Monday, September 30, 2019
After Effects of the World War 2 on Civilians Essay
September 1, 1939, a day that would change the world forever. With this day, the world entered the nuclear age. It was the start of World War 2. Invasions and massive attacks were everywhere and every country was desperate to introduce itself as a powerful war machine that can take over the world. This war lasted six years, killing more people and destroying more properties than any other war in the history. Few of the probable reasons that caused the nuclear bombs to explode were the hatred between communism and fascism system. This age witnessed the collapse of democracy and the rise of dictatorship in certain countries. All the countries that came out of World War 1 were deep in debt. Their economies went upside down. Amongst these complications, there were millions of problems faced by the ordinary people or the war victims. The people were not sure whether to step out of their houses even after thinking a thousand times. Their extra-ambitious leaders used to vow that their sacrifices will lead them to a brighter tomorrow but every second, they feared, that tomorrow might not come. Storing eatables, water, hiding in basements for weeks and months and so onâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ was even worse than survival in hell. Watching others instantly turning into ashes or looking at the torn up bodies of the loved ones would make one feel as if to kill one’s own self. After a terrifying physical war the civilians went through the torturing mental effects. They stood helpless, miserable as if they are bodies with no souls in them. The babies born were deformed. People were the victims of several diseases such as vomiting, fever, aches etc. their houses had been crushed down. People stood at a point, where they had no hope of getting rescued as their governments had forgotten them. They had no clothes, food, shelter or any such thing that could enable their survival. Sitting lost and waiting for death had been their hobby for years and years. These people went through a horrible time that nobody can ever think of and the obstacles they faced cannot be imagined. I personally feel that these nuclear bombs and nuclear technology is the greatest enemy of humanity. Its use is a challenge to mankind. Either we use it for blasts and destruction of our very own mother earth or we use it to produce electricity. In fact, producing electricity through nuclear power stations costs less. It would even not require the burning of oil and gas. The decision is up to us!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
All I really need to know I Learned in Kindergarten Essay
I can remember my mother telling me for a few weeks before the first day how wonderful school was going to be and how I would meet loads of new friends. She also told me that the other kids are going to be scared just like I was. Turning five years old, and knowing that it was time for me to begin school already, was really very scary. The thought of waking up early and going to school and not being with my mom all morning made me feel sick to my stomach, but I just had to suck it up and go. The first day of kindergarten I was sad but also excited at the same time because I was going to meet new friends and I was going to get to play with them during recess. I remember walking into school with my new back pack; they were the ones that had to two little wheels on it so you wouldn’t have to carry it. As I was getting dropped off and hearing my mom telling me bye I started to cry. Being really close to my mom I didn’t want her to leave me there all alone. So we walked in together and she told me that I was going to be all right. My mom and my new teacher, Mrs. Fossum were having a hard time getting me to stay there. After they saw that I wouldn’t stay, my mom had to stay there with me thru out that whole day. As the first day went on I was making a bunch of friends with my new classmates. When the second day came I wanted my mom to stay at school but I realized that she had to go to work. After she had left I saw a table that had some crayons and some paper on it, so I ventured over to it and stood by the seat watching to see if anyone was going to stop me from drawing. No one came so I took a seat, a piece of paper, and of course a blue coloring pencil just like the one I had at home and started to draw. When the other children saw that I was already hard at work with my drawing, which somewhat looked like a cow, they came and sat down with me. Even the child that didn’t want to leave his father noticed me and came over and started to draw. The little boy started to ask me questions and once he started then everyone started to include me into their group. I learned at a young age that I was not very comfortable meeting new people and doing thing on my own. My mother realized that Mitchell School system was too big of a school for my type of personality and that I do better when I don’t have to adapt to much change.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Relevance and Importance of the Concept of Global Business Fitness Assignment
The Relevance and Importance of the Concept of Global Business Fitness - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) had rightly marked the need of responsible leadership for sustainable growth that has been reduced due to the financial crisis. Leaders face many challenges while taking the company ahead. Leadership is focused on the team, career, company, and shareholders. Career success leadership involves leading one’s own path or the direction to proceed. It also concerns developing flexibility, evaluating work-life, physical and emotional strength, solving problem and time management skills. Leading a team comprises of selecting the right practices, human resource management, developing the team, conflict management, effective technology consumption and helping the team members to develop simultaneously. Leadership in company focuses on the possible outcomes to attain sustainable strategic mission success through entrepreneurship, strategic thinking, organization control, external consciousness. Strategic advan tage leadership deals with increasing the shareholder's value to gain high return on investment through global-scenario planning. Spiritual leadership is a mixed concept of positive leadership that engage motivating and inspiring workers through an inspirational idea and a customs based on philanthropic values to produce a better dynamic workforce. This leadership also includes ethics, attitude, and behavior required to motivate one and others to build a sense of spiritual survival. This theory also entails the concept of positive human fitness and emotional well-being through advancement in workplace spirituality, optimistic psychology, character ethics and faith. Besides increasing the employee empowerment, dedication and knowledge, it also focused on the human health enriching approaches that benefit both the employees and the business.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Frederick Douglass Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Frederick Douglass - Essay Example However, in American, slavery was introduced and influenced by the European settlers. At first, Native Americans were exploited as slaves until the settlers learned to import African slaves. The purpose was to supply the increasing demand in slave labor and trading because it proved to have several economic advantages. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the institution of slavery had affected all the Americans – whether they were white or black, Northern or Southern, slave or free. During this period, the status and treatment to the slaves were very drastic and degrading. They were considered merely as chattels or pieces of property. They had only few legal rights, but, the most tragic scenario was the situation of other slaves who had no rights at all. Most of them lives and belonged to their â€Å"Masters†wherein they can be sold or leased in the public slave markets. The owners also controlled their lives in which they were the ones who decide on how they (slaves) spent their free time and whether they get married or not. The worst, once the parents were slaves, their children were also expected to become slaves and taken by their â€Å"Master†when they big enough to be utilized in agriculture, industry, commerce, domestic service, and/or armed forces. Due to this legal, social, economic and racial discrimination and prejudices suffered by the slaves, several anti-slavery movement and revolts began to develop to end their misery and to safeguard their basic human rights. And one of the most notable and influential figures in the abolition of slavery during the nineteenth century was Frederick Douglass, who was born to a family of African-American slaves and also became as slave himself as young as seven years old. Douglass escaped from slavery and began to advocate racial equality and black freedom from being slavery doomed. Discussion Slavery both existed in the North and South America. But, since the abolition of slavery in the North during the colonial period, the South had become the haven of slave labor due to the introduction and emergence of large-scale cotton plantation farms. Cotton became the world’s largest and represented as America’s biggest and most important export. It replaced sugar as the major crop. In fact, three-fourths of the world’s cotton supply came from the southern region. It was considered by the South as their â€Å"white gold†(Foner, 2006, 378) because it significantly boosted the economic status of the entire America wherein the sales earned from the cotton industry had allowed the country to pay for imported manufactured goods (Foner, 379). Since, the economy was centered on the production of cotton, the South, which happened to have abundant fertile farms applicable for cotton farming, had become the center of New World slavery. The South was also considered as the largest and most powerful slave society (Foner, 378) which adversely affected b oth the African American slaves and the poor American whites in the region. Effects of slavery in the South to the African-American Slavery in the South had adversely affected the African-American slaves. First, the African-Americans were subjected to racial discrimination wherein the White Americans believed that they were supreme and their black counterparts were the innately inferior. Further, they declared that true equality for them (whites) was manifested by being free from â€Å"low, menial, unskilled jobs†in which they emphasized that these jobs were only fitted for the blacks. Slavery was for the blacks and means their existence was to perform all kinds of work in the plantation all throughout the day with only brief break for meals. They were only fed for the reason to become more productive rather than any reasons (Foner, 2006, 395).
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Labor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Labor - Essay Example Thus, unions play an effective role in reducing the rate of job turnover within a company. One example of this is the grievance process that helps employees to resolve their problems with the employer. However, the control gap by the unions is the difference between the managerial control in union and non-union workplaces; it is more important than the wage gap, which is the difference between the wages of union and non-union workers. The second point illustrated in chapter nine of the text is non-union workplace dispute resolution. In America, there is a significant difference between the way disputes are resolved in union and non-union organizations. The grievance procedure is a union system that protects the employees as well as the employer. However, many non-union workplaces suffer from not having a dispute resolution system in place. Such processes for conflict resolution are needed in any company, whether or not a union is in place. While managers often have an open-door polic y that allows employees to come and discuss concerns and complaints, the policy has many disadvantages; such as the lack of fairness and equity. Non-union employers have made attempts at improving their open-door policy by enhancing equity and voice.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Consumer Mathematics Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Consumer Mathematics - Speech or Presentation Example Some common variants of traditional savings accounts are; passport savings, money market accounts. Although passbook savings is one of the most widely used since it stipulates few restrictions and withdrawals are usually not limited; consequently they are typically low yielding alternatives to other types of accounts. Interest can be compounded daily, weekly or monthly so it pays to calculate actual yield based on terms and all transactions are recorded. Money market accounts provide a more attractive alternative to passbook accounts, since they are usually higher yielding, provide the ability to write checks, and are subject to certain restrictions. Some disadvantages are that they are typically subject to fairly high minimum balance requirements in order to avoid fees and usually restricted to six withdrawal transactions, three must be done by check. Certificate of deposit provides the most attractive alternative as an investment instrument. Certificates of Deposit provide the high est interest return and are virtually risk free due to the fact that they are insured by the FDIC. The deposits are usually of a fixed term, with maturity ranging often three months, six months or from 1-5 years. Interest is usually fixed, with longer term CD’s usually offering a higher yield. The main disadvantage lies in the fact that early withdrawal is heavily penalized, thus the investor must be aware of this fact because the principal is held until
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Brief critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Brief critique - Essay Example The sources of the vitamin are the vegetables which consist of greens, tomatoes, and pieces of onions. The protein in the advertised meal is from the chicken that is sandwiched. The baked part of the sandwich is the main source of carbohydrates. The presence of all important nutrients in the advertised meal makes a good site to visit when in need of a balanced diet. Additionally, the use of promotions such as â€Å"Big Mac ®Ã¢â‚¬ when a person visits the site makes many clients to register as the customers of the â€Å"m I’m lovin’ it.†Despite this advertisement appearing very appealing to the consumers of fast foods, it has some weaknesses that make me dislike it. For instance, it has not provided any information about the physical location of the cafà © selling the meal (Smith 17). It is also evident that the advertisement has not unraveled the price of the meal its advertising. Additionally, it has not provided any inform ation on the ratio of ingredients making up the advertised food. The lack of information pertaining the ingredients, price, and location of the selling spot makes the advertisement less important to the
Monday, September 23, 2019
A paper for oceanography based off of the book called The Eskimo and Essay
A paper for oceanography based off of the book called The Eskimo and the Oil Man by Bob Reis - Essay Example The study of the oceans has enabled the understanding of the global climates and the trending climatic concerns such as the global warming and the possible impacts on the ecosystem dynamics and the life supporting atmospheric portion i.e. the biosphere at large. The atmosphere and the biosphere are interrelated through the natural processes of evaporation, precipitation and the natural heat exchange processes. At a general broad prospect, oceanography is divided into the following branches: 1. Biological oceanography This refers to the study of the ecology of the marine ecosystems with regards to their surrounding ocean environment. Marine biologists study the life in the oceans (marine ecology) and as well as the total organic production in the seas and oceans. The marine life consists of the floating or weakly swimming organisms known as planktons and rapidly swimming organisms referred to as nektons. Marine oceanographers map the floors of oceans, analyze the problems of the shore lines, and study the deposits and other sediments of the ocean floor and rock layers of the earth’s crust. Biological oceanography therefore looks into the influence of the ocean’s physical, chemical and the geological characteristics on the marine ecology or ecosystems. 2. Chemical oceanography (Marine Chemistry) This is the study of the Chemistry underlying the ocean environment and the processes of its interactions with the atmosphere. Chemical oceanography is looks into the chemistry of seawater, the major salts it contains, and other trace elements found in the oceans. 3. Marine Geology ( Geological oceanography) This refers to the study of the geology of the ocean floor with regards to the paleoceanography and the plate tectonics. 4. Physical Oceanography (Marine Physics) This is the study of the physical processes of the oceans such as the mixing, waves, tides, ocean currents, water transparency density and temperature; as well as under water acoustics and sound transmission. In his book, The Eskimo and the Oil Man: The Battle at the Top of the World for America’s Future, Bob Reiss is particularly concerned with the Oil exploration strategy by the Shell Company on the North Arctic coast of Alaska, focusing on the potential threats to the Ocean, impact on the marine ecosystems and the Americans living within the neighborhood. This intertwines all the mentioned branches of oceanography with views on the related impacts to the ocean and its environs. Reiss describes offshore oil exploration, which generally involves operations beyond three miles from the shoreline. This exploration has been especially facilitated by the continuous recession of ice at the coast of Alaska due to the changes in weather and climate patterns, a region that has been for many years covered by ice. Amongst other challenges of offshore exploration is the control of the dynamic changes in the temperatures and pressures when drilling across the rock formations in their strata deep beneath the ocean that may result in to dangerous oil-well blowouts that emit a buoyant plume of oil, produced water and natural gas. The ice recession at Arctic is a concern of the oceanography which tries to look into the prospective repercussions of offshore oil drilling activities on to the local and global climate. It also tries to explain the possible impacts on the surrounding environment as the ice continue to disappear. This phenomenon has been occasioned by global
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Word Essay Example for Free
The Word Essay It is probably the hurtful racial word ever created. It is a word known primarily as a means to degrade African Americans. The word packs such power to represent overt racial hatred; most people regardless of race will not even say it. In the dictionary the word nigger means, usually offensive, a member of any dark-skinned race and ignorant. The n word is word used to cause pain to African American people it is used to offend us so use it. It is a degrading word; a word that whit people used to as they use to say put us in our place. So why do we think it is ok to us it as a term of endearment. It was used as a word that brought our ancestors so much pain so why do we feel it ok to use it when they fought so hard to end the use of the word against them. The NAACP had a funeral for the N as a way to put an end of use of the word, as a way to show the world that the word had no more meaning or pain when used as a put down, but the world still uses the word. Some people don’t even know the meaning of the word but still use it thinking its cool or the thing to do. Since the meaning of the word changed in the African American community people think its ok to use if you change the ending of the word from â€Å"er†to an â€Å"a†it is still the same word and in turn has the same meaning and should still not be used. Most people do not even know what the word means. t a word that brings pain to African American people and remind us that we are inferior and beneath white people. And we use it as a term of love, endearment. Changing the meaning dose not erase the pain it caused to our ancestors. The word should not be used especially by African American people in college because being in college shows that you are educated to get this far and the word means you are ignorant not educated, and in turn degrading yourself .
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Outline and Speech Essay Example for Free
Outline and Speech Essay My life before becoming a non-traditional student was very typical and average. At 34, I was a mother of two kids and was trying to juggle between my family and work life. I did not have a particularly hard time between the two and even felt dissatisfied about my professional life. I had been working as a salon manager for about 15 years and I was also into retail management at that time. For some people, this can be regarded as a big achievement. However, I was not contented at all and it got to the point where I felt that I had already reached the end. There was no room for growth and there were not much opportunity to make more money, which I needed to support my family. I toyed with the idea of going back to school for a very long time. I felt that my life was too complicated for me to go back. I had a family with two children to think about and it is important for me to not miss any quality time with them. Although I knew that there were many other non-traditional students out there and that the idea of going back to school is not new anymore, I still had my doubts and I thought of my decision for quite some time. I did think about the advantages for me and the negative effects it would bring mainly to my family. I also had questions regarding the cost of receiving a degree, as well as the financial aid options that are available for me. I was also very conscious of the fact that this generation is very different from what I knew when I was still in school. Young people nowadays are very liberated and have many bright ideas, which would help them excel in their fields. As for me, I was this middle-aged woman trying to fit in in this new world. See more: what is essay format However, this feeling did not last long because I discovered that I was not the only non-traditional student in the school and that the school is very accommodating to students like us. The younger students are liberated but this fact also helped because they are more open to things like non-traditional students. The most important factor that led to my decision of going back to school was my thirst for more and for better things for my family. I had my second daughter in December of 2005 and I was able to take an extended leave of one year after that pregnancy. When I went back to work, I felt something different. I had manager hours, which is very convenient for me and the pay was not that bad either. However, I was bursting with so much drive, ambition, and motivation and I felt that I had so much more to offer than just become a salon manager all my life. In 2007, after 15 years of working, I finally had the courage to leave my job and go back to school. To say that I was nervous is an understatement. I was giddy, excited, and scared all at the same time. I did not know what to expect after 16 years of being out of school. Sure, I can read about the latest news on the Internet and even see some of what is going on but experiencing it first-hand is very different. Still, the thing that made me survive and take it all in was the fact that this decision while it can affect my family, it will ultimately be beneficial for me and nobody else’s. I was doing it for me because I wanted to achieve greater things in life. I have a very busy life as a non-traditional student at this time. I am now in my third semester here at NSU and I believe that I am doing great in terms of school work. Contrary to what I feared before, I have no problems handling my personal and family life. Both of my kids are very active socially and academically and I make sure that I still have the time to guide them with their activities. After finishing my courses, I believe that I will be better equipped and prepared to take greater responsibilities. I would be more confident that my career path would not be a dead-end like before. I would therefore like to state that this decision of becoming a non-traditional student has proved to be beneficial to me and to the people around me.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Separation of Powers UK
Separation of Powers UK What was the purpose of the ‘separation of powers as originally envisaged? How does it operate in contemporary practice? Note: Headers have been removed to show that word count is not breached by more than 10% To answer these questions I will need to identify a few key concepts, firstly Separation of Powers and what this means- Separation of powers is the idea that the three functions of government: Legislation, execution and adjudication should be dealt with by separate branches of government: Legislature, Executive and Judiciary[1]. When it comes to the phrase ‘Originally envisaged it has to be worked out who is being referred to the- Montesquieu is the person generally linked with the phrase separation of powers which he wrote about in The Spirit of the Laws. I will speak about Montesquieu views in the first section of the essay. ‘Originally Envisaged may however also refer to the views of the founding fathers and in particular those that contributed to the Federalist papers as they wrote numerous times about the importance of the separation of powers. (To tackle how it was originally envisaged I will make reference to documents written by these parties and extensively use q uotes from The Spirit of Laws, The Federalist Papers and the American Constitution to back up my points and to analysis what they originally envisaged) I will write about this in the section after discussing Montesquieu and his views on ‘Separation of powers. These two sections will answer the section of the question on how ‘Separation of Powers was ‘Originally envisaged; I will then discuss what the purpose of ‘Separation of Powers was according with relation to Montesquieu The Founding Fathers. I will then go onto answer the second part of the question- Outlining where ‘Separation of Powers is not being strictly followed and where problems exist within the system and where ‘Separation of Powers is followed in Contemporary America. Montesquieu is an important figure when discussing Separation of Powers due to his book The Spirit of the Laws in which he outlines why the Separation of Powers is necessary and how it should be separated. Montesquieu discusses how ‘Democratic and Aristocratic states are not necessarily free ‘Tis necessary that by the very disposition of things power should be a check to power'[2] In other words there should be checks and balances to ensure Liberty can exist. Ensuring Liberty is a key theme in The Spirit of Laws and could be seen as the purpose of the ‘Separation of powers according to Montesquieu. But to be able to tell if this operates successfully in contemporary practice we must look at we must look at how Montesquieu explains it- he uses the British constitution as his main example[3] seeing the British system as one that was a free state[4]. He sees the reason for this is because of the independence that exists between the different bodies- ‘Legislative , Executive and Judiciary stating that There is no liberty, if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and executive powers'[5] this system of power being restrained by other powers[6] is the reason according to Montesquieu why the British constitution could ensure Liberty. These regulations on power had in Montesquieus opinion the power to stop corruption or tyranny as he believes that ‘Every man invested with power is apt to abuse it'[7] This is an argument for the separation of powers as the statement ‘Every Man suggests that any person given absolute power will ‘abuse it, It is important to note however this does not mean that Montesquieu favoured democracy he simply believes that as long as there is separation of powers liberty is ensured he even states that most Kingdoms of Europe enjoy moderate government[8] Not because of any democratic principle but because ‘the prince who is invested in the first two powers, leaves the third to hi s subject'[9] (The third power referring to the Judiciary). Montesquieu places much emphasis on judicial independence, which is important to note as it will become relevant when looking at how it operates in contemporary practice as the appointments by the executive to the Supreme Court may be a potential problem. Another point to note within this section is how separate Montesquieu intended the different bodies to be- whilst he stated that they should remain separate he also mentions that if ‘The legislature think itself in danger by some conspiracy against the state It might authorise the executive power, for a short and limited time, to imprison suspected persons'[10] this suggests that whilst Montesquieu believed that separation was necessary he also believed that if necessary the different parts of government should be able to interact in such a way if it is deemed necessary. It is also important to make clear that Separation does not mean that the 3 different parts will not be able to communicate, indeed Montesquieu believes it necessary for example the Judiciary to be informed of law from the legislature and that they must follow the ‘exact letter of the law'[11]. To summarise Montesquieus views on Separation of Powers I would say that he believes that the purpose of the Separation of the three bodies of government is to ensure that power is not abused, however as mentioned previously there are some limitations to this separation which can be summed up by Montesquieu himself ‘Should abuses creep into one part, they can be reformed by those that remain sound'[12]. Montesquieu is important as he heavily influenced the founding fathers during the creation of the American Constitution and it can be seen that the founding fathers have built upon Montesquieus writings in The Spirit of the Laws, It should be noted however that although Montesquieu was the first person to write about the Separation of in the way it is contemporary understood, there are many links to Polybius and the concept of a mixed constitution[13], Polybius also mentions separate branches of government[14] and as such is important to note along with Montesquieu when discussi ng separation of powers. I will now discuss what the Founding fathers (Specifically those involved with the drafting and approval of the constitution) thought of the Separation of powers as how they ‘Originally Envisaged is crucial to answering the second part of the question, this section will be less detailed than the section on Montesquieu as they were heavily influenced by Montesquieu (Which I will prove later) so will share much of the same purpose and views on the Separation of powers. I will look at a few key Documents from the Federalist papers- 47 and 51- and also at the American Constitution, the Constitution should give an insight into what was originally envisaged and the Federalist papers should give more of an insight into what the purpose was. Firstly the American constitution- the phrase ‘Separation of Powers is not found in the constitution however the principles are prevalent throughout it and the influence of the concept of ‘Separation of Powers strong, many of the constitutions of individual states specifically mention the need for separation of powers[15] Notably Virginia- ‘That the legislative, executive, and judicial departments of the Commonwealth should be separate and distinct'[16]. Although the American constitution does not cite anything quite as clear as Virginias section on the Separation of powers the way it is built is clearly shows the influence of Separation of powers with legislative power being granted to Congress in the first article ‘All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress'[17] Similarly Executive power granted to the president ‘The executive Power shall be vested in a President'[18] and Judicial power ‘The judicial Power of the United S tates shall be vested in one supreme Court and in such inferior courts'[19]. It is clear that whilst separation of powers is not mentioned as it is in the Virginian constitution the principle is well and truly understood and represented by the Founding Fathers and the Constitution, these three quotes were taken from the first three articles respectively, so it can safely be assumed that the Separation of Powers in some form or another was an aim of the constitution. So as ‘Originally Envisaged the constitution shows that three distinct branches were considered necessary, with regard to what the purpose of it was we need an insight into what the Founding Fathers considered, and the Federalist papers provide such an insight which is extremely useful when trying to find out the purpose of ‘Separation of powers. I will now discuss the relevance of the Federalist papers and conclude on what they saw the purpose as. The Federalist papers were essentially pieces of propaganda designed to gain support for the constitution[20], they were written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison[21] who were all founding fathers- James Madison is of particular importance as he is considered the Father of the constitution and is said to have played a ‘Pivotal Role in the drafting of the document[22], the papers were published anonymously but the two papers I will be looking at are said to be written by- 47 (Madison) 51 (Either Hamilton or Madison)[23]. The reason I have chosen these two papers is because they both make mention of Separation of powers and as Madison is considered the Father of the constitution it will give an insight into what the purpose of Separation of Powers was as originally envisaged by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution. Firstly Paper 47, this paper by James Madison makes it clear what the purpose of Separation of powers is- it states ‘The preservation of libe rty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct'[24] so like Montesquieu the purpose is Liberty, this paper also acts to support the idea that Montesquieu was a big influence on the American Constitution with the statement ‘The oracle who is always consulted and cited on this subject is the celebrated Montesquieu'[25], as discussed in the section on Montesquieu there are caveats with the separation of powers and Madison also accepts and discusses these in this paper, using Montesquieu as his guide he considers the British constitution and how the three branches and not completely separate[26]. Paper 51 sets out in more detail how the separation of powers will work and further emphasises his purpose of support for the separation of powers ‘The great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself'[27] the important phrase here it to control itsel f, this shows an understanding of the principle of Checks and Balances as this is the way in which the government can control itself, however the general theme and purpose are shown to be the preservation of liberty. So to summarise this section I would say I have shown how both Montesquieu and the Founding fathers are agreed on the purpose of the separation of powers which is to ensure liberty, and they are both generally agreed on the idea of how this will be done- through checks and balances and the separation of the 3 branches of government, however I feel that there is one substantial difference between Montesquieu and the Founding Fathers views on the issue which is- Whilst Montesquieu makes it clear that it neednt be a democracy to ensure Liberty, Madison states that ‘dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government'[28] also Montesquieu believes that there is need for a hereditary body[29] which is not considered by Madison or the founding fathers. To start with I will identify the basics of how it operates, at its simplest level separation of powers can be considered to be the split of the 3 Branches of government into Legislative, Executive and Judiciary[30]- In contemporary America these are split thus: Legislative = Congress- including both the Senate House of Representatives Executive = President Judiciary = Supreme Court and lower courts[31] This system operates in that Executive and Legislative are elected by the public and the Judiciary are appointed by the Executive and approved by the Judiciary[32] (I will critique this as a point where Separation of powers does not exist in a later section). With separation of powers the three branches are to act as a limit to the powers of each other[33] (Checks and Balances) so I will now discuss how this operates in practice, one key way in which this exists is through impeachment, this allows the Legislative to remove the Executive from office ‘for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.'[34], this could be seen as directly meeting Montesquieus statement: ‘Should abuses creep into one part, they can be reformed by those that remain sound'[35] but it also presents a problem as it means that there is an overlap between the different branches however as I have discussed this does not mean a failure of separation of powers, it can however be considered as a potential weakness as ‘Other High Crimes and Misdemeanors is vague and open to interpretation so the ‘Abuses of power Montesquieu could exist here if the executive were to be removed unfairly by a Legislative with ulterior m otives. With the creation of legislation there are numerous checks and balances on the three branches of government I will attempt to point them all out in the explanation of the passage of a bill becoming law- Laws can come from either chamber of congress- and must be passed in both, this is a check on itself and shows the influence of the British model on the American one (as well as on Montesquieu) through the existence of two chambers in the legislature. If the bill is passed by both Chambers it then must be approved by the Executive- who can either veto it or pass it (Which means that the executive has a check on the power of the Legislature), if the executive vetoes it can be overridden by a 2/3 majority in both Chambers of the legislature, which is a check on the power of the executive. If the bill is passed then it has to be approved by the Supreme Court as being constitutional- which is a check on the power of all the other bodies.[36] As can be seen the amount of checks the separat ion of powers works well here other than with the Supreme Court having no check on it and the ability to outright reject a bill. There are a few quirks in the American system that means Separation of Powers is not as clear cut as it could be one issue being that the vice-president is also the president of the senate[37] which is a clear overlap between the Executive and legislative, however as the Vice-President only has a casting vote[38]and does not have as much power as the president in the executive this can be seen as a technical breach rather than a problematic one. Another breach which is possibly more problematic is the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court- these are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate[39] whilst the fact that they are confirmed by the senate means that there is a check it also means that all 3 branches overlap in this area, it can create problems for the Executive when previous Presidents have appointed judges of a certain political persuasion which can be seen as an abuse of power and therefore Separation of Powers has not been met. To summarise this essay I would say that the Purpose of the Separation of Powers as Originally Envisaged- Which can refer to either Montesquieu or the Founding Fathers- is in both cases the Preservation of Liberty. Whether or not this operates in contemporary practice is debatable, I have been limited in this essay by attempting to answer two questions that potentially could be questions in their own right, I would like to have been able to explore further the Problems and Quirks but with the word limit of a single essay being imposed on two separate questions had to focus more on the questions at hand rather than being able to discuss these issues. I have attempted to use Primary sources as much as possible- My main references being The Spirit of Laws, American Constitution and The Federalist Papers as I feel that this improves the validity of my points. [1] Heywood, Andrew, (2007), Politics third Edition, Palgrave Foundations, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Pg. 339 [2] Montesquieu, Carrithers, David Wallace Ed. (1977), The Spirit of Laws, London, England, University of California Press Ltd. Pg. 200 [3] David Boucher Paul Kelly, (2009), Political Thinkers from Socrates to Present, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England Pg. 250 [4] Ibid Pg. 251 [5] Montesquieu, Carrithers, David Wallace Ed. (1977), The Spirit of Laws, London, England, University of California Press Ltd. Pg. 202 [6] David Boucher Paul Kelly, (2009), Political Thinkers from Socrates to Present, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England Pg. 251 [7] Montesquieu, Carrithers, David Wallace Ed. (1977), The Spirit of Laws, London, England, University of California Press Ltd. Pg. 202 [8] Montesquieu, Carrithers, David Wallace Ed. (1977), The Spirit of Laws, London, England, University of California Press Ltd. Pg. 202 [9] Ibid Pg. 202 [10] Ibid Pg.204 [11] Ibid Pg. 203 [12] Ibid Pg. 184 [13] Davis Lloyd, Marshall, Polybius and the Founding Fathers: The Separation of Powers, (Written 22/09/1998 Revised 02/09/2006) Available From:, (Accessed 12/12/2009) [14] Walbank, F.W., (1990), Polybius, London, England, University of California Press Ltd., Pg. 150 [15] Vile, M.J.C., (1967), Constitutionalism and the separation of powers, Oxford, England, Oxford University Press, Pg. 119 [16] Constitution of Virginia, Article 1 Section 5, Available From Accessed (12/12/2009) [17] American Constitution Article 1 Section 1, Available From Accessed (12/12/2009) [18] Ibid Article 2 Section 1 [19] Ibid Article 3 Section 1 [20] Dahl, Robert A., (2001), How democratic is the American Constitution?, Yale University Press, United States Pg. 64 [21] Ibid Pg. 64 [22] Library of Congress,, Accessed (12/12/2009) [23] Library of Congress,, Accessed (12/12/2009) [24] Library of Congress,, Accessed (12/12/2009) [25] Library of Congress,, Accessed (12/12/2009) [26] Ibid [27] Library of Congress,, Accessed (12/12/2009) [28] Library of Congress,, Accessed (12/12/2009) [29] Montesquieu, Carrithers, David Wallace Ed. (1977), The Spirit of Laws, London, England, University of California Press Ltd. Pg. 206 [30] Heywood, Andrew, (2007), Politics third Edition, Palgrave Foundations, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England Pg. 339 [31] American Constitution, Available From Accessed (12/12/2009) [32] McKay, David (2009), American Politics and Society, Blackwell Publishers, Printed in Singapore by C.O.S. Printers Pte Ltd. Pg. 47 [33] David Boucher Paul Kelly, (2009), Political Thinkers from Socrates to Present, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England Pg. 251 [34] American Constitution, Article 2 Section 4, Available From Accessed (12/12/2009) [35] Montesquieu, Carrithers, David Wallace Ed. (1977), The Spirit of Laws, London, England, University of California Press Ltd. Pg. 184 [36] McKay, David (2009), American Politics and Society, Blackwell Publishers, Printed in Singapore by C.O.S. Printers Pte Ltd. Pg. 47 [37] American Constitution, Article 1 Section 3, Available From Accessed (12/12/2009) [38] Ibid [39] McKay, David (2009), American Politics and Society, Blackwell Publishers, Printed in Singapore by C.O.S. Printers Pte Ltd. Pg. 47
Thursday, September 19, 2019
With particular reference to the novel opening, how does Jane Austen Es
With particular reference to the novel opening, how does Jane Austen present the role of women in pride and prejudice? Pride and Predujice With particular reference to the novel opening, how does Jane Austen present the role of women in pride and prejudice? Pride and prejudice was first published in 1893, this was a time when it just became acceptable for women to write and publish books. Pride and prejudice was set in the early 19th century in rural England. Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet, their five daughters, and the various romantic adventures at their Hertfordshire residence of Longbourn. I feel that Jane Austen successfully portrays the Age of Reason through her characters in Pride and Prejudice. I think this was the main purpose Jane Austen wrote this novel was to criticise society and the role of women in the 19th century. Jane Austen's novel surrounds the lives of middle class woman at the time; the female characters are often associated with marriage and money. Firstly the views of marriage and social class in the society of 19th century England were very different from views in modern society of today. In 19th century England there were two main concerns about marriage, to marry for wealth and stability. In the novel, Jane Austin stressed that marriage was not an act of love for most people in that age but and merely an act of survival, high ranking, and a place in society. Strong evidence which very well exemplify the general feelings against marriage for the period is the marriage of Charlotte Lucas to Mr. Collins. As she quoted:" I am not romantic you know. I never was'' yet she still agrees to marry Mr Collins. Charlotte is the main representative o... ...riage. Through the words of her novel Austen evidently criticises women in the 19th century I feel Jane Austen is a very brave novelist who confronted very controversial issues. Jane Austen presents woman as they are, she wrote the truth about how women were seen as weak and how the male population dominated everything. At the time image and social class was everything, and Jane Austen emphasises on this the whole time. Austen indicates through characters and literary devices how she disagrees with society. Austen mocks aristocracy through the presentation of Lady Catherine de burgh; she exaggerates her character to the full extent. Her arrogance is highlighted by the way she addresses other people. Jane Austen created effective characters like Elizabeth and Lady Catherine, they are crucial to the play as they both symbolize different types of woman.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Review Of Platoon :: essays research papers
I wasn’t expecting it, I just looked up and there it was: the disgusting, bloody, mauled body of a dead soldier. The shot was brief and I do not remember if he was strung up on a tree, if he was hanging, or what not. I was not in class the day prior due to a sleepless night led to sickness, so I was not able to watch the first part of the movie. I remembered that our class was supposed to watch a war movie; Ms. Klein was deciding between â€Å"Born on the Fourth of July†and â€Å"Platoon†. I vaguely remember her saying something about one of the movies being a slight bit, well, gruesomely horrifying. Due to a number of things that were due in my classes that day, when I walked into my English room, I was not thinking about the warnings that I was given. Then I looked up. Shocked I guess you could say was my first reaction. I was a little too surprised to be disgusted. Don’t sound so disappointed, I became sick to my stomach all too soon. It was hard for me to concentrate on a lot of â€Å"Platoon†during the first day of class. I looked at the screen only half of the time; I buried my head in current work so as to hide my eyes from the disasters on TV. I would occasionally look up and sure enough, each time I proceeded to lift my head, I squealed, and put it back down. I remember scenes of teenage boys being tortures with bullets, old women and men being killed, girls being raped, and children being put in front of a firing squad. That night, I couldn’t control the terrible scenes that flooded my head as I tried to sleep. The next day, I had learned to deal with the violence a little more than the previous day. I watched almost all of it, having to turn away only occasionally. The emotions that the violence expressed held me taut; it no longer turned me away from the screen, but drew me in, showing me further the horrible nature of war. Even though director Oliver Stone may have exaggerated situations in the war, he presented Vietnam like no one before. War is not shown as an event worthy of glory or praise, we are no longer shown as a brave force of victims. Review Of Platoon :: essays research papers I wasn’t expecting it, I just looked up and there it was: the disgusting, bloody, mauled body of a dead soldier. The shot was brief and I do not remember if he was strung up on a tree, if he was hanging, or what not. I was not in class the day prior due to a sleepless night led to sickness, so I was not able to watch the first part of the movie. I remembered that our class was supposed to watch a war movie; Ms. Klein was deciding between â€Å"Born on the Fourth of July†and â€Å"Platoon†. I vaguely remember her saying something about one of the movies being a slight bit, well, gruesomely horrifying. Due to a number of things that were due in my classes that day, when I walked into my English room, I was not thinking about the warnings that I was given. Then I looked up. Shocked I guess you could say was my first reaction. I was a little too surprised to be disgusted. Don’t sound so disappointed, I became sick to my stomach all too soon. It was hard for me to concentrate on a lot of â€Å"Platoon†during the first day of class. I looked at the screen only half of the time; I buried my head in current work so as to hide my eyes from the disasters on TV. I would occasionally look up and sure enough, each time I proceeded to lift my head, I squealed, and put it back down. I remember scenes of teenage boys being tortures with bullets, old women and men being killed, girls being raped, and children being put in front of a firing squad. That night, I couldn’t control the terrible scenes that flooded my head as I tried to sleep. The next day, I had learned to deal with the violence a little more than the previous day. I watched almost all of it, having to turn away only occasionally. The emotions that the violence expressed held me taut; it no longer turned me away from the screen, but drew me in, showing me further the horrible nature of war. Even though director Oliver Stone may have exaggerated situations in the war, he presented Vietnam like no one before. War is not shown as an event worthy of glory or praise, we are no longer shown as a brave force of victims.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Reaction Paper on ASEAN Integration Essay
The video entitled ASEAN Integration- Philippines had summed up the information regarding ASEAN Integration (AI), most importantly, the advantages as well as the challenges that may fail Philippines from benefiting to it. Consequently, the integration will create a massive change for ASEAN and its member states. When this will be officially established by this year 2015, all ASEAN member states will just seem to be provinces of ASEAN. The integration will somewhat be the same with the EU, the European Union, although there are significant differences as well. With the integration, the migration, the labor market, trading, implementation of policies, and the financial markets of each member will greatly be affected. And the effects of the integration are aimed toward the economic and political development of ASEAN as a whole and within each member state. However, with the current status of the Philippines, do we think that by becoming more internationally-oriented this will make or pu sh the country to improve? When you talk of internationalization, you are really talking about policies and programs that governments and higher institutions adopt to respond to globalization. So you are internationalizing, not just because there is integration in the region, but because the world is a global village now, that one cannot isolate itself from what is happening with the rest of the world. Internationalization does not mean that you will adapt your programs only to the international manpower needs. You have to develop your pool of human resources to support both what is needed domestically, and also what is needed internationally. The demands continue to increase all over the world. Unfortunately, the resources that are available for a country is either slack or sometimes weak, and this is why Philippines is being questioned of its competitiveness. It has a lot of catching up to do in improving its competitiveness and in making the country an attractive trade and investment destination. It has to work first on addressing governance issues that hinder the country to take advantage of opportunities from regional integration. The major factors that may prevent the country from maximizing its gains from globalization can be traced to policy shortcomings. A committed leadership that has the political will to pursue genuine reforms would be critical. Indeed, I understand why some are reluctant to bestow trust to the AI. It’s easier to go about your regular ways just repeating what you do. And any disruption or change, especially competition, threatens a lot of people, and worries a lot of people. The AI which promotes cooperation is at the same time a competition. You have emerging economies of Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam who are agricultural and Philippines is also agricultural. Each member will have to compete for economic development, it will be like survival of the fittest. By integration, you are going to sacrifice national interest, you are going to sacrifice the interest of the Filipino people, you become globally integrated to the disadvantage of the country.
Monday, September 16, 2019
New Revelations of Pre-Columbian America
In his breakthrough book, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Charles C. Mann changes myths about the Pre-Columbian America into scientific facts that nobody would deny. The book is a discussion about the scientific reality of Native American life before Columbus set foot in America. As it turns out, this view of reality based on scientific details is completely different from what we had previously thought about Pre-Columbian America. The thesis of Mann’s book may be summed up in his own words thus:When I went to high school, in the 1970s, I was taught that Indians came to the Americas across the Bering Strait about thirteen thousand years ago, that they lived for the most part in small, isolated groups, and that they had so little impact on their environment that even after millennia of habitation the continents remained mostly wilderness. Schools still impart the same ideas today. One way to summarize the views of people li ke Erickson and Balà ©e would be to say that they regard this picture of Indian life as wrong in almost every aspect. Indians were here far longer than previously thought, these researchers believe, and in much greater numbers. And they were so successful at imposing their will on the landscape that in 1492  Columbus set foot in a hemisphere thoroughly marked by humankind.After introducing the main thesis of his book – that, in fact, Native Americans were far more civilized than we had previously imagined – Mann begins â€Å"Part One: Numbers from Nowhere†by dealing with New England in the 1600s, and the myth that European technology was far superior to American Indian technologies. This myth was based on the fact that the Indians did not appreciate guns. However, the reality is that the Indian moccasins were far more comfortable than the boots of the European; and the canoes built by the Native Americans were speedier and more mane uverable than the small boats made by Europeans.Next, the author gets into a discussion about the reasons for the fall of the Inca Empire. During this discussion we learn that while the Europeans used metal to make tools, the Indians used it for tokens. Moreover, the Europeans had used horses while invading the Inca Empire, and the Indians did not have the technology to beat the intruders on horses. Still, the Inca Empire collapsed mainly because of disease in addition to factionalism. There had been a civil war after the Native Americans had clashed with the Spanish. Smallpox and various other epidemics were also responsible for the fall of the Inca Empire.The first part of Mann’s book also tackles the controversy surrounding the number of Native Americans in Pre-Columbian America. Scholars have disagreed on the population of the Indians. Whereas Dobyns believed that there were around one hundred million Native Americans living before the fall of the Inca Empire; Henige argued that the population was much less. Yet, as Mann points out, there is virtually no evidence to suggest that the population of Native Americans was little.In addition to the above, the first part of the book deals with the Aztecs. According to scientific evidence, the Aztecs were more sophisticated than we had previously believed them to be. The Greek â€Å"thinker-teacher†model prevailed among them as â€Å"tlamatini.†â€Å"Part Two: Very Old Bones†provides scientific evidence linked to the skeletons of Lagoa Santa that were found in Brazil’s caves to conclude that the Indians and the Siberians share common ancestry. Agriculture, too, is a focus of this part of Mann’s book. According to the author, the Indians began breeding maize right from scratch given that the crop had no â€Å"wild ancestor.† With the development of maize, the Mesoamerican life was further advanced. The Olmec c ivilization is mentioned as an example of the high culture that was promoted due to advancement in agriculture.Mann also provides evidence that the Mesoamerican cultures made use of calendars, in addition to wheels. However, the wheels were used only for small toys. This is because the Mesoamericans were geographically isolated, and therefore did not have access to other people’s ideas on wheels.â€Å"Part Three: Landscape with Figures†is where Mann brings all of his evidence together to conclude that there are things we have to learn from the Indians. He discusses the Maya, and points out that the civilization was active in transforming land. Additionally, the author describes the unique use of fire by the Indians in this part of the book. Apparently, the Indians used fire to benefit the plants as well as encourage the abundance of some animals.Mann points to the mistake of holding racist views about the Indians in understanding their unique cultu re given that such views cloud our receptiveness to reality. As a matter of fact, the Indians had reached their optimal level of environment. Before Christopher Columbus arrived on the continent, however, the Europeans had changed the landscape created by the Indians.AnalysisIndeed, Charles C. Mann is correct in his belief that we have been collectively fed in with the myth that the Native Americans were culturally backward. In point of fact, this myth does not surround the Indians alone. Rather, we are made to believe that all civilizations before the major ones as we know them – the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Muslims, and the United States – were culturally backward.We further tend to believe that it was almost impossible for the civilizations of old to perform the kinds of amazing deeds that we perform today, with respect to our technology. And so, scholars struggled for a long time trying to understand how the ancient Egyptians built the pyra mids without our present technology. This struggle to understand was led by speculation.However, speculation is unnecessary when scientific facts are before us. So, we are aware that the ancient Egyptians had their own technology to build the pyramids. We do not understand the exact nature of that technology. We may only know from the evidence we have gathered thus far that some of the civilizations of old were far more sophisticated than we had previously imagined them to be. This is the case with the Indian civilization. Perhaps, this was also the case with the people of the Stone Age, who might have developed themselves in terms of philosophical thinking if nothing else.The fact that we do not possess tomes written by people of the Stone Age or the Indians, does not necessarily lead us to the conclusion that the civilizations in question were less developed or evolved than we are. Rather, those civilizations used their intellectual capacity in a dif ferent way. Believers in the scriptures which recount the story of Adam and Eve would all agree that the essential human being has not changed through the ages. Based on this view, only that which civilizations focus upon in their own time is likely to vary from civilization to civilization, and the human being is the same as he was in the beginning, that is, a being that is curious and would like to see change.The main strengths of Mann’s book are its lucid language, and the vast amount of evidence collected by the author. Mann makes his book extremely interesting by addressing old myths, and describing the facts that must replace the myths. The book describes unique fruits, for example, that we had previously supposed to be wild. Even so, the unique fruits consumed by Indians were as nutritious as today’s fruits. Mann describes interesting fruits with flavors like vanilla ice cream, for instance, and others that contained high levels of vitami n C and protein.The discussion that this book is made up of is very valuable in helping us understand faulty perceptions. According to the author, â€Å"Given the charged relations between white societies and native peoples, inquiry into Indian culture and history is inevitably contentious.† To put it another way, white societies may have deliberately kept us away from understanding the significance of the Indian culture. I believe that this is untrue, given the white societies’ emphasis on knowledge. Moreover, I trust that the mention of racism should not have been a part of this book. After all, the book was published in a white society to uncover the reality of the Indian civilization. As a matter of fact, given the importance of the scientific evidence in the book, it is expected that this book will be studied in white societies for a long time to come.Works CitedMann, Charles C. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. New York: Vintage Books, 2006. New Revelations of Pre-Columbian America In his breakthrough book, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Charles C. Mann changes myths about the Pre-Columbian America into scientific facts that nobody would deny. The book is a discussion about the scientific reality of Native American life before Columbus set foot in America. As it turns out, this view of reality based on scientific details is completely different from what we had previously thought about Pre-Columbian America. The thesis of Mann’s book may be summed up in his own words thus:When I went to high school, in the 1970s, I was taught that Indians came to the Americasacross the Bering Strait about thirteen thousand yars ago, that they lived for the most part insmall, isolated groups, and that they had so little impact on their environment that even aftermillennia of habitation the continents remained mostly wilderness. Schools still impart thesame ideas today. One way to summarize the views of people like Erickson and B alà ©e wouldbe to say that they regard this picture of Indian life as wrong in almost every aspect. Indianswere here far longer than previously thought, these researchers believe, and in much greaternumbers. And they were so successful at imposing their will on the landscape that in 1492Columbus set foot in a hemisphere thoroughly marked by humankind.NEW REVELATIONS OF PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICAAfter introducing the main thesis of his book – that, in fact, Native Americans were far more civilized than we had previously imagined – Mann begins â€Å"Part One: Numbers from Nowhere†by dealing with New England in the 1600s, and the myth that European technology was far superior to American Indian technologies. This myth was based on the fact that the Indians did not appreciate guns. However, the reality is that the Indian moccasins were far more comfortable than the boots of the European; and the canoes built by the Native Americans were speedier and mor e maneuverable than the small boats made by Europeans.Next, the author gets into a discussion about the reasons for the fall of the Inca Empire. During this discussion we learn that while the Europeans used metal to make tools, the Indians used it for tokens. Moreover, the Europeans had used horses while invading the Inca Empire, and the Indians did not have the technology to beat the intruders on horses. Still, the Inca Empire collapsed mainly because of disease in addition to factionalism. There had been a civil war after the Native Americans had clashed with the Spanish. Smallpox and various other epidemics were also responsible for the fall of the Inca Empire.The first part of Mann’s book also tackles the controversy surrounding the number of Native Americans in Pre-Columbian America. Scholars have disagreed on the population of the Indians. Whereas Dobyns believed that there were around one hundred million Native Americans living before the fa ll of the Inca Empire; Henige argued that the population was much less. Yet, as Mann points out, there is virtually no evidence to suggest that the population of Native Americans was little.NEW REVELATIONS OF PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICAIn addition to the above, the first part of the book deals with the Aztecs. According to scientific evidence, the Aztecs were more sophisticated than we had previously believed them to be. The Greek â€Å"thinker-teacher†model prevailed among them as â€Å"tlamatini.†â€Å"Part Two: Very Old Bones†provides scientific evidence linked to the skeletons of Lagoa Santa that were found in Brazil’s caves to conclude that the Indians and the Siberians share common ancestry. Agriculture, too, is a focus of this part of Mann’s book. According to the author, the Indians began breeding maize right from scratch given that the crop had no â€Å"wild ancestor.† With the development of maize, the Mesoameri can life was further advanced. The Olmec civilization is mentioned as an example of the high culture that was promoted due to advancement in agriculture.Mann also provides evidence that the Mesoamerican cultures made use of calendars, in addition to wheels. However, the wheels were used only for small toys. This is because the Mesoamericans were geographically isolated, and therefore did not have access to other people’s ideas on wheels.â€Å"Part Three: Landscape with Figures†is where Mann brings all of his evidence together to conclude that there are things we have to learn from the Indians. He discusses the Maya, and points out that the civilization was active in transforming land. Additionally, the author describes the unique use of fire by the Indians in this part of the book. Apparently, the Indians used fire to benefit the plants as well as encourage the abundance of some animals.Mann points to the mistake of holding racist views about t he Indians in understanding their unique culture given that such views cloud our receptiveness to reality. As a matter of fact, theNEW REVELATIONS OF PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICAIndians had reached their optimal level of environment. Before Christopher Columbus arrived on the continent, however, the Europeans had changed the landscape created by the Indians.AnalysisIndeed, Charles C. Mann is correct in his belief that we have been collectively fed in with the myth that the Native Americans were culturally backward. In point of fact, this myth does not surround the Indians alone. Rather, we are made to believe that all civilizations before the major ones as we know them – the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Muslims, and the United States – were culturally backward.We further tend to believe that it was almost impossible for the civilizations of old to perform the kinds of amazing deeds that we perform today, with respect to our technology. And so, scholars strug gled for a long time trying to understand how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids without our present technology. This struggle to understand was led by speculation. However, speculation is unnecessary when scientific facts are before us. So, we are aware that the ancient Egyptians had their own technology to build the pyramids. We do not understand the exact nature of that technology. We may only know from the evidence we have gathered thus far that some of the civilizations of old were far more sophisticated than we had previously imagined them to be. This is the case with the Indian civilization. Perhaps, this was also the case with the people of the Stone Age, who might have developed themselves in terms ofNEW REVELATIONS OF PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICAphilosophical thinking if nothing else. The fact that we do not possess tomes written by people of the Stone Age or the Indians, does not necessarily lead us to the conclusion that the civilizations i n question were less developed or evolved than we are. Rather, those civilizations used their intellectual capacity in a different way. Believers in the scriptures which recount the story of Adam and Eve would all agree that the essential human being has not changed through the ages. Based on this view, only that which civilizations focus upon in their own time is likely to vary from civilization to civilization, and the human being is the same as he was in the beginning, that is, a being that is curious and would like to see change.The main strengths of Mann’s book are its lucid language, and the vast amount of evidence collected by the author. Mann makes his book extremely interesting by addressing old myths, and describing the facts that must replace the myths. The book describes unique fruits, for example, that we had previously supposed to be wild. Even so, the unique fruits consumed by Indians were as nutritious as today’s fruits. Mann describes interesting fruits with flavors like vanilla ice cream, for instance, and others that contained high levels of vitamin C and protein.The discussion that this book is made up of is very valuable in helping us understand faulty perceptions. According to the author, â€Å"Given the charged relations between white societies and native peoples, inquiry into Indian culture and history is inevitably contentious.† To put it another way, white societies may have deliberately kept us away from understanding the significance of the Indian culture. I believe that this is untrue, given the white societies’ emphasis on knowledge. Moreover, I trust that the mention of racism should not have been a part of this book. After all, the book was published in a white society to uncover the reality ofNEW REVELATIONS OF PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICAthe Indian civilization. As a matter of fact, given the importance of the scientific evidence in the book, it is expect ed that this book will be studied in white societies for a long time to come.NEW REVELATIONS OF PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICAWorks CitedMann, Charles C. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. New York: Vintage Books, 2006.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Fountainhead and Anthem Essay Anthem
At the age of five he advanced to home of the student, where he got scolded for learning faster then his brothers. Equality teachers told him that he had evil in his bones because he was taller then his brothers. Then at the age of fifteen when the house of v actions came Equality was guilty of the great transgression of preference because he wanted d to be a scholar, but his selected vocation was to be a street sweeper. Every day while he sweep t by the fields he would watch and smile at Liberty and she would smile back. Liberty was a woo man that worked in the home of the peasants.Making contact with a woman was prohibited buy t for when in the palace of the mating. The palace of the mating was where people were forced to breed. Equality thought touching a woman was shameful and ugly. The! En one day while he s wept the streets he found a grate that led to underground tunnel full of things from the unmeant enable times. For two years he went to the tunnel and discovered a new glowi ng light. Then one day while in the tunnel decided that he must share his secret with his brothers. He decided that he w loud bring his secret in front of the world council meeting.When Equality entered the world council I meeting the scholars got frightened and angry. They demanded that he tell them why he was there. He connected the wires and they glowed, the scholars backed up against the wall as they stared in horror. They told him that he they were going to punish for breaking so many laws. Equality trembled in fright he quickly grabbed the light and ran to the uncharted foresee t. No man followed because they feared the unknown. Those are all the ways in which Equality reek acted the view of society. The uncharted forest represented freedom.When Equality spent his first night in the rest when he woke up he laughed and rolled through the leaves and the MO as because he realized he was free which meant no more waking up to a bell, no more meal s prepared for him, and no more swe eping streets. Then as he walked through the forest he cam e too river he stopped and looked in the water for the first time in his whole life he saw ha t he looked like. When he saw his reflection it surprised him he did not look like his brothers h e looked stronger than his brothers who looked short and fragile.The next day in the forest he had heard footsteps behind him he turned around and it was Liberty. She had heard of what he did d and followed his path into the forest. While in the forest Equality hugged Liberty and realized t hat holding the body of a woman was not shameful. They walked for many days the farther t hey went from the city the safer they felt. â€Å"Everything which comes from the many is good. Every thing that come from one is evil. †Any Rand wrote this in the end of the ninth chapter when CEQ laity begins to doubt everything he has learned in the city. The mountains represented a en w beginning.In the mountains Equality and Liberty found a house le ft from the unmentionable it sees. In the house there are many things they have never seen before like mirrors, light bulbs, a library full of books, and nice clothes. They promise to never leave the house and they claim m it as theirs. They learn the word I while reading books from the huge library. Equality also name sees Liberty and himself, while reading through a book he learns of Prometheus who was a ma n who stole fire from the gods and taught men use the power of gods. Prometheus was punish heed as are all who bring light to men. He also reads of Gage who mother of the gods and of earth h.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Depiction of Women
Depiction of Women By: Charles Cotton In past generations, women have not been given the respect that they deserve. Sophocles once said, â€Å"Silence gives the proper grace to women. †Men were always perceived as the dominant sex; women were just asked to perform in the kitchen, and please their spouse after a long day of work. According to feminist criticism, the roots of prejudice against women have long been embedded in Western culture. The female feminist Virginia Woolf wrote â€Å"A Room of One’s Own,†in which she declares that men have treated women as inferiors. She states that society believes that women are intellectually inferior to men.In layman’s terms, the man has control of the house and income, while the woman just sits home. Books from the early period of British literature such as Judith, Wife of Bath, and Grendel’s mom convey the same message. All of them had one objective in common: all protagonists were females who were denied certain rights. The ancient Greeks abetted gender discrimination, declaring the male to be the superior and the female the inferior. In the Bible, Adam and Eve were both tempted by a serpent, represented as the devil. Eve was the one who disobeyed God and ate from the Tree of Good and Evil.She was beautiful, but she made the mistake of falling for deception. Throughout the Christian Period, this story provides men with the reason why they should restrict the social, sexual, religious, political, and economic freedom of women (Eve and the Identity of Women, 1). This ancient story holds them accountable for the decisions that they make in mankind. This passage describes the image of women in Western Civilization; independence and freedom of speech. However, after a hard fight for equal rights, women are now allowed to be employed anywhere, with some companies still limiting their abilities.Women in today’s society are choosing the Garden of Eden’s apple every day; free will. Based off of the Fifth Edition of Literary Criticism, prejudice against women began in the Western culture. In ancient Greece, they abetted gender discrimination; demanding that the male is the superior and the female is beneath them (Literary Criticism, pg. 147). Charles Darwin wrote â€Å"The Descent of Man (1871), announcing that women are a â€Å"characteristic of a past and lower state of civilization†(pg. 147). As the man, one was responsible for upporting the family financially, while the wife stayed at home cleaning the house, preparing dinner, and taking care of the children. Genesis, the very first book of Scripture, tells us that God created both man and woman in his image. From the very beginning, women were seen and treated as inferior beings and seen as . The scripture read as this: â€Å"God created man first in this world out of his image†(Genesis). His creation of man signified their dominance, and their role of â€Å"authority. †In tho se days, females had a bad reputation for being very persuasive when they wanted something from men.For example, Delilah was the fatal attraction for Samson, who cut his hair to please her. His hair was his source of power; without it, he would be defenseless. He was defeated by the Philippines, and his confidence was diminished. Women have been the downfall of men, especially if he has valuable possessions. Century after century, male voices continue to determine the social role and cultural status of women. Feminist critic Simone de Beauvoir’s text asserts that the Western society is patriarchal, which means controlled by males. She says that women must ask them self: â€Å"What is a woman? (Feminism, pg. 149) This is basically stating that women are defined by his social class. The first major feminist critic that challenged the males was author Christine de Pizan. (1365-c1434) She wrote L’E[istre au Dieu d’ amours, critiquing the judgment of Charles Darwin, who stated in his novel â€Å"The Descent of Man†, stating that God created both man and woman as equal beings. They wanted to be heard and acknowledged as scholars, artist, and writers. They want to be respected as a person, and not just an object. I found an article called â€Å"Helium†, which was found on the CNN website.It explained that women of this generation are perceived to be educated, successful career, and have the ability to bare children. They are also expected to put food on the table for their husband and children, while enduring the added pressure of looking a certain way. All of these aspects are the perfect formula for a â€Å"successful†woman; and sometimes hinder males from appreciating their intellectual minds. Because of their gender, women have to work twice as hard to establish themself in society, but still are at risk to be perceived differently.For example, when a woman has a high class position in a company, people often have the notion that she used her sexual position to climb to power. With their clothing they walk around in, they are often judged by their figure than their ability to fulfill their job requirements. The story Judith would be a great example of how females use their body parts to gain respect. By building up her description as a maiden, the poet uses Judith’s virginity to construct her innocence, making her appear vulnerable. Because of this trait, Holofernes thought it would be easy to grasp her attention and take ownership of her life.She was also described as maego, meaning â€Å"woman†, â€Å"virgin†, â€Å"girl†, â€Å"woman†, and â€Å"wife. †( Judith, Lines 35,43, 73,78) She is never stated by her name, and that was the lack of respect that was there for women at that time. Issued on September 9, 2011 by a lady named Margaret Holt, the Chicago Tribune issued an article called â€Å"How Should Society(and media) Depict Women†, there we re a group of females that were discussing a video that displayed the lack of respect for women that was issued on September 9, 2011 by a lady named Margaret Holt.Holt attended the YMCA of Metropolitian, where the screening was sold out for the first night at Fifth Third Bank. This documentary, called â€Å"Miss Representation†, warranted responses that were not only shocking, but ellicited a fresh call to action about the events that occurred. The video was about a woman who went through so much disrespect and turmoil. She was beaten multiple times for standing up for her rights, but she kept her composure, and fought until the end.Taylor Demming, one of the females in the audience, stated, â€Å"I didn't know there was no respect for women,†she said afterward(Chicago Tribune, Depicting Women in Society, pg. 2). At the same time, there were scouts at DuPage County High Schools that were also disturbed by the content of the film. Student Jessica Porter said the movie made her â€Å"think about the reality shows that she liked†(Depicting Women in Society, pg. 2). This reading reminded me of the life of Susan B. Anthony, and her fight for womens’ right to vote.There were multiple messages that were interpreted from the documentary, allowing women in this generation to appreciate their freedom. Certain commercials are derogatory towards women, and perceive them as sexual pleasantries, as portrayed in Judith. Her hyper-feminity provides her with the power of seduction, in a significant female role. She is perceived as passive throughout the story, until she beheaded Holofernes. argues that Judith’s gender transformation in the poem is â€Å"not from passive to aggressive nor from â€Å"feminine†to †masculine,†but rather from â€Å"possessed†to â€Å"possessor†(257).Jean Kilbourne wrote an article titled â€Å"Portrayal of Women in Society, Killing Us Softly†, which discusses how women are portrayed as just items (Jean Kilbourne, Introduction to Media Studies, pg. 1). It continues to depict how the media portrays women and how they influence these advertisements negatively. For example, in his article, he chooses to show an advertisement where a Trojan condom was placed on the left side of a female’s bra. The condom represents sexual content, and the image was mostly focused on her breast. Her chest was depicted as a tool to influence men to purchase this particular product.Her breasts are enlarged in the picture as well; intriguing most men that sex sells in our society. African-American women are also promoted as sex symbols in music videos. According to the article titled â€Å"Beyond the Betrayal of Women in Video Games†, 38% of female characters found in video games are wearing revealing clothing, 23% are showing cleavage (Children Now, suite101. com/article/media-portrayal of women pg. 1). They wear bikinis and short shorts to draw attention f rom the audience. This particular style of clothing started in the late 90s, when Mystical came out with the song called â€Å"Danger. As the video progresses, there were scenes that revealed women completely naked. Producers realized that nudity would attract viewers, and raise record sales. The message was clear; Women are only valued by their body parts, and nothing else. The Wife of Bath was a story that spoke on sexual deviances of the female race. The story began with the sexual assault of a woman, and the rest of it imagines a world in which women are sovereign, and they have judgments, administer justice, and power over men I saw quotes that displayed this action such as: â€Å"Women may go saufly up and doun.In every bussh or under every tree Ther is noon oother incubus but he, And he ne wol doon hem but dishonor†(Lines 884 – 887). An incubus was a â€Å"demon child†thought to be begotten by the woman. The Wife’s claim is that women may go wit hout fear of being forced to birth a demon child. This is the life that women want, having the authority and ability to make their own decisions. We can tell that she thinks highly of herself; illustrated in her ornate clothing: â€Å"Her coverchiefts ful fine were of ground; I dorste were they weyeden ten pound†(Chaucer).She wanted to be the first woman at church to make a donation. Women did not usually have alot of funds, so she used her husbands for money. Females are always worried about their appearance: using make-up and other products to appear younger. Men see age marks as ugliness, and in order for women to appear more attractive in their eyes, they feel they must hide these facial marks. In Beowulf, Grendel’s mother was described as gross-looking and hideous, but she wanted to get revenge for her son, just like any other mother. Maintaining and preserving peace was not only their job, it was their identity.When Grendel’s mother was killed, she had fai led in her social role as peace-keeper. No one expected her to be beautiful because women were not appreciated in that aspect. When men get older, they are viewed as more attractive, where as if a woman does, her beauty fades off, and she is forced to intrigue a guy with her intelligence. Commercials from companies like Cover Girl, where they are promoting beauty products with famous people such as Gabrielle Union, Queen Latifah, and Halle Berry, encourage women others that they can be beautiful, no matter how old they are.There are movies that display men’s dominance over women such as Disney’s â€Å"Aladdin, Beauty of the Beast, and Beowulf. They show unrealistic, curvaceous, and vulnerable women who depend on male figures for strength and survival, not their own empowerment. In Aladdin, Princess Jasmine is upset and desperate to find a prince to make her feel loved and protected. Along comes Prince Aladdin that captures her attention, saving her from the clutches o f Jafar, the Sultan’s chief advisor. The movie has this â€Å"male-saving-the-day†theme to show that a woman is nothing without a man by her side.In Beauty and the Beast, it is portrayed that a woman cannot feel safe and protected unless they have someone with the character traits of the Beast: aggressive, violent, and intimidating. On April 3, 2009, an article was written in Kellevision called â€Å"Beauty and the Beast in Television†, stated that women who want this type of relationship usually had abusive fathers growing up, and want to feel protected from their father. In the story Beowulf, he saves his town by defeating Grendel’s mother, and becomes king.Cartoons have even displayed how women are disrespected and placed in smaller roles. I draw my attention to the â€Å"Flintstones†, where Fred is the bigger man who does all of the hunting while Wilma stays home and does all of the household chores. In â€Å"George of the Jungle†, it w as always George saving the distressed Jane, and Jane never does these things herself. Mrs. Jane Jetson is the perfect example of a stereotypical cartoon woman. Her waist is small, she is constantly wearing short skirts, and she has a love for shopping.In that cartoon, Mr. Jetson is the one going to work, while she spends his hard-earned money. In Chaucer’s â€Å"Wife of Bath†, the woman had multiple husbands, and she used them all for money. When a woman does play a dominant role in a movie, it usually comes with a sacrifice. â€Å"The Proposal†, starred by Sandra Bullock, plays a cold-hearted, detached career woman with sociopathic tendencies. This sends the message that a powerful woman sacrifices a healthy relationship, family, and her sanity to be successful.In the story Judith, she had to kill Holofernes to save her town, requiring her to step out of feminism to do that. Her sanity was diminished, but she completed the task of saving her people. For young girls that dream to have a great career and a loving family, this is not the message that they need to hear. Why is it that men can get a position of power because of their gender without sacrifices, but women have to do so much to receive respect? In today’s society, women are not given the proper respect that they deserve.They are constantly perceived as weak, and always judged by their appearance, not their mind. Wife of Bath is only judged by her beauty, and when it comes to something that requires dominance, the man is always required to handle the situation. People have to realize that women should not be mistreated before you actually take time to learn about them. Even though men are still perceived as the dominant sex, women are starting to gain respect in our society. With time and consideration, I believe that females will receive the respect that they deserve in America.Works Cited Page Bal, M 1995. â€Å"Head-Hunting: Judith on the Cutting Edge of Knowledge in B renner. †1995: 253-285. Witcombe, Christopher. Eve and Woman. â€Å"Eve and the Identity of Women. †Copyright 2000. Bloom, Harold, ed. Geoffrey Chaucer. New York: Chelsea, 1985. Print. Wilkinson, Michelle. â€Å"Helium: â€Å"Portrayal of Women in Society. †2009. www. helium. com/items/1339068-portrayal-of-women-in-society Bressler, Charles E. â€Å"Literary Criticism†An Introduction to Theory and Practice. Fifth Edition, 2010. Published by Prentice Hall. Pgs. 1-335. Young, Adena. Negative Portrayal of Women†The Depiction of Women in Today’s Society. 21st century. http://library. thinkquest. org/21298/Mind&Body/Portrayl. html Kilbourne, Jean. â€Å"Introduction to Media Studies†, Portrayal of Women in Society. Hanson, Public Relations Chapter 12. Published 2010. Greenblatt, Stephan. â€Å"Norton Anthology of English Literature. †Wife of Bath. 2009. Blake, Johnathon. â€Å"Struggle for Female Equality in â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature. N. p. , n. d. Web 7 http://www. luminarium. org/medlit/jblake. htm.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Analysis of the diaper market
Analysis of the diaper market Baby diaper market has been growing at a nominal rate for some time now. Declining birth rates in the developed world has adversely affected the diaper manufacturers’ ability to expand their businesses. As per data provided by Euromonitor International, birth rates among the developed nations have declined by almost 20% during the last 30 years and are now only half the global average. The global market for diapers was worth $22.2 billion, a 2.9% increase YOY. However, the major markets of Western Europe, the U.S. and Japan posted nominal decline. As a result, companies like Procter & Gamble and Kimberly Clark are relying more on innovation to their rescue. This has also been a major contributor of success for P&G in the past few years. The new found focus is the developing country markets, from which 40% of global diaper revenue is derived. Markets such as China and Russia are providing brands with excellent opportunities for longer term growth. It is also worthwhile to noti ce the trend in the developed markets towards greener products as shown in the chart below Diaper Market in Developing Country There is huge growth potential for these products in emerging markets such as China, Brazil and India, as these markets are still quite underdeveloped and new. For example, China is world’s most rapidly developing nation. While it has taken developed Western economies some time to realise the environmental price of their development this is not the case for today’s emerging nations. In this case even the global recession will enable China to have more time to better make arrangements for considering more sustainable and greener options for its growth. Middle-class consumers are at the forefront of environmental awareness as the environmental consequences of rapid industrialisation and urbanisation in countries such as China and India are becoming increasingly apparent Also in countries such as India, the Philippines and Malaysia, levels of cons umer awareness regarding hygiene products are very still very low. Indian Diaper Market In 2009, manufacturers have been now more focused on more categories such as disposable nappies/diapers. With the increasing buying power of Indian consumers, companies are looking for options which are more convenient and safe to use for the children. Increase in awareness about hygiene is a big factor for thus development. Some of the major development last year is as follows: Procter & Gamble Hygiene & Health Care Ltd introduced Pampers Magic Nickers Kimberly-Clark Lever Ltd introduced Huggies New Born, a product specifically targeting the mothers of new born babies. With increasing awareness regarding the advantages of using the use of disposable nappies/diapers over cloth substitutes, Indian parents are now spending more on purchasing such products which in turn led to an increase in sales value for the manufacturers. Convenience has been one of the driving factors in this change. Even in ti er 2 towns and cities, parents are willing to spend money on disposable nappies/diapers to use when the baby is taken out of the home, for added convenience. Also as babies get older, some young mothers look to go back to work. This encouraged the use of nappies/diapers, as they are more convenient, and they do not need to spend time washing cloth nappies. Also, as babies become more active, and nappies are a more comfortable and hygienic alternative to cloth nappies. However currently the majority of the sales is restricted to customers in urban India. So the penetration rate of disposable nappies/diapers has been increasing, as more young parents are finding it convenient to switch from cloth nappies to disposable nappies.
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Business law - Essay Example The bank which we know as J.P. Morgan, has not only established itself globally as a financial powerhouse, but is also the bank of royalty and governments. The bank of J.P. Morgan is incidentally, the bank of choice of the Vatican. The journey from the Morgan family’s inheritance of the empire in the early eighteen hundreds to today is long and arduous, and not without difficulty at times. During the Second World War, J.P. Morgan and company face the possibility of non-payment from a newly invaded Austria. In essence, J.P. Morgan is a company which originated in the new America but was routed in English ancestry. After Morgan inherited the company, his children and grandchildren would illustrate just how integral the company’s ties to England really were. Jack Morgan, Junius’s son, was fond of living both in England and America, while many of the Morgans had close ties with the royal family back in England. The great depression of the 1930’s did not find the house of Morgan to be immune, even with a net worth of $118 million. Due to the severity of the depression and global unrest caused by the Second World War, decision makers in the U.S. government under the Hoover regime, were not prepared for the type of strategizing required to dig America out of the resulting financial rut. The house of Morgan’s net worth surfaced after the depression at about $59 million which means that it was diminished to half of its original value. Interestingly enough, as powerful and prestigious as the Morgan empire had become, it was not able to withstand the crippling effects of the depression of the 1930’s leaving little hope for the financial empires of today in our current economic crisis. The Morgan company often had ties with presidential candidates or other important figure heads, making them seemingly in control of the fate of nations. It was rumored at one time that a partner of the J.P. Morgan
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Annotated Bibliography Example Recently, the US foreign policy has been geared at eliminating the proliferation of nuclear weapons and prevention of human rights violation by dictatorial regimes. This book provides a detailed review of American involvement in world politics including the historical developments in Middle East countries. The book dwells on the ongoing American intervention in Afghanistan and the political uprisings in Middle East where the US has backed the end of dictatorial regimes (Cox and Stokes 40). This book provides a chronology of post World War II US foreign policy. The book provides the democratic controls and sanctions that US has imposed on various countries that have ignored calls for human rights protection. The book reviews the changes of US foreign policy after the September 11th terrorism attacks (Dobson and Marsh 158). Hunt provides and excellent analysis of ideological principles of US foreign policy and the criticism of US involvement in the Middle East. According to Hunt, three factors that have shaped US foreign policy are the zeal to provide liberty abroad, the hostility towards historical revolutions and racial view of the world which perceives a battle between Anglo-Saxons and darker races (Hunt 256). This book provides the measures that the US government has taken in its approach towards global terrorism. The counterterrorism and foreign policies are geared at eliminating any deals between Americans and terrorists, bring the terrorist organizations to justice and imposing sanctions to countries that harbor and sponsor terrorists (Pillar 179). This book provides a review how the Vietnam War shaped the attitudes of American authorities towards its foreign policy. The book offers steps which were undertaken by both Carter and Clinton to restore a democratic foreign policy. The book provides for foreign policy actions that were undertaken to contain the growing Soviet Union power and communism in Middle East in
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