a machine all day long. She would attend to several patients of every illness thinkable but would keep a happy face and seeing her work furiously around gave me strength and I decided to be like her and help people in their time of greatest need. Hospitals face a great shortage of nurses and this makes nurses to work long shifts. But I was not frig htened by the long shifts in fact it strengthened my decision and I studied to become a professional nurse in the future. â€Å"Ontario Nurses Association predicts a nationwide loss if 15000 nurses in the nest several years due to changes in system (Hiscott, 1998).†Although living in the US I read about the profession in other parts of the world too. Having completed my basic education and now as a student nurse I thought about the doctors who pass us instructions. Doctor’s instructions guide us how to manage a patient’s medicines. â€Å"Like many evolutional careers, outdated or previous trends persist in nurses (Jones & Bartlett, 2009).†Considering my decision to enter the medical services field, I considered becoming a doctor. My search in the both revealed that a doctor might be earning more than a nurse but his knowledge is limited. I say limited in a sense that a doctor has no concern about the patients that are not related to him. Doctors are spe cialized in their desired fields. A heart surgeon would not deal any patient that is not a heart patient. Similarly an orthopedic has no concern with a dental patient. A nurse on the other hand would deal all these patients with the restriction of knowledge. Because doctors cannot attend to a patient whose category is out of their knowledge. My intention to become a nurse strengthened. I read about the work and duties of a doctor. Media nowadays has made people more aware. I consulted all the knowledge I could obtain to choose my career as a nurse. Even though the relationship between a doctor and a patient seems transparent but it is not. â€Å"We physicians don’t tell everything to patients (Pauline W. Chen, 2012).†My desire to be a helpful human being was marred by reading this. I felt the passion in me would soon burn out if I kept secrets from my patients. The patients who would rely on me to help them escape their agony should know the truth. I talked about my d ecision with my family to enter the medical career and like everyone’s reaction, I was asked to become a doctor. But after a battle of arguments my family too acknowledged that a nurse is more helpful to the society than a doctor. My seniors who are professional nurses taught us a lot about how to deal with patients and nurses are a messiah to these patients in distress. A nurse needs to have a strong heart as we have to deal with all the dirty work. When a person comes to the hospital on a stretcher unconscious and bleeding to death nurses
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Indias Agricultural Sector: An Analysis
Indias Agricultural Sector: An Analysis Agriculture Sector Submitted by  Introduction to Agriculture sector Agriculture sector from an Indian Economic perspective constitute majorly the following four such as: Food-crops and oilseeds, Fiber, plantation crops, fruits and vegetables. As per the 2013 RBI statistics Indian agriculture sector contributed 11.36% of real GDP. This sector is also the highest employer in the country employing approximately 60% of the population. In H1 2013-2014 Agriculture sector of India recorded growth rate of 3.4% [1] and this is higher by a margin of 0.8% during H1 2012-13. The primary reasoning was attributed to a good and a normal monsoon during the year. This spike in the growth of the agricultural sector contributed to a better growth rate for the GDP of 4.6 considering it was a sluggish period for all other sectors including services and manufacturing. Eventhough being one of the oldest sector, Agricultural sector is still contributing phenomenally to the GDP growth of the country. So, in this report an attempt is made to analyse salient aspects of the Agriculture sector from economic perspective, government policy perspective and other items that constitute the growth of the sector. Also, the report studies the major issues that’s being faced by the facing and potential way to resolve them is being brought out. Key factors affecting the performance of Agriculture sector: Climatic factors: Monsoons, soil degradation, water availability, floods and droughts. Policy factors: Government policies related to credit availability, support prices, crop specific programmes, ensuring availability of markets for the produce. Market factors: Pricing, integration with downstream consumers, transparency. Macro-economic factors: Supply and demand, change in consumption patterns. Technology factors: Availability of farming technology, awareness of the available technology among the farmers, incentives to adopt modern technology, educating farmers about the benefits of using technology. Global factors: Export and import policies, trade restrictions. Section IV Agriclutural Policies, Ramesh V V Issues faced by Indian Agriculture sector Unequal growth of Agriculture sector at different areas of India Dependence on seasonal rainfall :The performance of the sector is highly dependent on the seasonal rainfall India receives during the monsoon season. Decrease in land availability due to population growth and industrial sector growth Non availability of farm labourers Low level of mechanisation of the sector yielding lower productivity Unavailability of logistics affecting the returns from the sector Traditional cultivation methods: Restrained access to finance: Lack of facilities for storage of the food grains: Fragmentation of land Low quality seeds: Using better quality seeds can improve the yield by 40%, adoption of Bt seeds can also increase the yield, however higher cost of seeds and activism are hindrances to adopt Bt seeds widely. Unbalanced fertilizer utilization: It is one of the main reason for the stagnation of the yield, depletion of soil fertility and pollution of water bodies. Lacklustre government policies on fertilizer subsidies are one of the reasons for unbalanced use of Nitrogen based fertilizers Cropping Patterns: Sub-optimal crop pattern leads to low rates of profits. Geographical conditions vary and accordingly suitable crop patterns should be adopted, however farmers follow traditional practices which leads to lower profits. Policies and Schemes towards Agriculture: The Department of Agriculture Cooperation, Government of India, has been implementing various schemes and programmes for the benefit of farmers through State Governments. The Guidelines and other details of various programmes and schemes have been made available in their departmental scheme guidelines. Relevant details on the type and extent of benefits for different components promoted under various schemes are mentioned here. For simple understanding of subsidies and eligibility criteria of the same a handbook has also been constructed by the department. It has been prepared by categorizing various activities in 11 different themes such as, Soil Health, Soil Conservation Fertilizers, Seeds, Irrigation, Training Extension for Farmers, Mechanization Technology, Agricultural Credit, Agricultural Insurance, Plant Protection, Horticulture, Agricultural Marketing and Integrated Farming. Besides this, broad suggestions on practical aspects of each of these themes have also been includ ed. Schemes such as Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (subject to qualifying criteria for the States), National e-Governance Plan-Agriculture, National Mission on Agricultural Extension Technology Etc have nation-wide coverage.A few other schemes such as National Food Security Mission, Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP), Cotton Technology Mission, Jute and Mesta Technology and Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI) have Crop/ Area / District wise applicability. The expert committee has come up an estimate of around 11172 crores in the next ten years for infrastructure development for agriculture marketing as of 2008 and has come up with some reforms in the Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee Act, (APMC)act, details from NABARD website Subsidies are helpful to farmers in India as nearly 11% of farmers have land but not have sufficient funding to irrigate the land. Three main types of financing are required for agriculture sector. i.e., Short term, Medium term Long term finance. Subsidies in an agriculturally oriented developing economy like India helps increase the productivity of the farmers. Institutionalized credit provisioning: Credit raised by farmers from Non-institutional lenders, from 95% in 1951 to 40% in 2002, India has come a long way in providing sustainable credit access to the farmers. Non-institutional lenders levy a high rate of interest and historically have manipulated the farmers, which led to poverty and its side effects like illiteracy. Analysis on the Agricultural Sector Demand vs Supply: The agricultural sector in India is doing pretty good job to meet the domestic demand and also exporting food grains in certain categories. The total demand for Y2010 was 228Mt and the total supply was 270Mt. Not only in 2010, if you see the trend for the past 5 years before 2010, the supply more than demand. This clearly tells us India is a food surplus country and there is no real pressure on the demand-supply process. The supply is mainly increasing because of better and modern farming technique and high productivity per hectare. Storage facilities have improved over the last 2 decades and at affordable prices are helping the farmers to preserve the crop thru the year. There is still a lot of scope for improvement for our agro output storage facilities. Our storage facilities are not on par with other developed countries and our farmers end up with a lot of spoiled food grains. Table: Agro Production –Demand in INDIA between 2005 and 2011 (All Figures in Metric Tons) Source: Focus on Agriculture- Union Budget 2014. Government has proposed a technology driven green revolution and in this specifically protein revolution had more focus this year. Below par expectation of monsoon and its obvious impact on Agriculture was certainly considered this year. Keeping this in mind Government has proposed aRs.1,000 crore outlay for a new scheme named, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, which will address sufficient irrigation facilities and mitigate some risk. To address the problem of price volatility, fund called Price Stabilization fund amounting to 500 crores was allocated. Agriculture credit target was set to 8lakh crores. Interest subvention for timely repayment of loans at 3% subvention has also been included against the current 7% rate. Rural infrastructure fund of 25000 crores was also institutionalized. Soil health is one major factor which is linked to productivity. In this regard, 100 crore project scheme was included which delivers every farmer a soil health card. In this mission, an additional 56 crores towards mobile soil testing laboratories was proposed. Agriculture research institutions to come up in Assam and Jharkand with an initial investment of 100 crores and an additional allocation of 200 crores for Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan and telangana and Haryana for Agriculture and horticulture institutions respectively was also proposed. Kisan TV, a dedicated channelon various aspects of agriculture. Bhoomi Heen Kisan scheme, institutionalized through NABARD for landless farmers towards guarantee for finance was proposed. Funds will cater to around 5 lac farming groups who will practice joint farming. Warehouse infrastructure fund of 5000 crores was allocated to address wastage loss in supply chain. Existing APMC, will be re-oriented in close association with state governments which in potential must take care of markets and introduce reforms for farmers. One thing that was criticized was the denial of a policy of minimum price Scheme, MPS which figured in the previous government’s budget. Impact of Fiscal Policies on Agricultural Sector Most Gov.’s that came to power in India have implemented pro-agricultural policies and have given a lot of sops and benefits to this sector. Though the outlook might seem healthy, the short term inconsistent policies have made the agricultural sector unproductive and unsustainable. If the situation continues like this, experts believe that Indian would become a net food gain importer in the next 20-30 years of time. Subsidy Input subsidies are a major part of the policy in Agricultural sector in India. The major subsidies are subsidies on electricity used in farming subsidy in fertilizer prices subsidy in seed purchase Indian agricultural sector is more dependent on input subsidies than any other major emerging countries. The recent Gov. order passed by the Chief Min of the newly farmed Andhra state to waive off all the agro loans taken by its farmers is an example of this Input subsidy and illustrates how heavily this is impacting the Agro sector. The subsidy on fertilisers has been increased to 67% in 2010 from 41% in 2004. This steep subsidy was possible because Gov. kept the nominal fertilizer prices unchanged in spite of high inflation and allowed real subsidized fertilizer prices to fall. The total Gov, input subsidy stood at 9.6% of the total Agro sector output. Among all the subsidies fertilzer subsidy amounts to 11 Billion dollars out of the total 60 Billion subsidy provided by GOI. This also plays a key role in the increase in non plan expenditure and which in turn increases the fisical deficit. The input subsidies have also produced some unintended side effects like over utilization of land, soil degradation, nutrient imbalance of soil and reduction in ground water level. Minimum Support Price The Govt had setup the Commission of Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) to define the minimum support price for almost all the major crops. The intention is to help the farmers but it interferes with the demand and supply. Tax Subsidies Indirect taxes for farm output is almost nil. Inflation The GOI expansionary policies and fiscical stimulus in 2009-10 has resulted in increase in inflation. This has resulted in the increase in cost of the farm labour and non subsidized farm equipment procurement. This has put pressure on the margins of the farmers. Restriction on Exports/Imports Whenver the supply was lower than demand for a particular crop happens i.e in supply shock scenario Govt generally tends to look to restricy exports. This has been an usual pattern with recent incident when the prices of onion and sugar increased as a result of lower production and the got wa quick to restrict the exports of these commodities Impact of Monetary Policies on Agricultural Sector Agricultural loans are available for various farming related activities. Farmers may apply for loans to purchase inputs for the cultivation of food grain crops as well as for horticulture, aquaculture, animal husbandry, floriculture and sericulture businesses. There are also certain special loans made available by many public sector banks and co-operative agriculture banks to finance the purchase of agricultural machinery such as tractors, harvesters and trucks. Construction of biogas plants and irrigation systems as well as the purchase of agricultural land can also be financed through different types of agricultural finance. NABARD offers a Kisan Credit Card Scheme and crop loans under the Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana. Kisan Credit Card Scheme helps farmers raise short-term funds for agriculture and other farm-based activities, on an on-going basis, with very flexible and friendly repayment terms. It also offers an agricultural loan for development of agriculture related industries, purchase of machinery and other agricultural purposes. Interest Rates Conclusion The agriculture community must be weaned off the subsidies gradually once sufficient development is made so as to increase the sustainability of Indian agriculture by providing them the right price for the cultivated produce, introducing highly effective storage facilities, providing necessary training to the farmers regarding use of technology and equipment thereby reducing wastage considerably and enhancing the sector as a whole. Agricultural subsidies can be a blunt instrument that can impede progress and slow down economic growth if theyre implemented without heed to the situation and specific date of expiry. Agriculture and industry has shown remarkable vigour and dynamism in contributing to a healthy growth in exports in the recent past. India’s food security depends on producing cereal crops, as well as increasing its production of fruits, vegetables and milk to meet the demands of a growing population with rising incomes. Policy makers will thus need to initiate and/or conclude policy actions and public programs to shift the sector away from the existing policy and institutional regime that appears to be no longer viable and build a solid foundation for a much more productive, internationally competitive, and diversified agricultural sector. References
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay example --
Jules Verne was a family man who loved his wife and children, but also had a true passion for writing. He spent much of his time with his beloved spouse of thirty years and his three children that he loved deeply. When he wrote he would be inspired by the travels that he took with his family. Verne was born February 8, 1828 and he died on March 24, 1905. As he grew up he learned that he had diabetes that later killed him. In Verne’s seventy-seven year life he dabbled in the stock market to try to earn money. Before the stock market he went to school to follow in his father’s footsteps in the field of law. While in the stock market he decided that he did not want to continue in the field of law so he quit school and went on to write many books that were inspired by his long life. Mr. Verne’s Family consisted of his parents Sophie Allotte dela Fuye Verne and Pierre Verne. His siblings were Paul, Anna, Marie and Mathilde who had all been younger. On the tenth of January in 1857 Honorine Hebe du Fraysse de Viane Morel and Jules Verne became a married couple. Michel, his son, was born on the third of August in 1861 on board a ship sailing to Denmark and Norway. His two stepdaughters were Valentine and Suzanne. As he grew up he lived in various location such as Liverpool, Paris and even France for a period of time. During Verne’s childhood was put under strict rules by his father. His father sent Jules Verne to boarding school when he was young. While at school Verne did very well in the subjects of geography, Greek and Latin. With his time off from school in the summer he and his family went to Maritime Port City to spend time by the lake. Once he became much older his father sent his to Paris so they he could fol... ...devoted fans. His fans also say that the book is a fascinating tale that they were not able to put down until the book was finished. Many of the fans had previously read some of his book before they came out and they noticed that there were dates in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that corresponded with dates in a couple from Verne’s other books. Some of the people who found the connection were intrigued to find out if all of his books were connected through one endless string of stories. From the publishing process Verne learned that many people anticipated the book and wanted it before it came out. Overall Jules Verne was a great man. He loved His family until his death and even after his death. He was also a person whose true passion was to write books. Him being both a family man and a great writer prove that he loved life itself in every possible way.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Opinions and Social Pressure Response Essay
Summary: In the article, â€Å"Opinions and Social Pressure†by Solomon E. Asch, he states that social pressure from a majority group could influence a person to conform. Asch and his research team wanted to find out how and how much social forces constrain people’s opinions and attitudes. The researchers also wanted to find out whether or not, when confronted with an incorrect answer, individuals would conform to the group or have his own answer. The experiment starts with seven to nine young men seated in a room. The young group of men have been told before the experiment to all agree on the correct answer and continue to say the correct answer, except one person. The last individual has no idea that the others were told to state the incorrect answers the entire time. There are two cards placed in front of the members that consist of four lines, all of different lengths. The card on the left is the line you are comparing the other three lines to on the card on the right. The members would answer which two lines are identical in order from who sat down first to who sat down last. All of the young men continue to give the correct answer. On this set of trials only 1% of the time the subject would disagree with the majority. To see if the minority would continue to conform, Asch conducted a second trial. During this trial, all of the participants, except one, stated the wrong answer. When the last person answered, the subject q uickly changes his answer to the wrong answer. On this set of trials, 36.8% of the time the minority agreed with the incorrect answer. On the third trial, Asch decided to add more people to the minority. As the contestants gave their answers, those in the majority were allowed to give any answer they wanted. These results showed that 13.6% accepted the wrong answer compared to the second experiment. This sudden drop indicates with only one person in the minority, he was more likely to conform. When there were more in the minority, participants were more likely to answer how they would and not feel pressured. In the last experiment, the member in the minority was allowed to be seated next to someone he knew personally. During this set of trials, the member in the minority ended up answering almost invariably independent. Out of all of the trials, Asch concluded that people will conform for two reasons: they want to fit in with the others and because they believe the group is better informed (on an intelligence level) than they are. Response: While there have been many psychological tests similar to this, this experiment lacks certain criteria that I believe would change the outlook of this experiment. Since this experiment was done in the 1950s, which was a time in which it was the norm to conform, this could not address to young men now based on how time has changed along with norms. Secondly, since this was done in America, this could not fully take effect in other countries because not all countries conform like we do, so the statistical evidence would vary immensely. Besides the negative, two studies have brought some more insight to this experiment that have shed light as to how time changes Asch’s results. In a conformity experiment by Richard Crutchfield, his studies found participants with high intelligence scores and leadership abilities to show less conformity than others-which is something Asch did not address. Secondly, in 1980, psychologists Perrin & Spencer replicated Asch’s study and found only one conforming response in 396 trials. They said â€Å"cultural changes over the last fifty years had led to a reduction in conformity†(McLeod). Based on all the evidence, I do believe that under certain circumstances we do conform, but not a majority of the time due to how we are raised, norms, cultural changes, and other aspects that could change how we view things.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marketing baby food in Sweden Essay
In doing so it added three ingredients, â€Å"selenium†which is a substance that helps the body get rid of harmful oxidants since it is a proven antioxidant that has the capacity to turn harmful radicals that appear in the body into innocuous water and oxygen. The second ingredient it added was â€Å"nucleotides†whose main function is helping the growth of good bacteria in the gut so that the gut can fight bad bacteria and this ingredient is available in breast milk enabling children to build a natural immune system. And when children are using breast milk substitute formula, unless this substance is added they could be vulnerable to many kind of diseases, one of the reasons breast milk advocates had been highlighting, although it could be solved by simply introducing this substance into baby foods, which nestle did. The third ingredient was â€Å"beta-carotene†whose main function is to create a fortified immune system in the body since it is an antioxidant and it also helps in developing good vision early on, as well as it adds to the good development of the skin. [7] These are ingredients that are supposed to raise the eyebrows of mothers and their pediatricians who are mostly responsible for recommending what kind of baby food formula is good for the newborn children. From the outset the team knew that it has a winning product on its hand and this product is expected to cannibalize the regular Piltti in the long run, which is a little bit cheaper, but it is also presumed to beat many of the competing products that have not yet introduced functional baby food products in their baby food product line, even if their catching up quickly is imminent. However, until that happens the team was aware that there would be a window of time the company could do a quick profitable business. They have everything at their disposal except that they were aware of the WHO Code, which stipulates rules that make all the areas where an effective promotion could have taken place off limit. They are not allowed to have a direct contact with pregnant women or mothers of small children, although in today’s marketing campaigns that might not be essential, yet sometimes it is possible to come up with events where a close interaction between the marketing team and those who would be firsthand users of their product would have been possible. Because not only they can educate the mothers about their products but also they can give out samples and gifts that will build good relationship, which the code prohibits nonetheless. [8] It is not only that they cannot advertise using the known methods where they can put their ads on billboards, distribute brochures, or give out samples. All that can be carried out is through approved institutions by the WHO Code and if any of the allowed institutions are engaged in giving out free samples that are allowed to receive free samples from the manufacturers they have to make sure that there will be enough supply for the involved mothers for as long as they need it. This is so because this tactic had been highlighted where marketers and distributors of baby food products would usually start giving out free samples and if the mothers become dependent on it at the earlier stage of their breast feeding days and avoid breast feeding it will affect their ability to produce milk leading to their forced dependency on the substitute, which would mean they will be forced to buy the breast milk substitute products. Those who might not afford it could harm the normal growth of a child, which is a justifiable cause to be concerned about. [9] Therefore, there are very limited channels the marketing team could be promoting through and spotting those channels is very important. In addition, it is important the marketing team as well as the company should know that their new product should aim at those that are four months old and higher in normal circumstances and the only exception is when the mothers are not in a position to do breast-feeding for various reasons, there are no wet nurses, and at times access to breast milk banks might not be available since there are some of them in some communities. This would mean their marketing interaction is severely limited to interacting with health care personnel only and it is through them their would be customers will be educated to use their product as advertising to the general public is not allowed. Marketers do not have permission to show their existence at the point of sale, put posters, or any other means of advertising to promote their products. They cannot solicit mothers directly or indirectly or cannot give them gift nor free samples. Even if the health care system has the discretion of recommending the use of breast milk substitutes, they cannot allow their workplace for promoting any kind of such products. Nor any of the staff of such establishments have permission to accept any money from distributors and manufacturers of such products. But at least if the authorities see it beneficial they can make arrangement where pregnant women and mothers of young children to be educated or to be informed by a sales team, but the purpose of the meeting is far from pitching a product and it will be educational, where they will always be advised there is nothing better than breast-feeding for the newborn children. The labels on the products should not display a child’s picture and labels should clearly describe what the ingredients are, how to prepare it, and at what kind of temperature to store the product. In addition, they have to testify that the substitute does not come near to breast-feeding and the message will have to be to the point, without idealizing the breast milk substitute. The overall scenario when promoting baby food formula resembles medicine where there are go betweens who are the health officials and the authorities, and manufacturers of medicine target physicians when it comes to promoting their product since they are the ones who would subscribe it to their patients. Furthermore, almost no medicines are available without prescription, even if there are a few over-the-counter products. With the same token, even if the breast milk substitutes could find their way into grocery stores or even drug stores where anyone can pick them off the shelf without prescription, the consumers of such products could get their information from health workers only or from the labels that are required to follow some procedures, and marketers should not try to reach the direct consumers who are mothers of young born children or expectant mothers. Therefore, the team only had to approach a given number of institutions, mostly health establishments, where they are allowed to distribute their samples, gifts, and educational material so that the health officers will be informed about the benefit of their products and pass it on to the mothers of the young children. Due to this restriction the cost and the effort involved in marketing a baby food brand is not very high since they are not allowed to put billboards on the highways of several comminutes, or they do not have to advertise on TV, print, or are not allowed to print brochures and distribute them to the public, but they can pass such material to the health officials to help them with their educating the mothers. Hence, the undertaking would not be expensive since doing it in a continuous basis until the product becomes popular is not required as the case is when promoting other products. Instead, what is involved here is arranging an appointment with the involved officials or at times, all it might take is visiting these establishments in person that might number less than hundred. Since such officials are not allowed to ask any payment directly or indirectly that also saves the company a lot of money and it can focus only on samples and at times gifts, to be given to the mothers through the health officials in a form of utensils and the like. Nevertheless, giving physicians bonus is a common practice in the pharmaceutical industry since it is through them all the manufactures are selling their products. When it comes to baby food market it is not allowed, yet the sales team had started taking note to see if there will be some that will qualify in the long run for a preferential treatment and if there is a possibility of getting around the restriction to introduce a bonus even if the code prohibits it, but since it is a marketing scheme there has to be some way of compensating some of the health care workers who would choose to recommend the particular. Nestle product for their clients when there are other competing products, because even if Functional Piltti is new in the market, it might not take more than three months for the other manufactures to come up with similar products. Consequently, the job of the sales team is cut out for them where they have made a list of the establishments that are responsible for advising mothers and expectant women what kind of breast milk substitute to use. The job of the establishments that are medical and health care centers, hospitals and private pediatricians is to educate the mothers when to start mixing the breast milk substitute with their breast-feeding and what quantity and frequency to use, a knowledge they would acquire from the manufacturers and from their own experience as a health care officials. There is always a department at the bigger institution that will deal with the various marketers and when the need arises it is possible to arrange a one-on-one appointment and the promoting and the education process could take any form and any length of time. But the anticipated end result is in due time the company will start selling its products, either through the drug stores of big hospitals and health centers that can arrange to receive a shipment or the mothers will have to go and buy it from outside market once it is recommended to them by the health officers.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Humanism In Antigone And Art
According to the dictionary humanism is a system of thought that centers on humans and their values, capacities, and worth. Relating to this definition, Ancient Greece and their people proved they could express humanism throughout their lives, especially in art. Great pieces of art, such a sculptures, paintings, murals and even the written art continue to exemplify humanism, even today, at times when Greek art is still appreciated and continue to be a mystery. This is why people of any age, race, and idea continue to visit exhibits and museums to be intrigued by this mystery of humanism. In the play of Antigone, Antigone is a young girl who is willing to risk her life in order to give her brother a proper burial. She is a woman of passion who is â€Å"in love†with love and, in a way, death. In the first stasimon of Antigone she gives a great speech to her sister. She explains to her sister and audience of the grief and pain their father left for them. She complains Zeus will not help every pain and grief that they have been through. Her and her family has already gone through so much pain and now this unwritten law by Creon is announced. She feels as if there is no reason to be alive. She’s been through so much and now even her own brother cannot have a proper burial. Antigone expresses how she feels, not even her stepfather does not respect her value of life and family. She views her self-value is no longer mattered. Why wouldn’t she attempt this risky action? She is a human and feels love for her brother. Love causes humans to do crazy, u nexplainable things. She is ready and willing to accept death in order to follow what her heart wants. Humanism at it’s best. Historians throughout time have and continue to interpret and examine ancient Greek art. One particular subject discussed in the Greek images of the Gods. For example, the sculpture of the Head of Zeus discussed in the lecture. The sculpture is a very detailed... Free Essays on Humanism In Antigone And Art Free Essays on Humanism In Antigone And Art According to the dictionary humanism is a system of thought that centers on humans and their values, capacities, and worth. Relating to this definition, Ancient Greece and their people proved they could express humanism throughout their lives, especially in art. Great pieces of art, such a sculptures, paintings, murals and even the written art continue to exemplify humanism, even today, at times when Greek art is still appreciated and continue to be a mystery. This is why people of any age, race, and idea continue to visit exhibits and museums to be intrigued by this mystery of humanism. In the play of Antigone, Antigone is a young girl who is willing to risk her life in order to give her brother a proper burial. She is a woman of passion who is â€Å"in love†with love and, in a way, death. In the first stasimon of Antigone she gives a great speech to her sister. She explains to her sister and audience of the grief and pain their father left for them. She complains Zeus will not help every pain and grief that they have been through. Her and her family has already gone through so much pain and now this unwritten law by Creon is announced. She feels as if there is no reason to be alive. She’s been through so much and now even her own brother cannot have a proper burial. Antigone expresses how she feels, not even her stepfather does not respect her value of life and family. She views her self-value is no longer mattered. Why wouldn’t she attempt this risky action? She is a human and feels love for her brother. Love causes humans to do crazy, u nexplainable things. She is ready and willing to accept death in order to follow what her heart wants. Humanism at it’s best. Historians throughout time have and continue to interpret and examine ancient Greek art. One particular subject discussed in the Greek images of the Gods. For example, the sculpture of the Head of Zeus discussed in the lecture. The sculpture is a very detailed...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Want to Make Your Paper Catchy Dont Forget About a Hook!
Want to Make Your Paper Catchy Dont Forget About a Hook! The Best Ideas for Creating an Outstanding Essay Hook What is the first thing you do, when start working on an essay? Do you write an introduction or prefer working on body paragraphs? Do you have secret techniques or hook sentence ideas, which are aimed to catch attention of the reader? You probably know that it is possible to insert a quote or a fact to make the reader want to learn more, but there are tens of other hook ideas, which can make your essay unique and original, grabbing attention from the very beginning. We have created this article for those, who want to master quality writing and want to learn other approaches. Essay hook: a simple definition Before learning all of the hook peculiarities, it is important to understand what it really is. Basically, a hook is a sentence in your introduction, which moves the reader to learn more about what you are willing to say. It is only a short element of the text but it is still informative and catchy. Hook renders an important idea and helps to show the reader the main ideas of the author. Tips on creating a perfect hook Our experts have gathered tens of essay examples to detect the best hook ideas and show you how a great introduction should look like. Below we will provide you with the best ideas, which you can use depending on the type of your essay and your main goal. One of the biggest mistakes most of the students make is writing a powerful start, which has nothing to do with the rest of the text. You can work on the introduction with all of your energy and motivation but there is also a need to interlink your hook with the rest of the paragraphs. If you are not able to support your thesis in the body paragraphs, your reader will easily lose track of your thoughts. Remember, style and tone of your essay has a crucial meaning. If your research paper is in physics or any other scientific matter, you shouldn’t begin your introduction with a personal story or an anecdote. Your hook should be relevant and appropriate, which means that you should always think of the target audience. For example, if you are writing for professionals to discuss a chemistry topic, you shouldn’t use slang or simple teenage vocabulary. Of course, readers will understand what you are willing to say but they will surely have a bad aftertaste. All of the above strategies to creating a meaningful hook are essential if you want to help the reader understand what you are willing to write about and enjoy the text. Transformation facts into a hook To deliver a great hook you should have a clear understanding of its source: this can be anything, which inspires or excites you. You can insert an interesting fact, which your audience is not aware of. Here are the main sources you can use: Newspapers; Textbooks; Magazines; Websites; Scientific and academic journal; Interviews; Films and documents; Official reports. Remember that all of the sources you use should be recent and reliable, which will make your hook more solid and reliable. To give you a better understanding of how hook sentences influence essays, we will discuss nicely written examples. In case you need assistance in writing an introduction or a hook sentence, we are always there to cover your back. Just place an order and forget about all the hardships. Use an interesting fact A great example of a quality hook is a fact, which is taken from a trustworthy source that publishes only recent information on the most discussed matters. People always find facts interesting and intriguing. For example, ‘Over 40% of iPhone and iPad owners use their devices only to read emails and texts.’ Such information is useful for those, who are planning to launch a new project or mobile application and need information on the market. Not every teacher supports the idea of using the internet and digital sources. That is why you need to explain why using such a hook is fine for your particular topic. Then you can go on to discuss why apps are a great instrument in launching new products and ideas. ‘There are two clear branches in literature, when it comes to adjective and noun constructions analysis.’ In the example above you can see a scientific and official essay, which shouldn’t start with an anecdote or a humorous story. This introduction is very traditional and has a conflict inside: ‘two branches’ means that the author will support one of the sides or will offer a third option to solve the problem. Starting your essay with conflict is always a great idea. Start with a joke or an anecdote Online you can find thousands of different jokes and anecdotes on tens of topics to help scholars cover the matter with humor and style. Below you will find good example of such a hook sentence: ‘A mice family was overtaken by a cat; father of the family jumped and said ‘Bow wow’ and the cat disappeared. The mouse son asked the father what that was and he replied, ‘Now you see why it is so important to study a foreign language.’ It is a great idea to begin your essay with if you are asked to write about the importance of studying a second language. However, every country has humor peculiarities and forbidden topics, so you must always choose a humorous hook wisely. Use of an opening question If you want to make one step further, it is possible to combine statistics and facts into a question. A rhetorical question is a great way to open an introduction and depict what you are going to discuss. However, don’t forget that you will need to give an answer somewhere in the text. ‘Did you know how many homeless people in the United States hold college and university degrees? Best ways to write a great hook for your research paper Research paper is a serious work, which requires lots of time and consideration. However, when it comes to a hook sentence, research papers are similar to essays, so once you master basic principles, you won’t find it difficult to create a hook for any assignment. Considering the fact that a research paper has a scientific nature, you should avoid anecdotes, metaphors and other inappropriate pieces as a hook sentence. It is better to use facts, statistics or a rhetorical question, which will interest the reader and make him want to learn more. The best elements to include to a hook of your research paper: An interesting and rare fact; A piece of catchy statistics; A rhetorical question, which provokes deeper thinking on the matter; Basic information on the conducted research; A quick reminder of what the paper is going to discuss. Hook sentence in a persuasive essay A persuasive essay aims to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s point of view. That is why it is so important to create an outstanding hook at the beginning of your essay. You can add any type of information, which will reflect the style of your work. If you work on the hook sentence thoroughly, you will make the reader continue and learn more of what you have to say. Here are the best ideas for your hook sentence: Fact; Joke or anecdote; Statistics; Metaphor; Simile; Rhetorical question. All of the mentioned elements can become a great idea for a rhetorical essay hook, as it has no limitations on style. Compare and contrast essay hooks Luckily, you are free to use almost any type of hooks, when working on your compare and contrast essay. You can analyze the discussed matters and engage them into one single sentence to catch the interest of the audience. You can also intrigue them with a quotation, question or example from your own experience. It may sound a bit complicated at first but once you write two or three hook sentences, it will become much easier! A mixed hook In some situations you may want to add several types to a single question and it can be a great idea! For example, your hook may contain an interesting fact and a date; it can also consist of a rhetorical question (although without a question mark) and a conflict, promising to describe both opinions throughout the text. Using quotes from literature as a way to express your point of view One of the best and the most universal types of a hook is a literary one. It is a social or a philosophical phrase, which grabs reader’s attention and shows how well you have mastered the topic. Think of a phrase, sentence or a whole paragraph, which will reflect the general idea of your topic. If the topic of your essay is not too formal, try to be creative and find an original quote. It can be a modern writer, a movie quote or any other phrase, which will interest the reader and catch his interest. An example from a real life Think of a short story from life of a famous person to grab the attention of the reader. Such hook type shows the relevance of your topic through the prism of a real life situation. You can use biography of famous people to prove your point of view. For example, Bon Jovi visits disabled people in hospitals to brighten their days. Helen Keller writes amazing stories being blind from birth. It is better to provide stories not from your own life but of people, who you consider your role models. If you choose such a story wisely, you will surely grab the reader’s attention. ‘I have been smiling from ear to ear for almost thirty years. Now I am trying to quit.’ This one can be an example of an outstanding personal drama. Readers will surely want to know more about the life situation and personal lessons the author has made. Do you want to know why the author of the quote doesn’t want to smile anymore? Such hooks always grab attention from the first word to the last one! If you are writing an essay on personal traits, like greed or jealousy, you can always quote Shakespeare. His works are a great source of catchy and thoughtful phrases, which will never leave readers indifferent. Famous people quotes Some of the examples above can be easily placed into this category, because such phrases are known all over the world. When something solid happens, you can easily find comments of celebrities and use them for your own purposes. Using quotes of famous people is a great way to engage the audience. With their help you are able to make a statement and show that you have conducted a thorough research. You show that you are interested in history, public life and have background information on the topic. Use metaphors to catch attention of the reader If you want to take your writing skills to a completely new level, it will be wise to learn how to use similes and metaphors. However, not all people get their meaning, so it is better to choose a simple one or provide an explanation of its meaning. If you don’t do it, you may lose your audience or bore it. A thoroughly picked metaphor will make your speech powerful and strong. Here are a few examples of good metaphors for your hook: As busy as a bee; As cute as a puppy; As snug as a bug in a rug. Additional ways to create a great hook sentence Apart from all of the above-mentioned ways, you can also state a thesis statement or add numbers and statistics. It is up to you to decide, which method will be the most effective one. However, don’t forget to research a bit and decide what type of hook is the best one. In this article we have tried to explain all of the ways of creating a strong hook. However, it is still quite difficult to grab reader’s attention with proper preparation. That is why there is a great solution for all of the students, who value their time and experience difficulties with completing all of the assignments. You can turn to our professional writers, who will help you to create an outstanding hook and essay, meeting all of the requirements and guidelines. Just order a research paper or an essay right now and get the best hook you have ever seen!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analysis Of Connel’s Theory Of Hegemonic Masculinity
Analysis Of Connel’s Theory Of Hegemonic Masculinity In today’s society it takes a lot to grasp the change in how masculinity is â€Å"supposed†to be. To be able to truly understand the sort of expectations that men are held to by society there must be a detailed look into what R.W. Connell refers to as â€Å"Hegemonic Masculinity†(Connell), it justifies men’s position in society as head of society and puts women second, saying women are supposed to submit to men. The impact it has on men in today’s society is, more than less, changing, but still has a significant place in male masculinity and in a lot of the â€Å"norms†we have, such as the man has to be the â€Å"breadwinner†of the household, and the women should only take care of the house. We often deamn these beliefs to be true by nature, as soon as a boy becomes a â€Å"man†he must go out and become the head of something or show that he is a man by gaining power (Being the head of his household, owning a business, getti ng wealthy, ect.). In the text Connell states that Hegemonic masculinity is â€Å"a social ascendency achieved in a play of social forces that extends beyond contests of brute power into the organisation of private life and cultural processes.†The one thing that will always be prevalent in the relationship of men and women all over the world is that fact that men will always dominate women. This structural belief that men are over females is the foundation for the term â€Å"Hegemonic Masculinity†. â€Å"Masculinity is only hegemonic amongst men: no femininity is hegemonic†. This does not mean any kind of violence, it means hegemony in every part of life, Mainly talking about religious practices. For example, wedding vows, they mostly talk about how men will take care of their newly wed wives as if the are too incompetent to take care of themselves because they are women. â€Å"The man takes control as the breadwinner and the person in charge of a heterosexual relationship.†(Connell). Hegemonic Masculinity is publicized at lot in society, mostly in the media, you may see advertisements showing muscular men as the goal of what a man should look like. It tells him that if his mindset isn’t to want to look like that then he isn’t a man, the proceeds to give him the instructions he needs to become the muscular guy on the television. â€Å"How a man throws a ball is different to how a woman throws a ball. I didn’t want to throw a ball in front of my dad because i knew it wouldn’t look right, it wouldn’t be like the way a good, strong boy should throw it.†Here Connell tries to interpret the boy’s fear of disappointing his father and the combined sense that his body is unsuitable for a man as a learned social experience. The boy is young but is already fully aware that he isn’t what a man should be, he falls short of his father’s expectations in his head. Because of this, Connell is aware that hegemonic masc ulinity is a learned behavior. In movies, another form of media, you see the superheroes, mostly men, as big strong manly guys who saves the world from appending doom, giving the message that men are supposed to imitate these big strong macho men and get through the harsh realities of life unscathed, when in reality life will get to them and that okay, you don’t have to be like these men on the big screens. â€Å"Masculinities in Western societies are typically defined by by a specific body reflexive practice: sport, violence, heterosexual performance, and bodybuilding†(Connell pg. 86). One of the biggest societal issues is that fact that women want to be paid the same as men and that simply is not the case in today’s society. â€Å"Hegemonic Masculinity can also be seen in our wage structures where men earn more than women and traditionally men achieve the top positions as managers or leaders.†(Connell). Women try tirelessly to get equal pay, in today’s society, but a lot of the big taxation and welfare policies are still advocates of the belief that males are more important and should get compensated more than women. â€Å"Hegemonic Masculinity is evident in all aspects of life, even in housing, where men have designed the house that women clean and traditionally spend much more more time in than men.†(Connell). According to Connell, most of the men in today’s society often benefit from women submitting to them and the home. Taking care of the home is no worry for the man because his wife is the only one that must tend to the house, homely duties like for example, Ironing, cooking and washing clothes, these duties have an unwritten gender rule to them and separates the men and women when it comes to marriage. It is noticeable that the role of men is slowly but surely changing, that actions of men are very different form how men acted 30 years ago, a lot of thin gs that males in the past where doing would not be tolerated in today’s society. â€Å"Traditionally, the man of the family was seen as the breadwinner and the female looked after the children and all duties associated with the household.†(Connell). Because of the many financial challenges in today’s society, the concept of Masculinity has flopped as women are now taking on higher paid jobs and are taking care of themselves rather than in the past that wasn’t accepted. Some men today even have problems trying to find employment and stay home because of it. Women are more educated than men in today’s society as well and that is a big influence on this phenomena. To conclude, the topic of Hegemonic masculinity has yet to be stable and has a lot more research to go before it is concrete. There are many different aspects to masculinity, gender roles and the simple fact that if women weren’t around we wouldn’t even be studying masculinity. According to Connell, a lot of different masculinities are in existence, even though hegemonic masculinity is the most prevalent one. Hegemonic masculinity affects the behavioral aspects of men in today’s society and still has most men trying to maintain their rein on society. The result of this is the fact that men still must prove to the world and other men that they are just as manly. The way that men cope with the changes in the world is something that a lot of future sociologists will be studying. In today’s society it takes a lot to grasp the change in how masculinity is â€Å"supposed†to be. To be able to truly understand the sort of expectations that men are held to by society there must be a detailed look into what R.W. Connell refers to as â€Å"Hegemonic Masculinity†(Connell), it justifies men’s position in society as head of society and puts women second, saying women are supposed to submit to men. The impact it has on men in today’s society is, more than less, changing, but still has a significant place in male masculinity and in a lot of the â€Å"norms†we have, such as the man has to be the â€Å"breadwinner†of the household, and the women should only take care of the house. We often deamn these beliefs to be true by nature, as soon as a boy becomes a â€Å"man†he must go out and become the head of something or show that he is a man by gaining power (Being the head of his household, owning a business, getti ng wealthy, ect.). In the text Connell states that Hegemonic masculinity is â€Å"a social ascendency achieved in a play of social forces that extends beyond contests of brute power into the organisation of private life and cultural processes.†The one thing that will always be prevalent in the relationship of men and women all over the world is that fact that men will always dominate women. This structural belief that men are over females is the foundation for the term â€Å"Hegemonic Masculinity†. â€Å"Masculinity is only hegemonic amongst men: no femininity is hegemonic†. This does not mean any kind of violence, it means hegemony in every part of life, Mainly talking about religious practices. For example, wedding vows, they mostly talk about how men will take care of their newly wed wives as if the are too incompetent to take care of themselves because they are women. â€Å"The man takes control as the breadwinner and the person in charge of a heterosexual relationship.†(Connell). Hegemonic Masculinity is publicized at lot in society, mostly in the media, you may see advertisements showing muscular men as the goal of what a man should look like. It tells him that if his mindset isn’t to want to look like that then he isn’t a man, the proceeds to give him the instructions he needs to become the muscular guy on the television. â€Å"How a man throws a ball is different to how a woman throws a ball. I didn’t want to throw a ball in front of my dad because i knew it wouldn’t look right, it wouldn’t be like the way a good, strong boy should throw it.†Here Connell tries to interpret the boy’s fear of disappointing his father and the combined sense that his body is unsuitable for a man as a learned social experience. The boy is young but is already fully aware that he isn’t what a man should be, he falls short of his father’s expectations in his head. Because of this, Connell is aware that hegemonic masc ulinity is a learned behavior. In movies, another form of media, you see the superheroes, mostly men, as big strong manly guys who saves the world from appending doom, giving the message that men are supposed to imitate these big strong macho men and get through the harsh realities of life unscathed, when in reality life will get to them and that okay, you don’t have to be like these men on the big screens. â€Å"Masculinities in Western societies are typically defined by by a specific body reflexive practice: sport, violence, heterosexual performance, and bodybuilding†(Connell pg. 86). One of the biggest societal issues is that fact that women want to be paid the same as men and that simply is not the case in today’s society. â€Å"Hegemonic Masculinity can also be seen in our wage structures where men earn more than women and traditionally men achieve the top positions as managers or leaders.†(Connell). Women try tirelessly to get equal pay, in today’s society, but a lot of the big taxation and welfare policies are still advocates of the belief that males are more important and should get compensated more than women. â€Å"Hegemonic Masculinity is evident in all aspects of life, even in housing, where men have designed the house that women clean and traditionally spend much more more time in than men.†(Connell). According to Connell, most of the men in today’s society often benefit from women submitting to them and the home. Taking care of the home is no worry for the man because his wife is the only one that must tend to the house, homely duties like for example, Ironing, cooking and washing clothes, these duties have an unwritten gender rule to them and separates the men and women when it comes to marriage. It is noticeable that the role of men is slowly but surely changing, that actions of men are very different form how men acted 30 years ago, a lot of thin gs that males in the past where doing would not be tolerated in today’s society. â€Å"Traditionally, the man of the family was seen as the breadwinner and the female looked after the children and all duties associated with the household.†(Connell). Because of the many financial challenges in today’s society, the concept of Masculinity has flopped as women are now taking on higher paid jobs and are taking care of themselves rather than in the past that wasn’t accepted. Some men today even have problems trying to find employment and stay home because of it. Women are more educated than men in today’s society as well and that is a big influence on this phenomena. To conclude, the topic of Hegemonic masculinity has yet to be stable and has a lot more research to go before it is concrete. There are many different aspects to masculinity, gender roles and the simple fact that if women weren’t around we wouldn’t even be studying masculinity. According to Connell, a lot of different masculinities are in existence, even though hegemonic masculinity is the most prevalent one. Hegemonic masculinity affects the behavioral aspects of men in today’s society and still has most men trying to maintain their rein on society. The result of this is the fact that men still must prove to the world and other men that they are just as manly. The way that men cope with the changes in the world is something that a lot of future sociologists will be studying.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Professional Ethical Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Professional Ethical Standards - Essay Example The application process itself can be very lengthy and take several months to go through, with more than one interview, background checks, a driver’s license history, drug test and any other documents the Department of Corrections requires. The duties of the correctional officer: Provide security for public safety Provide security for staff and offenders To conduct counts and ensure all inmates are accounted for To pass out the mail to the offenders To collect the mail from the offenders To ensure that all inmates report to their job assignments To ensure that the dormitory is cleaned daily To ensure that the inmates are given the opportunity to eat meals To monitor the offender during yard time To search staff and visitors as they enter the prison, ensuring no contraband is brought in To search offenders in search of contraband To complete paperwork daily To inventory equipment daily Pass out medication Attend training classes Be flexible Be without actions, conducts, and beh aviors’ unbecoming or professional for an employee of the Department of corrections The shifts for all correctional officers’ start out the same, whether you are on first, second, or third shift. All officers entering a state prison or a county jail will be required to have their lunch bags searched and must clear a metal detector. Once clearing the security each officer will report to their assigned post. Count will be conducted to ensure that all offenders are accounted for upon arrival of the new shift. The officer will conduct an inventory of all equipment and medication on hand. The officer will then begin the daily log and tool check inventory. Work call will be announced and most of the offenders will exit the dorm to report to their own work area. The officer will now monitor the housemen to ensure that the dorm is cleaned and supplies have been issued. Housemen are usually inmates who have served a good amount of their time with good behavior, no incidents rep orts or write ups, and have been model inmates. Housemen gain the title of ‘housemen’ and are then allowed to stay in the dormitory and to keep the dormitory clean. The officer will check the security of all doors and windows and make thirty minutes radio checks to the control room, to ensure officer safety. The officer will enforce the rules and monitor the offender’s behavior. An officer must be alert and be willing to go into harm’s way to help other staff members and the offenders as well. Public safety is the number one task an officer must always be aware of. There are many visitors that go inside the prison and jails and officers must ensure their safety above all else. The officer must also be able to maintain their own stress levels and pay attention to the surroundings at all times. Medical emergencies do happen inside of prisons and jails. All officers are trained to perform CPR and expected to do CPR if the situation calls for it. Officers are required to hold their certification in weapons and have 40 hours of training a year to refresh their basic training. The ratio inside of a prison is usually about three to one; this is also the case in the jails. Inmates greatly outnumber officers so it is especially important that you be able to communicate effectively and treat inmates appropriately, while also being fair. Medical passes and issues may come up during your shift and you should know how to honor them
Compare Champion of the World (Angelou) and Fish Cheeks (Tan) Essay
Compare Champion of the World (Angelou) and Fish Cheeks (Tan) - Essay Example Maya Angelou has the historical issue of racism before her that baffles satisfactory solution and she articulates discrimination suffered by the African Americans and as such she uses narration to depict her sense of isolation from the dominant culture. Amy Tan employs the method of description to highlight the issue of generation gap and the discrimination which relates to the fascination of the young and not to the ground realities related to the Chinese versus American cultures. Both the authors articulate the issues about those who feel like aliens in principally white America. Angelou encounters and holds her differences as a child. Tan is chagrined of her culture until later in life when realization dawns on her that her exclusivity is an issue for celebration. It is not to be pitied or condemned. Angelou’s skin color made her dissimilar from the rest of the principal culture. As a young African American girl living in pre-civil rights era, Angelou dealt with discrimination without intermission and it was part of everyday lives of the black people. Rape, abuse and lynching took place in the ordinary course and yet they were full of pride for their culture. Some of them were outstanding like Joe Louis, a black boxer, who challenged a white man in a heavyweight boxing competition of the world. The contest was watched by one and all of the Black Americans. Maya Angelou describes the bout-eve scenario thus: â€Å"The last inch of space was filled, ye t people continued to wedge themselves along the walls of the store†(p.112). This indicates that the Black Americans, who were isolated from the mainstream society, were thrilled to find their man getting space and recognition and he was being watched on the television by millions. Their isolated spirit was beginning to get recognition by the society. When he wins the contest, the reaction of Angelou is obvious. She is inflated with pride and her original conviction about the greatness of the
Planning Law & Ethics in Michigan Avenue Corridor Assignment - 1
Planning Law & Ethics in Michigan Avenue Corridor - Assignment Example The council also aspires to maintain activities that are environmentally friendly to the Red Cedar River. For the purpose of tackling and solving the urban decay in an effective way, redevelopment will assume diverse forms in order to facilitate its redesign. The redevelopment project will put into consideration factors such as the conditions of the building and conditions of living . The redevelopment project must, however, put into consideration the regulations of Renewal Authority Ordinance (URA) that help structure owners go through both complicated and technical processes. This process of redevelopment aims at restructuring dilapidated and old buildings whose living conditions are poor. The process will replan and rebuild the Avenue sites to accomplish clear environmental as well as social benefits (Brandon 297). In addition, redevelopment plan also targets the available open spaces and facilities of the community. The URA will, in addition, carry out assembly of larger areas of land for comprehensive planning. The comprehensive planning would create room for the restructuring of open space, transport network and local roads. Consequently, the company will achieve proper and better utilization of land resources as well as improving overall Michigan district environment. Planning efforts has a purpose of engaging the Lancing region to define a unified vision for Michigan Avenue, also known as Grand Avenue Corridor. The project aspires to extend eastwards to the town of Webberville. The Red Cedar project has an estimation of $200 million dollars slated for both residential developments and business to revitalize former Red Cedar Golf Club. The process will also create great renovation along the Lansing and East Lansing Michigan Avenue in the area around US 127. The redevelopment project set to break ground will be an establishment across the street from Frandor.Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Hannah Hoch and the Dada Art Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hannah Hoch and the Dada Art Movement - Essay Example The creation of collages was not long in following and became a mainstay of the Dadaist movement, particularly as it evolved into the concept of photomontage. Artists during this period struggled against the concept that art created spiritual values and frequently used the products of their creative spirit to protest against the First World War. Beginning in France in about 1916, the movement’s progress and development can be seen in context with the Great War, which started in 1914 and was waged for four years. While this artistic movement didn’t start until two years after the war began, about when the populace, artists among them, was beginning to feel the pressure of constant warlike states, it also persisted for a few years after it ended as the populace, again with artists among them, became reconciled to the new world order thus established. The development of this movement is most frequently associated with artists such as Raoul Hausmann, Kurt Schwitters and Marcel Duchamp, among other male artists, but less well known is the equally contributive Hannah Hoch. This investigation into the Dada Movement will, therefore, focus upon Hoch’s contributions to the movement and her artwork as representative of it. The foundation of the Dada Movement is actually attributed to artists in Zurich, Switzerland and in New York, America. It is described in the Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature as a â€Å"nihilistic movement in the arts †¦ that was based on the principles of deliberate irrationality, anarchy, and cynicism and the rejection of laws of beauty and social organization†(cited in Buell, 1998). The name of the movement was arrived at with the same lack of reverence as the movement itself, reportedly arrived at by chance and retained because of its childlike associations. One of its chief goals was to undermine the â€Å"rational and civilized standards†then in place in the art world by exploring the icons of the old world, placing them in new contexts so as to expose a lack of inherent meaning in the work.Â
Consider East Africa and its extensive trade route. Why is it Essay
Consider East Africa and its extensive trade route. Why is it important What does it say about the impact of Africa in the world What does it say about ancient Africa Pick your one focus, go deep - Essay Example Aksum and the Swahili Coast were the first to be mentioned as the important trade regions. The coast of East Africa is a part of extensive trade networks throughout the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. Aksum was located in Eritrea and Ethiopia. It is remembered for its splendid stone monuments, gold coins, and elaborate palaces (Ade-Ajayi 80). In the sixth century, the Aksumite kings extended their empire to the southern Arabia. International trade developed in that region where markets were established in urban areas concentrated along the coast regions full of wealth and power. The merging of Arab, African and Indian peoples along the coast of East Africa produced Kiswahili language and Swahili culture. Ivory, gold and slaves were the goods that were traded globally along the Swahili coast. The negative effect of the existence of the East African trade route was the slave trade. The slave trade was conducted by both Europeans and Arabs. European slave traders came in the 17th century, taking the African slaves into the islands of America and Indian Ocean. The slave trade in Africa caused social disruptions among people, depopulation of certain regions, and increasing of violence, as a result, of firearms trade (Ade-Ajayi 85). The slave trade ended later resulted to a justification for European colonizing the East Africa. Europeans began exploring East Africa in the 15th century. Vasco de Gama and other Portuguese explorers started the connection between the Europe and African Coast that later lead to centuries of trade and domination of Africa by Europeans. Other explorers came later including Christian missionaries. When the slave trade was deemed as illegal, Europeans had engaged into other types of trade (Ade-Ajayi 89). The industrial revolution in Europe needed cheap raw materials for its factories in which East African colonies provided large quantities of agricultural goods,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Planning Law & Ethics in Michigan Avenue Corridor Assignment - 1
Planning Law & Ethics in Michigan Avenue Corridor - Assignment Example The council also aspires to maintain activities that are environmentally friendly to the Red Cedar River. For the purpose of tackling and solving the urban decay in an effective way, redevelopment will assume diverse forms in order to facilitate its redesign. The redevelopment project will put into consideration factors such as the conditions of the building and conditions of living . The redevelopment project must, however, put into consideration the regulations of Renewal Authority Ordinance (URA) that help structure owners go through both complicated and technical processes. This process of redevelopment aims at restructuring dilapidated and old buildings whose living conditions are poor. The process will replan and rebuild the Avenue sites to accomplish clear environmental as well as social benefits (Brandon 297). In addition, redevelopment plan also targets the available open spaces and facilities of the community. The URA will, in addition, carry out assembly of larger areas of land for comprehensive planning. The comprehensive planning would create room for the restructuring of open space, transport network and local roads. Consequently, the company will achieve proper and better utilization of land resources as well as improving overall Michigan district environment. Planning efforts has a purpose of engaging the Lancing region to define a unified vision for Michigan Avenue, also known as Grand Avenue Corridor. The project aspires to extend eastwards to the town of Webberville. The Red Cedar project has an estimation of $200 million dollars slated for both residential developments and business to revitalize former Red Cedar Golf Club. The process will also create great renovation along the Lansing and East Lansing Michigan Avenue in the area around US 127. The redevelopment project set to break ground will be an establishment across the street from Frandor.Â
Consider East Africa and its extensive trade route. Why is it Essay
Consider East Africa and its extensive trade route. Why is it important What does it say about the impact of Africa in the world What does it say about ancient Africa Pick your one focus, go deep - Essay Example Aksum and the Swahili Coast were the first to be mentioned as the important trade regions. The coast of East Africa is a part of extensive trade networks throughout the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. Aksum was located in Eritrea and Ethiopia. It is remembered for its splendid stone monuments, gold coins, and elaborate palaces (Ade-Ajayi 80). In the sixth century, the Aksumite kings extended their empire to the southern Arabia. International trade developed in that region where markets were established in urban areas concentrated along the coast regions full of wealth and power. The merging of Arab, African and Indian peoples along the coast of East Africa produced Kiswahili language and Swahili culture. Ivory, gold and slaves were the goods that were traded globally along the Swahili coast. The negative effect of the existence of the East African trade route was the slave trade. The slave trade was conducted by both Europeans and Arabs. European slave traders came in the 17th century, taking the African slaves into the islands of America and Indian Ocean. The slave trade in Africa caused social disruptions among people, depopulation of certain regions, and increasing of violence, as a result, of firearms trade (Ade-Ajayi 85). The slave trade ended later resulted to a justification for European colonizing the East Africa. Europeans began exploring East Africa in the 15th century. Vasco de Gama and other Portuguese explorers started the connection between the Europe and African Coast that later lead to centuries of trade and domination of Africa by Europeans. Other explorers came later including Christian missionaries. When the slave trade was deemed as illegal, Europeans had engaged into other types of trade (Ade-Ajayi 89). The industrial revolution in Europe needed cheap raw materials for its factories in which East African colonies provided large quantities of agricultural goods,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Brave New World and Anthem Essay Example for Free
Brave New World and Anthem Essay In both Brave New World and Anthem the underlying themes are very similar. The government controls every aspect of people’s lives, everyone is supposed to be perfectly happy with what role they are given, and the main character do not fit into what the government was deemed normal. While both books have these very similar traits, there are many differences as well; the way the government controls the people, as well as the form of government, the way people of both societies treat each other, and the situation in which the main characters are placed. In both Brave New World and Anthem the government controls everything about a person. In Brave New World the government has taken the ultimate step in controlling the people. The government has taken people’s right to have children away, and instead grow children in labs, dictating what the child’s life will be like from the time the sperm is introduced to the egg. The government adds enhancers if they want the child to come out smart, or things like alcohol to the embryo if they want it to come out stupid. Then the child is put through a series of conditioning treatments that make the child behave exactly how the government wants the child to (Huxley). In Anthem the government has also taken control of every aspect of te people’s lives. They are not as drastic as the government in Brave New World, but they put a child through a conditioning school, they choose the job that the person will do, and they choose when babies will be made. In Anthem the government is a council of leaders that have been chosen by the previous leaders to lead the people, and make them conform to the way that the council wants the people to think. There are councils in every city in Anthem as well as sub-council that control other aspects of life, for example the council of scholars rules over the new inventions, and studies conducted (Rand). Brave New World’s government is a series of people called controllers that rule over a continent, each controller is in charge of everything that happens in the continent be it new discoveries, or what kind of felly to show the people. The controllers have absolute power within their continents, but there is also a world council. Each controller is part of the world council and they make decisions that involve more than one controller’s continent. In the books the government has taken measures to see that everyone is perfectly happy, no matter what the cost of happiness is. In Anthem the children are taught from infancy that they would be perfectly happy if they loved their brothers and did their best to serve them. The children were punished if they tried to do something that their brothers would not like, or would not benefit the rest of the population. This method did not always work because some people where resistant to the ideas, and would always think in a different way that would make them unhappy. Also in Anthem the men are taught to stay happy they must serve their brothers fully and not interact with women at all. It is a crime to interact with women outside of the time of breeding. While in Brave New World the government took the children from birth and used conditioning as well as things like electric shocks to make the children think a certain way. This method is used until the children reach adulthood, and then to keep the population happy they are given a drug called soma. Soma is a mind altering drug ha makes the people happy an forget all their worries. The government convinced everyone that Soma was solution to the unhappiness in the world. Yet, this happiness is one reduced to sheer consumerism, just as politics in the brave new world is degraded to conformism. ( Diken Bulent). More tellingly yet, the only alternative set in the book against this sterile, suffocating civilization is religious fundamentalism (Diken Bulent). Another way that the government in Brave New World fools everyone into thinking that they are happy is by teaching the population that everyone belongs to everyone, and that having sex with as many people as possible as often as possible is a good thing, and is highly encouraged. The main characters in both Brave New World and Anthem do not fit into what the governments see as the perfect world. In Anthem Equality 7-2521 who was born into his society wanted to be a scholar, and help his brothers with his ideas, and inventions, but he was assigned to be a street sweeper. When Equality tried to change his life, and took the light bulb to the scholars hoping that they would accept him into their ranks and let him study with them. Equality was then punished and sentenced to death for trying to help his brothers better themselves, but escaped with his beloved and founded a new colony in which the mind would not be oppressed by the government. In Brave New World John is a boy from a reservation brought into society as an experiment, he does not understand the logic of the people, or the way they are until he meets the controller of the continent. While everyone that was raised in society is very promiscuous, and open with everything, John who was raised on the reservation only wants to be with one person, and keep his relationship private. This goes against everything that the people of civilization believe in. the differences eventually lead to John leaving the city to go live in a lighthouse far from the city. He eventually killed himself because he could no longer handle what was going on in his head, and the things going on around him. Brave New World and Anthem where very similar in the fact that they both had governments that dictated everything, things that where suppose to eliminate unhappiness, and had main characters that did not fit into the world in which they found themselves living. There where also pretty outstanding differences between the books as well though, the way the two societies viewed interactions with the opposite sex, the ways the governments where structured, and most of all the ending of the books. One character goes on to live his life with the one he loves, while the other commits suicide.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Cooper Green Hospital Care Plan
Cooper Green Hospital Care Plan The case, Cooper Green Hospital and its Community Care Plan is a very interesting case, which tries to outline the problems that plagued the hospitals growth and the attempts made by the top management of the hospital to enhance its reach to maximum number of poor and undeserved citizens who were in dire need of medical treatment. This mission of CGH made it stand in front of constant scrutiny from country commission. Media and the community challenges about the quality of care provided by CGH limited its ability to attract patients with private insurance. For the first 2 decades the hospital face increasing budget pressures, cost overruns were a common phenomenon. The hospital was understaffed, under stocked and overflow with patients. Some of the major problems faced by the hospital were balancing cost with maximum access to care, managing employee within budget, performance and demand and simplifying procedures and aligning them with policies. The two plans are named as Health first, a traditional fee for service plan and the community care plan , a prepaid membership plan based on family size and income, which would give opportunity to the people to receive quality medical care for at affordable price and with less waiting time. In a scenario where there are constant changes in the US health care system, where managed care was altering how providers interacted with patients funding for care was restricted and many health care systems were using non-physician providers to cut cost, CGH had an opportunity and challenge to attract uninsured patients and outperform its competitors. In the light of all these issues, the question that posed in front of the top management was, is to move ahead with the expansion plans or hold and improve operational efficiency or give up altogether. Key Issues The hospital was understaffed, under stocked and was overflowing with patients. The major problems that plagued the companys growth were as providing affordable good quality medical services to the indigent population of deficient country, streamlining procedures with polices, managing employees and gauging their performances, declining revenue, decreasing enrollments and under utilization, no upgrading enhancement of technologies, indifferent behavior of some employees towards the patients, inability of the infrastructure to cater to the increasing demands of the out patients section, resulting in long waiting hours and frustrated patients. Situation analysis The top management needs to make some critical calls on some top level strategic issues. If these problems are not taken care of then the following could be the repercussion: Negative revenue Dissatisfied patients Thrown away by competition Loss of goodwill and mistrust among people Inability to achieve the mission providing good quality service at affordable price and enhancing access to care. Complete shutdown of the hospital Directional strategies The directional strategies are undertaken by the hospital to improve its position and enhance its reach and ability to serve maximum number of patients starts with the defining of its mission statement vision and goals. Mission statement CGH is committed to serve the residents of Jefferson country with high quality health care regardless of ability to pay (Copper green mercy,). The hospital strike to attract and maintain a dedicated and compassionated staff of professionals who believe in serving the society and seek to continuously improve the services and adapt to need the changing health needs of the communities. (Cooper green mercy,). Vision Statements CGH is the leader to an evitable and just health care system through excellence, quality, compaction and trust. (Copper green mercy,). Value Statements Some of the key value statements for the company are commitment to health and well being of those being served expectation, to achieve the highest level of excellence, understanding the vital importance of advocacy for those being served, imbibing creativity and innovation, recognizing the importance of working with the patients and the community and dedication towards providing high level education to health professionals. Legislative-Political Changes The Medicare program was established in 1965 to insure medical coverage for the aged and disabled. It then expanded to in compass other people entitle to social security or rail road retirement benefits and also people with end stage renal disease. Another provision allowed non covered aged individuals to also benefit from the plan. There are 2 separate programs for Medicare i.e. Part-A :- Hospital insurance (free of charge) Part-B :- supplemental medical insurance (against monthly fee) In 1997 Medicare as a whole covered 38 millions people utilization of Part-A and B was 87% of enrollees. (DeButts, 2010). Title XIX of the social security act of 1965 gave rise to Medicaid as part of the federal state welfare structure to aid Americas poor population. It allowed federal funding for state run programs. In order to provide basic health service including hospitals in patients and out patients service laboratory and X-ray services and physician services. In 1998 Alabama Medicaid program provided benefits to variety of population but the majority were for indigent women and children and elderly persons in nursing home. In 1998 15.3% of Alabamas population was eligible for Medicaid program. The balance budget act of 1997 brought a significant change for the Alabama hospital in the light of ALLKIDS programs. Economic changes Health care cost rose at twice the inflation rate from the mid 1980s to mid 1990s creating a 1 trillion dollars industry that accounted for 14% of the US GDP. By the end of century the health care industry had grown to more than 1.5 trillion dollar or 18% of GDP. In 1995 nearly 3 quarters of American workers were insured by HMO, PPO and POS plans up from only 27% in 1987. (The Economy in,). Social-Demographic changes By the 1990s Jefferson Country has become a diversified economy with industries spanning across various industries like Biotechnology, healthcare, engineering and financial sector. As of 1998, the Birmingham metropolitan statistical areas population was approximately 875,000.Jefferson Country population was approximately 652,000. According to a 1993 survey it was found out that 1/3rd of Jefferson country resident were uninsured. 12 acute care hospitals were located in Birmingham. In 1998 8 out of 12 hospitals reported experienced decline in admission, in patient capacity in the area exceeded demand in order to reposition themselves. (Johnson, 2006). To respond to this and other changes in health care environment many hospitals went in for strategic alliance like the Brook wood Medical Centre, Medical centre East and Lloyd Noland Hospital. The other hospitals spread across the diverse geography of Jefferson are as follows: Princeton Baptist Medical centre. Montclair Baptist Centre Brook wood Medical Centre Cooper Green Hospital Health South Medical Centre Saint Vincents Hospital etc. Technological changes In the 1990s there was an increasing emphasis on outpatient care driven by the need to reduce cost and improve technology that would enable more types of care to be delivered on the outpatient basis. The lack of capital resources with CGH to invest in technology enhancement, new medical renovation led to longer waiting time, patient frustration and declining enrollments. The shortage of examination rooms, clerks, nurses, waiting room space further worsened the patients experience. Sometimes the reason for this frustrated experience was the discourteous and uncompassionate behavior of some of the staffs with the patients. There were some staffs that were very dedicated and loyal and compassionate but some were not interested in their jobs and used to perform below the expected levels and show negative attitude to the patients. The administration made several attempts to improve the employee morale but it was of little use as there remained a core of negative people who demoralized other staff members and angered patients. Competitive Changes In order to provide good quality health care at affordable and fair prices to the poor and needy patients, the hospitals both Non Profit making and profit making should go in for a strong alliance and should complement each others competitive strengths and ensure to pass on the benefits of reduced cost, higher advanced technological developments, better quality health care to the indigent population. (DeButts, 2010) Internal Environment SWOT Strengths: Pool of talented and compassionate staff members who choose to work at Jefferson health systems and believed in its mission and enjoyed serving those in need. Turnover of the staff was pretty low High overall patients satisfaction which averaged about 90%. Patients recorded the most satisfaction with issues related to the health care providers. Many patients expressed their gratitude for the care they received. They often remarked as saying they would have no way of obtaining health care without JHS and God bless CHS. CGS was considered one of the safety net providers across the US because of its mission to provide medical care to the poor. Weakness: Declining revenue of the Hospital Majority of capital was funded and only 6% was operating revenue. With this low operating revenue, operations may become unsustainable in future Hospital was not able to attract patients who are not insured Resources are not adequately utilized Inadequate infrastructure to take care of the growing demand in out patients section. Opportunities: Managed care was dominated form of insurance in US and enrollment was expected to increase Change in the US health care system. Managed care was altering how health care providers interacted with patients, funding for care was being restricted and many health care system were using non physician providers to cut cost. This threw plethora of opportunities in front of CGS. Threats: Vandalism and violence Stiff competition in the health care segment Technological advancements along with insufficient capital Inability to cope up with competition in the light of technological advancements which made diagnosis of multiple problems possible and insufficient capital. Comparative strategies According to a 1993 survey conducted by CGH centre for community care more than 1/3rd of the resident of Jefferson country was uninsured. Many poor people were delayed getting necessary medical care because they had no health insurance. Some 48 thousand residents have been denied care because they lacked health insurances. On average health care was listed as the 6th most important issue. This unexploited segment of uninsured population gave an opportunity to CGH to cater to the demands of segment that top management was able to identify this niche market. In order to serve this niche market CGH and Jefferson country development of health (JCDH) established a working alliance in order to improve continuity of care for the indigent population. JCDH physician staff privileges at CGH. They also explored the idea of more comprehensive alliance but no plans could materialize before 1999. JCDH operated an extensive health care network to service approx 80 thousand people every year. Health care services were available to people at the cost of service based on their ability to pay. Seminars were also sponsored by the health centres on disease eradication and health promotion topics. Recommendations The following actions could be taken in order to resolve the problem faced by the hospital: Developing the infrastructure facility so as to meet the growing demands of the out patients segment, as the hospital was designed to take care of the in patient. Establishing strategic alliances with some of the top profit making hospital. Giving better training and education to the staff so that they can be adequately utilized Offer better discounted bundle price/package to the patients so as to attract the insured patients as well. This will help increase the number of enrollments and increase the patient base. Increasing operational efficiency and reducing waiting time in the clinic. Reducing the dependency on funding and establish more ways to generate operational revenue Investing in technological advancements and providing high quality modern medical facilities to the patients Implementation strategies In order to implement the recommendation the following strategies should be adopted Establish more number of CCP clinics which would take care of in patients demand and reduce the waiting time CGH can go in for a comprehensive alliance with top performing hospitals just like Brook wood Medical Centre, Medical Centre East and Lloyd Noland Hospital formed an alliance in 1995. Aligning with the apex health care institutes to provide high quality training to the staff Involving more non physician providers like registered nurse and practicing physician under the supervision of medical experts. Motivating the staff to work efficiently by addressing their monetary as well as personal requirements Increasing the synchronization among the various departments so as to reduce the waiting time. Giving better offers for both Health First and Community Care Plan to the existing uninsured patients as well as the new insured patients. This will enhance the revenue base and decrease the dependency on funding Attracting investors by means of more aggressive marketing initiatives in order to enhance the popularity of the CCP concept. Marketing Strategies In order to make the CCP success some marketing initiatives were undertaken which did not turn out to be successful A health fare was scheduled at the site of the first CCP clinic before its establishment but because of construction delay the clinic couldnt be operational several months after the fare thereby nullifying the impact of the promotional efforts. The primary approaches to marketing during the first two years were appearances by the top management and staff members at community organization, church groups, schools along with promotional materials placed within the hospital. The intention of all these marketing activities was to educate staff neighboring communities, social services, uninsured people, small businesses and other hospitals in the area regarding CCP and how to access the service. Word of mouth had proven to be the promising and reliable avenue of retaining patients. Due to limited administrated staff no one person was responsible for coordinating the marketing efforts. Before the commencement of the first clinic focus group were used to assess the membership plan but there were no service to assess the patient awareness attitude or understanding about CGH or CCP. Benchmarks for Success In order to ensure the success of the CGH in achieving its goal of providing quality treatment at affordable fees and increase access to care, following strategies/ actions should be adopted / executed: Increasing the revenue base by attracting more patients both insured and uninsured Taking advantage of the niche market of uninsured population Offering better compensation services so that the patients feel that they are getting more for less Educate staff members and train them properly so that the patients waiting time is reduced and patient experience enhanced Go in for strategic alliances with good profit making hospitals to get access to capital and make necessary investments in technology.
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