Monday, December 23, 2019
Having Dreams Of Being On The Moon By John F. Kennedy
Having dreams of being on the moon, President John F. Kennedy approaches the podium on September 12th, 1962 at Rice University in Houston Texas to inspire others to have unimaginable dreams of their own. Kennedy produces a dramatically moving speech to create brilliance across America and for all of America, through his own dreams in the context of â€Å"The decision to go to the moon.†Around this time was the height of the cold war and just the start of the space race, with that said, he starts his speech of with I am delighted to be here, and I m particularly delighted to be here on this occasion (Kennedy, John). With all of the urge and competition of racing to the moon, on that exact day, Kennedy declared the he would go to the moon before the decade ran out. I think this has speech has a lot of astounding examples of rhetoric and motivation through persuasion. In this paper I will give an analysis of John F. Kennedy’s speech and the numerous rhetorical tools he u ses to enthuse his audience at Rice University. After reading through this specific speech an abundance of times, I have found that it can be broken down into many parts, which each play a significant role in his overall message of if you have the opportunity to do something then take advantage because you may never come across something like that again. After he recognizes the time of his appearance he continues to express how grateful he is to have this opportunity and express to his audience that, we meet at aShow MoreRelatedPresident John F. Kennedy1608 Words  | 7 Pagesthey liked and enjoyed where they lead this country. One of those few presidents was President John F. Kennedy. Elected in 1960 as the 35th president of the United States, Kennedy became the youngest and first Roman Catholic president. He won the hearts of many Americans with his youthfulness and charming good looks. Kennedy won the presidential race against Richard Nixon in a very close race. John F. Kennedy s assassination occurred on November 22, 1963, in Dallas Texas, this caused much shock andRead MoreAnalysis Of President John F. Kennedy s Short Term As President Of The United States1544 Words  | 7 PagesPresident John F. Kennedy MSgt Corey B. Kennedy Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy For two years and ten months, America had a visionary leader that inspired a generation to achieve things as a country once thought impossible. For two years and ten months, America had a president that used ethical leadership in decisions that impacted not just the United States, but the world as a whole, and left a lasting legacy. There are a many defining moments from President John F. Kennedy’sRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy Hero Essay1547 Words  | 7 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy: A Deserving Hero â€Å"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality†(Bennis). During his life, John F. Kennedy took his innovative and thoughtful ideas and brought them to life. Born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, the Kennedys were a wealthy Irish-American family that was very involved with the politics of Massachusetts. Raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, Kennedy was the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, an American ambassador to Britain duringRead MoreThe World Of The Soviet Union1699 Words  | 7 Pageshave be if the United States never landed on the moon, but instead the Soviet Union was successful at sending cosmonauts to the moon and were the first humans to ever step foot on a celestial body? This is what I wanted to explore in my research, this is all subjective we cannot go back in time to see what the outcome would have been if it never happened the way it did. The idea has been talked about even with the sceptics who think the whole moon landing in 1969 was a hoax to give the United StatesRead MoreThe Assassination Of John F. Kennedy1620 Words  | 7 Pages Ever since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, there has been controversy over whether the true gunman was held accountable. The United States Government claimed that it was an easy, open and closed case. They found Lee Harvey Oswald, close to ground zero, with a freshly fired riffle, immediately after JFK was shot. Contrary to the governments report, skeptics argue a vast scope of conspiracies to shed light on what they believe happened that day; ideas ranging from magic bullets, multipleRead MoreThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy1632 Words  | 7 PagesMorgan Oates Professor Holland United States History II 3 March 2015 The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy, formally known as JFK, was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He successfully attended Choate Boarding School and his Alma Mater was Harvard University, After completing his education he decided he wanted to help society somehow. As a result of that, he enlisted in the United States Army the night before World War two began. After his Navy daysRead More Appolo 11 Essay example1923 Words  | 8 Pages When you were a kid did you dream of being an astronaut? Did you what to go to the moon? Like many people this dream was a goal in this research paper I will prove that this dream became a reality to be the best at ones goals and see them through. President Kennedy showed us all he was a hero by getting America to support the American space program, and get three heroes on the moon. On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite and caught America and the whole worldRead MoreThe United States Apollo 11 Moon Landing1870 Words  | 8 Pages Section A : Plan of Investigation This investigation assesses to what extent the United States’ Apollo 11 moon landing, ensure their victory over the Soviet Union in the Space Race. This investigation will follow the situation that the United States were behind the Soviet Union in the Space Race, hoping to achieve the unachievable by being the first ever to land on the Moon. Because the Soviet Union were the first to launch a satellite into orbit (Sputnik 1), and becoming the first country toRead MoreJohn F Kennedy And The President Of The United States2011 Words  | 9 Pagesone of her greatest icons that she had. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States was killed with just under three years in office. Although this man was killed with just over half of his term in office accomplished many things that Americans now consider him to be the most influential person to have held the office of president of the united states, as well as an instigator of significant social change . John F Kennedy was a President that fought for civil rights forRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography on the Progression on Changes During the 1960s3103 Words  | 13 Pageswoman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean were some of the few woman who made history for woman accomplishments; inspiring many future woman to make history also. †¢ By the 1960s, both genders were receiving the same education in schools and were being encouraged to pursue successful futures. 2. Clark, N. (2006, November 18). Gagarin goes into orbit.. Student Research Center. Retrieved January 10, 2014, from
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Pop Culture Essay Free Essays
Movie Genres There are many movie genres out today than there were before in earlier years. Movie genres are basically different types of movies, such as: horror, suspense, mystery, drama ,romance, etc. Today it seems that most peoples favorite movie genre is horrow or action. We will write a custom essay sample on Pop Culture Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Action movies have a lot of different stuff in them that is pleasing to the eye. Action movies are typically loud and have a lot of fighting, racing, and adventurous things in the film. Horror movies on the other hand have a lot of scary things in the movies. Their big thing is that the more blood they have the better it is to the audience watching. Even though horror and action may be the top picks of the rest of the country, I have my own genre of movies that I particularly like the best. My favorite genre of movies is romance. In a romance based movie, it is filled with love and a lot of laughter throughout the whole movie. While most romance movies start off bad and end up with a happy ending, some start out good and end good as well. Most romance movies today start out being bad and then it ends up in the happy ending that you suspect from the title of the movie. Romance movies go through every movie genre there is. There is suspense and sometimes a little horror as well. Sometimes, and most of the time, they contain a lot of drama. The best romance movies are the ones full of drama that is fun to watch. Every woman around the world enjoys a good romance movie. Many women around the world love romance movies, including myself. Simply because they meet the cravings that every woman has sometime throughout their lives. Each and every romance movie touches a woman in some way or another. Every girl dreams of having that guy from a love story. They want them to be loving and caring and when we watch these movies we imagine ourselves being the girl in the movie. Some movies, even make a girl feel better after a breakup. However, some of the real love stories can make it worse than ever before. Also, romance movies will make you cry if it is one of those that are filled with sad moments throughout the whole movie. As a girl, sometimes we feel the need to cry, whether it is stress or PMS. The romance movies are a good way to bring out the inner emotions and in the end, make you feel a whole lot better. Drama is another movie genre that gets included into romance movies. Drama can be funny and it can also bring out deeper thoughts and emotions. Everyone and especially women, have a fair share of their love for drama. Women like to gossip and chick flick, love stories are filled with it. Gossiping is a way to let things out and to give out information that can be bad or good. It just depends on who is saying it or what is said. The good thing is, the drama in the romance stories are usually not true. Even though we all get a good laugh at the stupid ones in the movie. In conclusion, romance genre movies are a favorite. They can make you happy or sad or bring out different emotions. Romance movies are twisted with drama along with romance to bring out laughter or anger in the audience. Everyone will have their own personal reaction to every single romance movie that comes out. Therefore, in my opinion, romance genre movies are the best because they contain many qualities that other genres do. Meaning that they satisfy almost every â€Å"craving†that a person has for a good movie. How to cite Pop Culture Essay, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Occupational Health and Safety Hypothetical Structure
Question: Discuss about the Occupational Health and Safety forHypothetical Structure. Answer: Introduction MacDonald in his journal article, The impact of job demands and workload on stress and fatigue, referred to the hypothetical structure of workload. It is such a concept that has its wide application in the human factor or rather in the HF psychology. The concept of workload is often equated with the concept of job demand. Scholars and critics have often equated occupational health and safety related issues with job demand, as it is not only related to workload but at the same time, it is related to stress management at the same time. Summary of the first article: In the article Workload, control, and social support effects on serum lipids: A longitudinal study among apparently healthy employed adults, published by Shirom et al. (2009), the author has pointed out the effectiveness of high density lipoprotein cholesterol and the low density lipoprotein cholesterol for both the male and female employees. In order to survive in an organization, employees need to keep their health safe. As per the JUC-S model, the employees need to have some important physiological mechanism in order to provide an effective service at the workplace. In order to provide good service within the organization, employees should be concerned about their health. Summary of the second article: The second article, The impact of job demands and workload on stress and fatigue, published by MacDonald (2003), the author has stated that the overarching term workload is a hypothetical concept dealing with the human factors psychology. The two underlying term job demand and workload are inseparably related to each other. The author in this article has pointed out that human factor psychology can be demonstrated as one of the most effective determinants of fatigue levels of employees. If the workload inside an organization cannot be reduced, the employees would never show their interest to perform well. Therefore, the sufficient demand for the job would be created only when the employees would enjoy the rhythm of work at the workplace. Summary of an article of university electronic library: The article Mediator and Moderator effects of demands on self-control in the relationship between workload and indicators of job strain by Diestel and Schmidt (2009), mentioned that high work pressure is the only reason of excessive job strain. The author has highlighted that job strains hamper the entire rhythm of business. Organizational environment is one of the most effective reasons for rendering job strains on the mind of the employees. The managers with the help of autocratic leadership style like to impose their decision on the employees. As a result, employees feel uncomfortable to become accustomed with the managers following action regulation theory at the workplace. Summary of fourth article: Occupational stress and hypertension published by Rosenthal and Alter (2012) has focused to highlight on the negative impacts occupational stress and hypertension inside the organization. Employees would never be able to perform well taking extreme pressure and tension at the time of executing services. The managers have to form their strategies and policies in such a way that employees do not hesitate to share any kind of problem regarding the job profile. Summary of fifth article: The article, Preventing occupational stress in healthcare workers by Ruotsalainen, Verbeek, Marin and Serra (2015) is reflecting that occupational stress has become much prominent in health care context. The prevention of occupational stress underlies in the complete checking of the progress report, which is documented by reviewing different segments. Various Psychological Impacts and Effects of Workloads and Job Demand In the journal, Workload, control, and social support effects on serum lipids: A longitudinal study among apparently healthy employed adults, conducted has proved that serum lipid are not only affected by the workloads and job demands. The research bring forward several other factors like heredity, genetic problems and even problems like smoking that could affect the serum lipids that are there in the human body. The research further proves that the work-based support that is being received by a specific individual does not affect the serum lipid level, although at times the home based support could affect the serum lipid level. (Figure 1: The Perceived Workload within the T1 Time (Source: Ruotsalainen et al. 2015) The particular research although has been conducted with the help of the Job-Demand Control (-Support) or with the help of the JDC-S model, which proved that the workload or the job demand does affect the serum level. There is although, another model that has been used by various researchers to conduct the research based on the relationship between workload and the affect it has on the physiological and the psychological health of the human beings. The second model that is being used by other researchers to conduct the research is the JD-R or the Job Demand-Resource model. The researchers who have used this particular research model has given importance to two kinds of tradition; between these two kinds of tradition one is the motivational research and the other is the stress research tradition (Velnampy and Aravinthan 2013). According to this particular, model the job demands that are there in the organization leads to problems like health impairment. It can be said that this research proved that the job demands lead to health impairment and on the other hand, there are things like job resources act as a motivator for the individual. (Figure 2: The Job Demand-Resource Model (Source: Liu et al. 2012) The extend and awareness of occupational stress among various stakeholders The definition of stress s subjective nature, and although the phenomenon is quite new, it is present everywhere and especially in the work places. In simple words stress could be define as a response towards a demand. According to many critics and authors, the concept of stress is very natural and normal part of a life and thus it has its occurrence whenever there is any kind of major changes. Globalization, too, is responsible for the occupational stress that is being experienced by the workers of a particular organization (Yong et al. 2013). The reason behind this is that the demand level is increasing at both the global as well as the local level. Therefore, many times the workers could not cope up with this demand and thus it gives rise to problems like work related stress. The workers or the employees working in the organization should be aware of the occupational stress because the occupational stress not only has a negative effect on the workers but at the same time, it has a negative effect on the companies as well. Work related stress not only creates physiological or psychological health problems among the workers but at the same time, this kind of stress affects the cognition and the behavior of the workers. The companies too can get affected by this kind of stress because, this kind of stress could create physiological problems, which could lead to problems like increase absenteeism in the company. The increase absenteeism, would affect the performance of the company, and it too may affect the productivity of the company. Discussion on the Control and Management Strategies of occupational stress Liu et al. (2012) stated that organizations should reduce the occupational stress on the employees in order to get the best endeavor from them. Incorporating basic stress reduction action is one of the major management strategies for reducing the occupational stress. Basic stress reduction action ensures that employees need to get a free work environment. Managers should never impose their own decision on the employees during the performance. Managers should provide priority and response to the service procedure of employees as well. As a result, employees would be motivated to perform well inside the organization instead of considering work as a stress. Implementing participative leadership at the workplace is one of the major ways to reduce occupational stress at the workplace. With the help of participative leadership, the employees get immense opportunities to share their opinion regarding the business goal. Therefore, the leaders as well before taking any kind of decision at the workplace should make a collective decision. As a result, the employees feel free to provide effective services. The co-operation from the managers helps the employees to feel independent at the time of their performance. Therefore, work environment has been considered as one of the major factors for controlling and reducing occupational stress at the workplace. Conclusion The entire study has provided an in-depth understanding regarding the effectiveness of occupational health at the workplace. Employees are able to maintain healthy environment within workplace only when managers would like to provide them liberty in their own performance. Therefore, this particular study has focused to highlight some of the major articles regarding the importance of avoiding occupational stress at the workplace. In addition, different kinds of management strategies have also been pointed out in this specific study in order to know the ways of controlling occupational stress. Reference List: Diestel, S. and Schmidt, K.H., 2009. Mediator and moderator effects of demands on self-control in the relationship between work load and indicators of job strain.Work Stress,23(1), pp.60-79. Liu, L., Chang, Y., Fu, J., Wang, J. and Wang, L., 2012. The mediating role of psychological capital on the association between occupational stress and depressive symptoms among Chinese physicians: a cross-sectional study.BMC Public Health,12(1), p.1. MacDonald, W., 2003. The impact of job demands and workload on stress and fatigue.Australian Psychologist,38(2), pp.102-117. Rosenthal, T. and Alter, A., 2012. Occupational stress and hypertension.Journal of the American Society of Hypertension,6(1), pp.2-22. Ruotsalainen, J.H., Verbeek, J.H., Marin, A. and Serra, C., 2015. Preventing occupational stress in healthcare workers.The Cochrane Library. Shirom, A., Melamed, S., Rogowski, O., Shapira, I. and Berliner, S., 2009. Workload, control, and social support effects on serum lipids: A longitudinal study among apparently healthy employed adults.Journal of occupational health psychology,14(4), p.349. Velnampy, T. and Aravinthan, S.A., 2013. Occupational Stress and Organizational Commitment in Private Banks: A Sri Lankan Experience. Yong, M., Nasterlack, M., Pluto, R.P., Lang, S. and Oberlinner, C., 2013. Occupational stress perception and its potential impact on work ability.Work,46(3), pp.347-354.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Judas Betrayer Essays - Twelve Apostles, Judas Iscariot, Judas
Judas Betrayer The Apostle who betrayed his Divine Master. The name Judas (Ioudas) is the Greek form of Judah (Hebrew "praised"), a proper name frequently found both in the Old and the New Testament. Even among the Twelve there were two that bore the name, and for this reason it is usually associated with the surname Iscariot [Heb. "a man of Kerioth" or Carioth, which is a city of Judah (cf. Joshua 15:25)]. There can be no doubt that this is the right interpretation of the name, though the true origin is obscured in the Greek spelling, and, as might be expected, other derivations have been suggested (e.g. from Issachar). Very little is told us in the Sacred Text concerning the history of Judas Iscariot beyond the bare facts of his call to the Apostolate, his treachery, and his death. His birthplace, as we have seen, is indicated in his name Iscariot, and it may be remarked that his origin separates him from the other Apostles, who were all Galileans. For Kerioth is a city of Judah. It has been suggested that this fact may have had some influence on his career by causing want of sympathy with his brethren in the Apostolate. We are told nothing concerning the circumstances of his call or his share in the ministry and miracles of the Apostles. And it is significant that he is never mentioned without some reference to his great betrayal. Thus, in the list of the Apostles given in the Synoptic Gospels, we read: "and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him". (Matthew 10:4. Cf. Mark 3:19; Luke 6:16). So again in St. John's Gospel the name first occurs in connection with the foretelling of the betrayal: "Jesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve; and one of you is a devil? Now he meant Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon: for this same was about to betray him whereas he was one of the twelve" (John 6:71-2). In this passage St. John adds a further particular in mentioning the name of the traitor Apostle's father, which is not recorded by the other Evangelists. And it is he again who tells us that Judas carried the purse. For, after describing the anointing of Christ's feet by Mary at the feast in Bethania, the Evangelist continues: Then one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, he that was about to betray him, said: 'Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?' Now he said this, not because he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and having the purse, carried the things that were put therein (John 12:4-6). This fact that Judas carried the purse is again referred to by the same Evangelist in his account of the Last Supper (13:29), The Synoptic Gospels do not notice this office of Judas, nor do they say that it was he who protested at the alleged waste of the ointment. But it is significant that both in Matthew and Mark the account of the anointing is closely followed by the story of the betrayal: "Then went one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, to the chief priests, and said to them: What will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you?" (Matt., xxvi, 14-5); "And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests, to betray him to them. Who hearing it were glad; and they promised him they would give him money" (Mark, xiv, 10-1). In both these accounts it will be noticed that Judas takes the initiative: he is not tempted and seduced by the priests, but approaches them on his own accord. St. Luke tells the same tale, but adds another touch by ascribing the deed to the instigation of Satan: "And Satan entered into Judas, who was surnamed Iscariot, one of the twelve. And he went, and discoursed with the chief priests and the magistrates, how he might betray him to them. And they were glad, and convenanted to give him money. And he promised. And he sought opportunity to betray him in the absence of the multitude" (Luke, xxii, 3-6). St. John likewise lays stress on the instigation of the evil spirit: "the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, to betray him" (xiii, 2). The same Evangelist, as we have seen, tells of an earlier intimation of Christ's foreknowledge of the betrayal (John, vi, 71-2), and in the same chapter says expressly:
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy Youll Actually Use (Template)
How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy Youll Actually Use (Template) Does it feel like youve spent tons of time creating a thoughtful content marketing strategy, only to have it fall to pieces in a month or two because of shifting priorities? This is the problem with most content marketing strategies they arent flexible. After all, it’s impossible to know in January what your organization’s situation will look like in June. So, your team needs to be agile. And your strategy needs to be adaptable. In this post, we’ll cover exactly how to create a content marketing strategy that will: Keep your team focused and organized, so you can plan your work, then work your plan. Ensure your content is aligned with real goals that’ll make an actual impact on your business. Stay flexible and adjust according to what’s working (and what isn’t). Plus, well touch on how makes it easy to plan and execute your entire content marketing strategy with the best marketing suite on the Internet. Start With Your Free Content Marketing Strategy Template Best of all, we won’t just tell you what to do. We’ll actually show you how to document your content marketing strategy. And well even give the template youll need to get it done completely free! Download it quick below, and then well move onto planning your strategy.How To Build A Content Marketing Strategy You'll Actually Use Table of Contents: What is Content Marketing Strategy? Why Should My Business Do Content Marketing? Which Content Marketing Tools Do I Need? Ten Steps To Creating Your Content Marketing Strategy Assemble Your Content Marketing Team Establish Your Mission Statement Establish Your Content Marketing Goals Audience and Persona Development Determine Content Types Choosing Content Promotion Channels Writing and Designing Your Content Define Your Content Creation Process Create Your Content Promotion Strategy Make a Plan to Measure Your ResultsWhat is Content Marketing Strategy A content marketing strategy is: â€Å"An in-depth marketing plan that highlights the topics, processes, and standards that each piece of content a marketing team creates must meet.†How do you define content marketing strategy? Why Should My Business Create a Content Marketing Strategy? Creating a content marketing strategy is vital to the success of your overall content marketing. Why? Because it gives your content team the direction they need to create remarkable content, measure your success (and failures) and stick to the plan you’ve designed. Still don’t believe a documented strategy works? According to our own data, marketers who document their strategy are 538% more likely to report success. According to data from @, marketers who document their strategy are 538% more likely to...And that’s just the beginning. Check out this infographic for more statistics and data to help convince you to add content marketing to your overall marketing strategy: Sources: 1-2. https://.com/marketing-statistics 3-4. 5-9. https://.com/marketing-statistics 10-12. 13-14. 15. Some of the statistics and data from the infographic above can help you begin to fill in the content marketing strategy template that you downloaded earlier. Which Content Marketing Tools Do I Need? The fact of the matter is, content marketing can be a bear to handle. Using the right tools can help your team stay on track and organized. The question is, which tools does your team need? Content Management System A content management system is a must for managing and publishing content. WordPress is one of the most popular options out there, especially for creating company blogs. However, here are some other options you may consider: ExpressionEngine. Great for managing content on small websites. Drupal. Another option similar to WordPress, but with a less blogging-heavy focus. Sitecore. A powerful feature-rich enterprise solution. Joomla. A free and open-source content management system for publishing web content. Squarespace. A software as a service provider for website building and hosting. Wix. A cloud-based web development platform Analytics Platform Analytics platforms make it easy to gather data and measure performance for your content and social media marketing efforts. Google Analytics is one obvious option here. However, there are tons more out there you might want to consider, too. They include: Matomo (formerly Piwik). This is an open-source alternative to Google Analytics. Open Web Analytics. Similar to Piwik. Clicky. Another option that's popular with bloggers. Adobe Analytics. An enterprise analytics solution. Angelfish Actual Metrics. A more affordable, alternative to Adobe. Chartbeat. Analytics for Editors. CoreMetric. Used by e-commerce websites. Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Calendars are essential for planning ahead, managing deadlines, and giving your team full visibility on all the content you're publishing. We recommend The Content Organizer (as you may have guessed) as the top choice for a content marketing platform. Here's a quick look at what we're all about: Social Media Scheduling Tool Social media is an important part of any content marketing strategy. That's both for promoting content and creating awesome native social content. 's Social Organizer makes it easy to create and schedule social media posts for each of the top networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+). Plus, here are some other cool things you might not know about: With ReQueue, you can reshare your best posts automatically. And with Best Time Scheduling, you can make sure every post publishes at the ideal time, too. Plus, with our WordPress + social integrations, you can create and share content all in one place. even has a monitoring tool to help you stay on top of all your social media conversations. Every time we create a piece of content, we use each of the features above to spread it to our audience (and beyond). SEO Tools To get your content found in organic search and measure its performance, you'll need a solid set of SEO tools. Here's what we use at : Ahrefs. This platform is awesome for keyword research, link analysis, rank tracking, site auditing, and more. Moz. This platform is similar to Ahrefs and offers powerful functionality. Google Keyword Planner. It's more of a PPC tool, but still useful for keyword research in a pinch. Google Search Console: This free tool is vital for monitoring the health of your website. Marketing Project Management Tools Keeping a content marketing team in line can feel like herding cats. That's where project management tools come into play. Tools like Wrike and Asana are popular options. Here at , we use the Work Organizer to: Wrangle tasks with Task Templates (which are reusable project checklists). Measure team productivity with Team Performance Reports. Discussions (built-in comment threads right inside our marketing calendar) to make communication and project management super easy. See and track daily tasks of the whole team with the Team Management Dashboard. Overall, what separates is that it's built specifically for marketing teams. That's why we use it ourselves (and the results speak for themselves). Once you have your tools selected, record them in your template: Which content marketing tools do you use to plan and execute your strategy? Ten Steps to Building Your Content Marketing Strategy The next ten steps are going to walk you through how to fill in the template you downloaded earlier and create your content marketing strategy. Step One: Assemble Your Content Marketing Team The first step in your content marketing strategy process is to document the team that will be working on the content from start to finish. Each team may look a little different, but some familiar roles are: Each member of your content team has a vital role to play. Remember that the role a person plays on a content marketing team may not necessarily match up to their title. Record your team members, their role and their responsibilities in your template: Recommended Reading: How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content Step Two: Establish Your Mission Statement The first part of the template that you need to fill out is the mission statement of your company. Your mission statement should be the promise that your organization wants to fulfill for your audience. Here’s a template to help you get started: The mission of [Insert Organization Name] is to provide our customers with [service one] and [service two] through [action one], [action two] and [action three].
Friday, November 22, 2019
Amy Tan “Mother Tongue†Analysis
Amy Tan â€Å"Mother Tongue†Analysis Essay Analysis of Amy Tan â€Å"Mother Tongue†is a common topic in English assignments, and there is much content you can include to make your paper stand out. Whether you are writing your thesis or a class assignment in literature, Amy Tan mother tongue analysis is such a common topic. It is important, therefore, to enrich your thesis or assignment with the major ideas that are prevalent in the text. For starters, Amy Tan finds herself in a struggle with her linguistic identity. She finds herself in the middle of her mother’s broken English where she has to fight the prejudice her mother faces because of her fractured dialectal. Amy speaks a different language with her mother as well as with other people, and we are told how about the struggle that she had with English as a subject. She would do quite well in Math because she says, while Math has a definite solution, English answers in most of her tests appeared more judgmental. But Tan does not regret anything about her mother tongue background. She affirms that her mom’s dialectal brought her a long way, shaping the way she perceived things, the way she expressed herself and made sense of the world. To her, the kind of English she spoke with her mother and to a larger extent, her husband made perfect sense and brought in some kind of intimacy that only her family perfectly understood. A textual analysis of Amy’s â€Å"mother tongue†reveals her passionate defense on her mother’s broken English. Some of the people in her circle claim to understand only a small fraction of whatever her mother speaks. Others would not simply understand anything and looked at her mum as if she spoke in pure Chinese. Her mum is seen to face a lot of challenges and prejudice from the people around her. Rhetorical analysis on Amy’s article reveals how people around her mother claimed they wouldn’t understand much of her mother’s broken English, but Amy goes in details explaining how she finds it easy understanding every bit of what her mother says. In this rhetorical analysis, Amy’s main ideas happen to be that she at no point despises her mother’s English. She even goes ahead describing it as clear and perfectly normal. Her mastery of rhetorical devices is another aspect of her great mastery of language. In one of her many talks about her book, The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan display such a great mastery of language, the kind of language she had learned from school and her extensive reading, with carefully articulated grammar, in the audience of her mother who was in her company. She felt the talk all wrong seeing she was speaking the kind she never spoke with her mother. Her use of parallel structure in a paragraph she speaks of how she isn’t an English scholar and later in the next paragraph that she is a writer display her deep understanding of English. Amy Tan had earlier affirmed that she was not a scholar of the language or literature and still she was a writer. She speaks about her love of linguistics and how much she gets fascinated by language in her daily life. She takes some time to think about her mum’s language. The kind of descriptions it has received from people in the restaurants, banks, stores, and offices, as broken, fractured and limited. She thinks of the times when she fell a victim of the same prejudice in her childhood days. She had a difficult time with her mother, holding her with less regard and hating her for the kind of language she spoke. Her limited English is seemingly translating into her limited personality. People around her treated her less serious, some would even ignore her with sharp brutality, seeing her in the light of someone with some kind disability or some sort of incompleteness. READ: A Lesson Before Dying EssayAmy recalls how she had to save her mother occasionally from the embarrassment that her broken dialectal brought. She would have to make calls to her mum’s stockbroker, to the hospital attendants among other services if anything was to be taken any serious. Like only the perfect English carries with it some kind of authority. It is clear in the textual analysis of how Amy employs a lot of dialogue to give her audience a taste of her mother tongue. Although she has gained an excellent mastery of the English language as evidenced by a line, â€Å"That was my mental quandary in its nascent state,†from one of her works of fiction, Amy Tan is not about to thrash her mother tongue as someone would expect. In fact, she does not bend so much into displaying her mastery of the literary devices when she envisions her mum as her intended audience in the stories she wrote about mothers and daughters whose intended audience is mainly women. She is quite delighted when her mom finishes reading her work and seals it with one simple compliment, â€Å"So easy to read.†Amy also recalls her early days of entry into the world of nonfiction freelancer writing when one of her bosses described her writings as the worst ever and even advised her to work towards account management. It’s only her rebellious nature and the consistency of purpose that kept her going even while surrounded by a host of critics. Her use of her mother for purpose and audience is a proof of how much she appreciated the simplicity of language and just how much she wasn’t bothered by the critics that had been a great challenge to her mum. The main ideas that the author appears to communicate in this article are that the notion of a perfect language is not entirely the driving force behind what it is and what is not of other versions of the English language spoken. Tan seeks to emphasize that there are no standard measures for what should be the right type of language. The purpose of her article is clearly to do away with the prejudice that comes with other versions of English whose speakers are held with less regard. Through this article, Amy effectively delivers on her purpose and audience bringing to light quite important aspects of linguistic dynamics.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
BBDO agency project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
BBDO agency project - Research Paper Example The purpose of the following document is to provide details of the creative marketing campaign and proposed campaign ideas and marketing communications strategies for the BBDO Agency’s campaign to launch the 2012 McLaren MP4-12C in the United Arab Emirates market. This is an affluent market motivated by luxury, status and the performance engine, all trademarks of the McLaren brand. This report also identifies and describes the consumer segments that the campaign intends to target, including the target market’s demographics, psychographics, and VALS. In addition, this report includes a SWOT analysis, a detailed description of the marketing mix and a discussion of the future outcomes of the outcomes. Executive Summary The purpose of the following report is to present the campaign ideas in regards to the McLaren MP4-12C product offering in the United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The main purpose of the report is to describe the target McLaren MP4-12C th at exists in this market, and to highlight the attitudes and purchasing intention among these consumers that the McLaren MP4-12C brand can capitalize upon in 2012. Established in 1989, the McLaren Automotive brand operates as an exclusive luxury performance vehicle brand primarily in the United States and Europe; however, global opportunities exist for this product offering, and the survey results indicate a very high level of satisfaction with the quality of the brand. McLaren Automotive recently expanded its operations into the Asia Pacific region, and the McLaren MP4-12C now sells through a number of selected vendors in Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi and Dubai. ... its operations into the Asia Pacific region, and the McLaren MP4-12C now sells through a number of selected vendors in Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi and Dubai. 1.1 Objectives The objectives of this research report were to ascertain the perceived value and level of satisfaction with the McLaren MP4-12C product offering among consumers. The research report author utilized the Qualtrics Survey Software tool to compile and tabulate responses from 29 consumers. The results are displayed in table form in section 4 of this report. In addition, the objective of this report is to demonstrate the high brand equity that the McLaren brand already enjoys in the United Arab Emirates, and to leverage this consumer appreciation completely and strategically. 1.2 Results The initial results of the survey indicate a very high level of satisfaction with the product offering. 77 percent of the respondents indicated that they were v ery satisfied with the McLaren MP4-12C product offering. In addition, the McLaren MP4-12C enjoys high brand recognition and significant brand equity among the consumers surveyed. 1.3 Key Findings The report indicates that the product has a strong appeal among the consumers surveyed. It also indicates that the perceived exclusivity of the McLaren brand remains the key competitive advantage for the McLaren MP4-12C product offering. In addition, the results indicate that the McLaren MP4-12C could position the product offering as a luxury item in key luxury market segments in the United Arab Emirates. 1.4 Conclusions and Recommendations The research report author concludes that the product is a very strong offering and that consumer appeal in the United Arab Emirates is high. The research
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Higher Certificate Golf Management Graded Unit Case Study Essay
Higher Certificate Golf Management Graded Unit Case Study - Essay Example ublished rules: golfing matches and their popularity were still played using all manner of improvised equipments, on public lands with bets becoming a salient feature. It was not uncommon for the matches to be followed by festive group drinking and unrestrained celebratory outcomes on the course. Thus the character of golf remained without significant impact that the rules were meant to bring. In 1783 a significant transformation nonetheless appeared to change the face of golf. A reference to etiquette for the very first time in history, â€Å"While a stroke is playing none of the party shall walk about, by speaking or otherwise†(The rules of golf,1783),was inserted by the Society of golfers even though other existing clubs such as St Andrews, Leith, Bruntsfield and Crail not doing so. By 1810 the Glascow Golf Club took it a notch higher by expanding the etiquette code through stating that, â€Å"Every member who is a player, that is who has played twice during the season, shall make a match on the day when the club is played for, and play for it under the penalty of a bottle of rum (The rules of Golf, 1810).Slowly golf was transforming in perceptions of manners and was as a result getting socially perceived as a sport for social improvement. Following, rules were made that in the same lines of etiquette that demanded attendants to keep quiet, to walk after the p layers and refrain from removing objects from the course. These rules were to be adopted by other clubs as time went by, even though some other clubs not mentioning about behavior in their respective rules until the late 19th century when the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews instituted a unifying code (Wallenfeldt,:83). (b)The earliest playing instrument was known as Scottish Cleek, a long wooden club. The ball was known as the feather ball. In 1842 appeared the forerunner known as the gutta-perch ball which was impervious to rain and damp thus it extended the playing seasons from dry cold months to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A Story from the Childhood That Is Reenacting My Life Today Essay Example for Free
A Story from the Childhood That Is Reenacting My Life Today Essay Years ago when I was a small kid, there was a point in time when I thought I was going to die or was going to live in a way other than other normal people. I accidentally cut my finger with a scissors by mistake while I was at my father’s work place for a visit. As a little child, I was very frightened by the look of blood and thought I was going to lose my finger or hand back then. My father used to be a banker working in one of the leading banks in Kuwait. I recall my father told me that he was going to be away for some time from his desk to do some important work and once he comes back he will get me chocolates and candy. While I was playing around at my father’s office I picked up a scissors and starting cutting papers and then I screamed as I have cut myself by mistake in my finger. Moments after, a colleague of my father ran into his office and helped me. His name was Ali. He helped me clear the blood quickly and was very supportive. I recall Ali’s response was exactly what a kid in such situation would hope for. He cared over me in delicate and nurturing manner. My whole world changed since that day, as a child I have developed love and respect to Ali and used to ask my father to take me to his office every school holiday to see Ali. I recall I used to prefer sitting in his office than staying at my father’s. I grew up having the same thoughts till the day I have graduated from high school as I have then decided to study Accounting and Finance in order to allow me to work in a bank and be a good caring person like the people I used to see when I was a child at my father’s work.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Life and Work of George Orwell :: Biography Biographies Essays
The Life and Work of George Orwell George Orwell is the name of the person behind brilliant works of literature such as Animal Farm and "1984". After my closer study of his book Animal Farm, I decided to look more closely into the person who wrote that brilliant allegory. I also tried to understand why, and how it was possible for a man raised far from communist/totalitarian regime could describe it so precisely in such an amazing prophetic way. Born under the name of Eric Blair on June 25 1903, in India in the family of an Imperial Officer, after going to boarding school and then to Eton, he decided to stop with his education and enlisted in the Indian Imperial Police at the age of 20. He served in Burma for 5 years and later described that period as the most miserable times and that he hated being the bully arresting people to be beaten. After he left Burma Eric wanted to experience the life of the oppressed, so he moved to Paris disguised as a homeless poor. He started living the life of tramps and all kinds of poor homeless, but soon he found himself in their true situation, without a serious job, Eric was forced to live on the streets and to make only enough not to starve. At that time he wrote his first book: "Down and Out in Paris and London" and was able to publish it under the pen name of George Orwell. The book was a success, and after that he wrote and published in three years three more books: "Burmese days," "a Clergyman's daughter" and " Keep the Aspidistra Flying." In 1937 Orwell went to Spain to report on the civil war and, according to Judy P. Sopronyi's article George Orwell on the Road to Nineteen Eighty-Four", got really involved in the idea of Socialism, he was thrilled by the idea of everyone treating each other as equals and his log sense of guilt for being born in the upper-middle class, as he called it, had found its cure. It wasn't long before he found out that regardless of how flawless an ideology was, people could twist it viciously in order to make it work for their own political ambitions. His personal experience was involved in that notion, because after being loyal to, and fighting on the side of the Republicans, he was quickly turned into the enemy for no apparent reason, and was forced to return to England to avoid arrest.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Chemistry in Our Dailylife Essay
Our entire universe is made up of matter which is constantly changing forms and evolving into other forms of energy. Chemistry is defined as the study or science of this ever changing matter. The other sciences which we study commonly like biology, physics and mathematics are all dependent on chemistry and are known as specific studies under the elaborate subject of chemistry. Since there is chemistry seen in biological forms as well as physical states of nature, there are subjects called biochemistry and physical chemistry which help study these changes. There are many chemical changes which occur around us everyday but we are never aware of them. But this is a great way of teaching children how magical the world of chemistry is! With these real examples you can teach them by taking a chemistry in everyday life quiz, as practical studies are always fun to learn. To make this job easier for you, mentioned below are a few such examples of chemistry in everyday life, take a look! Examples There are chemical reactions in daily life like, in the way you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink and in every motion which is taking place around you at every second of the day. It is a very important and interesting concept which could be taught to your children as they have to know, how their world works. The best way to explain this to them is to show them practically how and why are a few things in nature the way they are! You can do this by demonstrating a few kids chemistry experiments for them. An essay on this topic can be a great start to teach these kids, what a wonderful thing, chemistry is. Find out what these intelligent mechanisms of nature are, that define presence of chemistry in daily life, read on. Water, which occupies 70% of the earth’s surface is made by two chemical elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Soap is an emulsifier which allows oil and water to mix and so the oily mixtures on body and clothes can be removed after application of soap and water. Chemistry in kids’ life can also include why vegetables are colored. Colored vegetables consist of chemical compounds called carotenoids which have an area known as the chromophore. It absorbs certain wavelengths of light and thus there are colored vegetables. Food is cooked because of the steam that’s present either in the water added or that which is present inside the food items. Onions make you cry due to the presence of sulfur in the cells which break after the onions are cut. This sulfur gets mixed with moisture and thus irritates your eyes. You feel hungry because of the satiety center in your brain falls short of particular hormones to function and then sends the signal of hunger. You fall in love, get attracted and have a feeling of belonging because of certain monoamines present in your brain which get stimulated through nerve sensors. If you have wondered, why is the sky blue, it is due to a phenomenon called the â€Å"Rayleigh scattering†, which depends on scattering of light through particles which are much smaller than the wavelength. Hence when light passes through gases, there is scattering and the sky appears blue. Coffee keeps you awake because of the presence of a chemical called adenosine, in your brain. It binds to certain receptors and slows the nerve cell activity when sleep is signaled. Anaerobic fermentation is also a great concept which is present in the chemistry of everyday life. It is present in yogurt, breads, cakes and many other baking products. It is the multiplication of certain useful bacteria which increase the size of the food and make it more filling and soft. The food chain present in every ecosystem is also a major part of everyday life chemistry. Even though it has more biological background, it eventually works because of its chemistry. With these great examples, there is no other explanation of the existence of earth and its components other than chemistry. Thus, through so much to learn from, you can easily teach your children the importance of chemistry in our day-to-day life!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Is Terrorism the Answer? Essay
To what extent will you go, to prove your point? Would you kill someone for it? Terrorism is defined as an act of violence intended to instill fear in the minds of people and is organized to achieve a political, religious or ideological goal. The number of assassinations and bombings in the recent years has increasingly gone up that even a 4th grader knows what a terrorist attack is. Due to the actions of a few groups of people terrorists have received a stereotype all over the world. Terrorism is often a result of oppression or is a due to views and beliefs of an individual or an entire organization. In some cases, the same group may be described as â€Å"freedom fighters†by its supporters and considered to be terrorists by its opponents. Terrorism can actually be seen as a cry for attention, and our media give them just that. The causes and effects of terrorist attacks depend on the motivation of an individual or an entire group. Nobody in their right senses would resort to terrorism. One of the main reasons for terrorism is social and political injustice. People choose terrorism when they are trying to right what they perceive to be a social or political or historical wrong, when they have been stripped of their land or freedom, or denied their human rights. Everybody believes in something and the men who proclaim war against a small society or the whole nation does so because they believe violence bring about a change. Unlike Mahatma Gandhi who believed in ahimsa (fighting injustice with peace) these men believe that a change cannot be made unless they fight for it with guns and bombs. Years of oppression and discrimination bring about a change in the beliefs and actions of many individuals, some might choose to follow the paths taken by great men in the past and some tries to make a change by terrorizing and instilling fear in society. The sanction imposed on Iraq, the presence of U.S military in Saudi Arabia and the support of Israel by the U.S caused one of most famous terrorist attack in history, the 9/11 attack on the world trade center. Terrorist attacks are not always for the cause of a society but also due to an individual’s personal belief and sometimes it is in the form of domestic terrorist attack like the Wall Street bombing or the Oklahoma city bombing. What most people don’t think about is what happens after a terrorist attack. The men who give up their life in order to prove a point or bring about a change do not think what happens to families of the hundreds of people that are victims of a terrorist attack. Terrorist attacks cause instability in the lives of many people. Its effects the community and economy of the nation and also affects the system by which the nation function. The death and destruction caused by an attack leaves the country in ruins for months or even years. Almost every sector of the economy is affected by it. Terrorism imposes a significant economic effect on societies and will not only lead to direct material damage, but also to long term effects on the local economy. Due to a terrorist event, these economic agents suffer from impact through losses in physical and human capital. Major terrorist attacks not only creates social imbalance but also creates racial stereotypes. Ever since the 9/11 attack the Muslims have been marked as â€Å"terrorists†by people around the world, mainly the west. Since when did terrorists get a face? The same typical long bearded Muslim man with a white turban holding a bomb can be seen on every poster related to terrorism. Even after 13 years, the consequences of the 9/11 attacks are still being felt by Muslims all over the world. It is a facts that most Muslim Americans having to hide their religion, by changing their names or appearance, or by practicing their faith discreetly. A shadow of distrust and suspicion still follows many ordinary Muslims, not only in the United States but around the globe. A religion once known for its peaceful and loving nature is now associated with violence and aggression due to the actions of a group of men. Having a long beard, wearing a hijab or headscarf, or praying in a mosque are now the signs that people look for to accuse someone for terrorism. Another obvious answer to the question â€Å"what are the effects of terrorism?†is WAR. Terrorist attacks on different countries result in distrust and aggression between two countries and this eventually results in long term enmity and in extreme cases lead to war between the nations. Some of the examples for bad relationships between countries are the relationship between America and Iraq or the relationship between India and Pakistan. Although there were no major consequences or effects after the 2008 Mumbai attacks it is not a secret that India and Pakistan are not in best terms with each other. â€Å"We all have to be concerned about terrorism, but you will never end terrorism by terrorizing others†– Martin Luther King. Just like how our body fights viruses we need to fight terrorism by not letting it grow or multiply. The approach that can stop terrorism from multiplying lies in developing a long term plan, supported and financed by all nations of the world. Terrorism does not die along with the death of their leader. We need to find the root of the problem and cure it. An Individual should not be given a chance to consider violence as an option to bring about a change. I believe education and freedom are the two main ingredients to create a world without violence and terrorism.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Educators Can Use Google Classroom
How Educators Can Use Google Classroom Google Classroom is one of Google for Educations newest products and it has received rave reviews from many educators. It is a learning management system that allows you to digitally create and manage assignments as well as to provide feedback to your students. Google Classroom works particularly with Google Apps for Education, a suite of productivity tools (Drive, Docs, Gmail, etc) that you may already use in your school.​ Google Classroom is beneficial for both novice and advanced users of Google Apps for Education. It is has a simple, easy-to-navigate interface that appeals to many teachers. If you are already pretty adept at using Docs and Google Drive folders to manage student work, you may be surprised to find that Google Classroom makes this process even easier for you. Google Classroom has evolved considerably since its debut last summer. New features seem to be added all the time, so stay tuned for future improvements! View this short introductory video from Google and this presentation by Heather Breedlove in order to familiarize yourself with Google Classroom. Important Links for Future Reference Here are four links that youll want to keep handy for future reference: Google Classroom on the WebGoogle Classroom iPad AppGoogle Classroom Help CenterGoogle Classroom Training Materials Step 1: Log in to Google Classroom  Go to Make sure you are logged in with your Google Apps for Education account. If you are using your personal Google account or are at a school that does not use GAFE, you will not be able to use Classroom.You should see your Google Classroom Home. Below is a picture of my homepage with annotations to explain different features.Click on the sign to create your first class. Create one for an existing class or a practice one for purposes of this tutorial. Step 2: Create a Class Do the following practice activities. Notice that there are three tabs in a class: Stream, Students, and About. These support materials will help you with this step. Select the About tab. Fill in basic information about your class. Notice that there is a folder in YOUR Google Drive that will contain files related to this class.Click on the Students tab and add a student or two (perhaps a colleague who will serve as a guinea pig for this experiment). Make sure to indicate what permissions you want these students to have in relation to posting and commenting.And/or, give the class code posted in the  Student tab to a student or colleague for practice. This code is also available on your Stream tab.Go to your Stream tab. Share an announcement with your class. Notice how you can attach a file, a document from Google Drive, a YouTube video or a link to another resource.Staying in your Stream tab, create a mock assignment for this class. Fill in the title, description, and give it a due date. Attach any resources and assign the assignment to students enrolled in this class. Step 3: Monitor Student Assignments Here is information on grading and returning assignments. On your Stream tab, you should now see your assignments in the left-hand corner under the heading Upcoming Assignments. Click on one of your assignments.This will lead to a page where you can see students status in terms of work completion. This is called the student work page. For an assignment to have been marked complete, the student will need to turn it into their Google Classroom account.Note that you can assign grades and points. Click on a student and you can send them a private comment.If you check the box next to a students name, you can email the student or students.If a student has submitted work, you can then grade it and return it to the student.To see all student work at the same time, you need to click Folder at the top of the Student Work page. This Folder link will be grayed out until students have turned in work. Step 4: Try Classroom From the Student Perspective Specific student help is available here. Ask a colleague to invite you to their practice class and to create an assignment for that class.Pretend to turn in the assignment.Have your colleague grade this assignment and return it to you. Step 5: Consider Creative Uses of Google Classroom How could we use Google Classroom in innovative ways? To house professional development materials.To deliver digital citizenship curriculum.To manage departmental activities, meetings, and projects. Step 6: Download the iPad App and Repeat the Previous Activities How does the Google Classroom experience on the iPad differs from the web experience? Any features that are unique to the app perspective? Discuss your findings with your colleagues and share your preferred method of using Google Classroom.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Website evaluation - Hebrew Poetry Research Paper
Website evaluation - Hebrew Poetry - Research Paper Example A. Authority/Source: The domain of the website is ".org", suggesting that the site belongs to an organization, most probably a non-profit organization. The "About" page ( of the site clearly states its purpose, intended audience and author. According to the description, the site aims at providing information on Hebrew poems and poets to scholars, general readers, librarians, teachers and poetry lovers. However, it is further stated that the site is mainly aimed for general readers and poetry lovers only. The website also provides information about its creator and editor on the "About the Editor of This Site" page ( The author's professional, publishing and teaching experiences are clearly stated ( It is apparent that the information on the site is authentic as its author and editor (Henry Rasof) has several publications to his credit. The site a lso acknowledges the contributors and publishers who granted permission for use of copyrighted information from journals, books, and other publications. The website also provides the author's email address, which can be used for verifying the site's credibility. The site was initially developed as a project for the author's MA degree; however, the author hopes to expand it further. The site also provides the address of the author for sending feedback ... Z. Idelsohn ( Most other articles and poetry have been excerpted from similar publications. Most of the articles have appropriate footnotes and are backed by complete bibliographies for verification of factual information. The information provided thus seems credible. While excerpts of copyrighted information are accompanied with details of the original authors, the sites own articles are also accompanied with sufficient information on the author and his/her credentials. The site uses minimal graphical representations, which if shown, are appropriately labeled. However, their sources are not cited. For instance, a map of "Andalucia: Center of Islamic presence in Spain during the time of the medieval Jewish poets" shown on the site's home page ( has an appropriate and detailed legend, but its source is not cited. C. Currency: Original articles by the author of the website do not state the date of creation. Therefore, it is difficult to determine when the article was actually written. For instance, the article "Abraham Ibn Ezra and the Metaphors of Imagination" (, originally written by Henry Rasof, the site's author and editor, does not state when the article was created. Since the information is related to historical and literary aspects of Hebrew poetry, the date of creation does not necessarily matter. There is no indication that the site is constantly updated or edited. According to information provided by the site, its articles were last updated on 7th June, 2008, indicating that the site is outdated. The site provides links to external sources and websites. All the links are
Saturday, November 2, 2019
AnimeMethod and Meaning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
AnimeMethod and Meaning - Essay Example The substance of this prose will analyze the production and narrative of the anime in light of eminent feature Anime films and series. One of the greatest treasures in the world of Japanese anime is Studio Ghibli and their master creator, Hayao Miyazaki. His anime like spirited away, Nausicaa of the valley of the wind and Mononoke Hime are one of the great anime features that define almost every individual’s childhood. These anime consisted of fantastic animation, with vibrant color schemes and used computer graphics. Studio Ghibli even defied some of the norms set by their very own animation industry. The characters in Studio Ghibli anime had proportionate eyes as opposed to the extremely over-sized eyes in other mainstream anime and also the hair color of the characters was close to what was natural unless the character had a supernatural origin. The end result was that the animation style was smooth and had a very intense, life-like feel to it. One of the most recurring sub -genres in almost all of Miyazaki anime was the concept of steampunk. Steampunk is a cinematic concept that shows the use of steam-powered machines rather than the use of sophisticated technology. For Miyazaki, the use of Steampunk was meant to juxtapose east with west and man with nature, because steam power is generated using coal that is extracted from the earth. Moreover, it is a viable method of creating machinery but there are alternate power sources as well that the West had come up with and the anime tried to explore the aspect of Japan trying to catch up with their western counterparts. (Shaner 2011) All three of the aforementioned anime went on to gain critical acclaim, but it was not the production style that caught the audience’s but it was the amazing storyline that went with it. All three of these anime were metaphors for some important events and controversies that had grabbed the entire world. Mononoke Hime is about a girl Mononoke raised by wolves who fights to protect the forest, and another sub-plot involves Prince Ashitaka, who has been poisoned by possessed boar and then sets out to save the spirit of nature. The film was ranked high because of its deep message regarding environment preservation and has taken inspiration from many historical incidents. Most notably, the anime feature hits upon the use of Atomic bomb and other destructive weapons that not only destroy life but the world we live in as well. Moreover, the movie was also a metaphorical representation of the struggle by the Japanese government to have a more balanced approach for the environment and rapid modernization. The event gained media attention after the announcement regarding the construction of Narita Airport. There was a huge furor particularly from the agricultural sector and the farmer, who strongly opposed the construction project. (Selin & Kalland 2003, 178) Naturally, the biggest concern for the people and activists was the environment and even though, th e government had suppressed all sorts of rebellion from the farmers but the activists did try to sabotage the project all throughout the 70’s (Selin & kalland 2003, 178). Therefore, Princess Mononoke was a loose adaptation of the events that transpired during the 70’s and the forest creatures, and the titular character and Prince Ashitaka represented the farmers and activists
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 35
Economics - Essay Example Neoclassical synthesis was a post-war economic concept which combined the Keynesian macroeconomics and microeconomics of the neoclassical school of thought (Mankiw, 2006). Paul Samuelson personified and popularized the neoclassical synthesis by trying to make a solid mathematical foundation of economics. This has led to the current domination of neoclassical synthesis in mainstream economics. The mainstream economics combines the supply and demand models of markets with Keynesian theory (Mankiw, 2006). It provides that costs and opportunities play an important part in shaping the decision making process of economic agents. For example, the consumer theory of demand is a model of mainstream economics which determines how prices (costs) affect quantity demanded of a particular product. In this case, decision makers (e.g. consumers) will choose products with lower costs or prices; hence affecting quantity demanded. One of the theoretical assumptions of neoclassical microeconomics is the allocation of scarce resources among unlimited wants. It is assumed that people develop rational preferences of identifiable outcomes that can be valued. Consumers/households maximize utility while firms maximize profits. Provided that they get access to sufficient information, individuals make independent decisions and act independently. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply are the main theoretical foundations of Keynesian macroeconomics (Mankiw, 2006). The IS-LM model is the basic theory of aggregate demand. When these two classes of theoretical foundations (neoclassical microeconomics and Keynesian macroeconomics) are combined, they result in short-run economic fluctuations which form the basis of mainstream economics. The new neoclassical synthesis borrows the general equilibrium theory from the new classical models. The microeconomic foundations of preferences and constraints also form the basis of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nursing Professional Collaboration - Developing Professional Identity Essay
Nursing Professional Collaboration - Developing Professional Identity - Essay Example This angel is no other than the nurse, who takes care of her patient as if it were her own. Nursing is a profession aims to provide medical assistance to individuals, families, community in their times of distress and illness. When I was a kid I thought of every wild profession to choose when I grow up. But as I grew up a lot of changes occurred and I had a severe accident and was hospitalized. At first it seemed that all was lost and I might never recover. The doctors would chat merrily with me to keep my hopes up but somehow I would not trust them. My nurse whom I came to realize during my stay at the hospital was a human but worked like a machine all day long. She would attend to several patients of every illness thinkable but would keep a happy face and seeing her work furiously around gave me strength and I decided to be like her and help people in their time of greatest need. Hospitals face a great shortage of nurses and this makes nurses to work long shifts. But I was not frig htened by the long shifts in fact it strengthened my decision and I studied to become a professional nurse in the future. â€Å"Ontario Nurses Association predicts a nationwide loss if 15000 nurses in the nest several years due to changes in system (Hiscott, 1998).†Although living in the US I read about the profession in other parts of the world too. Having completed my basic education and now as a student nurse I thought about the doctors who pass us instructions. Doctor’s instructions guide us how to manage a patient’s medicines. â€Å"Like many evolutional careers, outdated or previous trends persist in nurses (Jones & Bartlett, 2009).†Considering my decision to enter the medical services field, I considered becoming a doctor. My search in the both revealed that a doctor might be earning more than a nurse but his knowledge is limited. I say limited in a sense that a doctor has no concern about the patients that are not related to him. Doctors are spe cialized in their desired fields. A heart surgeon would not deal any patient that is not a heart patient. Similarly an orthopedic has no concern with a dental patient. A nurse on the other hand would deal all these patients with the restriction of knowledge. Because doctors cannot attend to a patient whose category is out of their knowledge. My intention to become a nurse strengthened. I read about the work and duties of a doctor. Media nowadays has made people more aware. I consulted all the knowledge I could obtain to choose my career as a nurse. Even though the relationship between a doctor and a patient seems transparent but it is not. â€Å"We physicians don’t tell everything to patients (Pauline W. Chen, 2012).†My desire to be a helpful human being was marred by reading this. I felt the passion in me would soon burn out if I kept secrets from my patients. The patients who would rely on me to help them escape their agony should know the truth. I talked about my d ecision with my family to enter the medical career and like everyone’s reaction, I was asked to become a doctor. But after a battle of arguments my family too acknowledged that a nurse is more helpful to the society than a doctor. My seniors who are professional nurses taught us a lot about how to deal with patients and nurses are a messiah to these patients in distress. A nurse needs to have a strong heart as we have to deal with all the dirty work. When a person comes to the hospital on a stretcher unconscious and bleeding to death nurses
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Indias Agricultural Sector: An Analysis
Indias Agricultural Sector: An Analysis Agriculture Sector Submitted by  Introduction to Agriculture sector Agriculture sector from an Indian Economic perspective constitute majorly the following four such as: Food-crops and oilseeds, Fiber, plantation crops, fruits and vegetables. As per the 2013 RBI statistics Indian agriculture sector contributed 11.36% of real GDP. This sector is also the highest employer in the country employing approximately 60% of the population. In H1 2013-2014 Agriculture sector of India recorded growth rate of 3.4% [1] and this is higher by a margin of 0.8% during H1 2012-13. The primary reasoning was attributed to a good and a normal monsoon during the year. This spike in the growth of the agricultural sector contributed to a better growth rate for the GDP of 4.6 considering it was a sluggish period for all other sectors including services and manufacturing. Eventhough being one of the oldest sector, Agricultural sector is still contributing phenomenally to the GDP growth of the country. So, in this report an attempt is made to analyse salient aspects of the Agriculture sector from economic perspective, government policy perspective and other items that constitute the growth of the sector. Also, the report studies the major issues that’s being faced by the facing and potential way to resolve them is being brought out. Key factors affecting the performance of Agriculture sector: Climatic factors: Monsoons, soil degradation, water availability, floods and droughts. Policy factors: Government policies related to credit availability, support prices, crop specific programmes, ensuring availability of markets for the produce. Market factors: Pricing, integration with downstream consumers, transparency. Macro-economic factors: Supply and demand, change in consumption patterns. Technology factors: Availability of farming technology, awareness of the available technology among the farmers, incentives to adopt modern technology, educating farmers about the benefits of using technology. Global factors: Export and import policies, trade restrictions. Section IV Agriclutural Policies, Ramesh V V Issues faced by Indian Agriculture sector Unequal growth of Agriculture sector at different areas of India Dependence on seasonal rainfall :The performance of the sector is highly dependent on the seasonal rainfall India receives during the monsoon season. Decrease in land availability due to population growth and industrial sector growth Non availability of farm labourers Low level of mechanisation of the sector yielding lower productivity Unavailability of logistics affecting the returns from the sector Traditional cultivation methods: Restrained access to finance: Lack of facilities for storage of the food grains: Fragmentation of land Low quality seeds: Using better quality seeds can improve the yield by 40%, adoption of Bt seeds can also increase the yield, however higher cost of seeds and activism are hindrances to adopt Bt seeds widely. Unbalanced fertilizer utilization: It is one of the main reason for the stagnation of the yield, depletion of soil fertility and pollution of water bodies. Lacklustre government policies on fertilizer subsidies are one of the reasons for unbalanced use of Nitrogen based fertilizers Cropping Patterns: Sub-optimal crop pattern leads to low rates of profits. Geographical conditions vary and accordingly suitable crop patterns should be adopted, however farmers follow traditional practices which leads to lower profits. Policies and Schemes towards Agriculture: The Department of Agriculture Cooperation, Government of India, has been implementing various schemes and programmes for the benefit of farmers through State Governments. The Guidelines and other details of various programmes and schemes have been made available in their departmental scheme guidelines. Relevant details on the type and extent of benefits for different components promoted under various schemes are mentioned here. For simple understanding of subsidies and eligibility criteria of the same a handbook has also been constructed by the department. It has been prepared by categorizing various activities in 11 different themes such as, Soil Health, Soil Conservation Fertilizers, Seeds, Irrigation, Training Extension for Farmers, Mechanization Technology, Agricultural Credit, Agricultural Insurance, Plant Protection, Horticulture, Agricultural Marketing and Integrated Farming. Besides this, broad suggestions on practical aspects of each of these themes have also been includ ed. Schemes such as Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (subject to qualifying criteria for the States), National e-Governance Plan-Agriculture, National Mission on Agricultural Extension Technology Etc have nation-wide coverage.A few other schemes such as National Food Security Mission, Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP), Cotton Technology Mission, Jute and Mesta Technology and Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI) have Crop/ Area / District wise applicability. The expert committee has come up an estimate of around 11172 crores in the next ten years for infrastructure development for agriculture marketing as of 2008 and has come up with some reforms in the Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee Act, (APMC)act, details from NABARD website Subsidies are helpful to farmers in India as nearly 11% of farmers have land but not have sufficient funding to irrigate the land. Three main types of financing are required for agriculture sector. i.e., Short term, Medium term Long term finance. Subsidies in an agriculturally oriented developing economy like India helps increase the productivity of the farmers. Institutionalized credit provisioning: Credit raised by farmers from Non-institutional lenders, from 95% in 1951 to 40% in 2002, India has come a long way in providing sustainable credit access to the farmers. Non-institutional lenders levy a high rate of interest and historically have manipulated the farmers, which led to poverty and its side effects like illiteracy. Analysis on the Agricultural Sector Demand vs Supply: The agricultural sector in India is doing pretty good job to meet the domestic demand and also exporting food grains in certain categories. The total demand for Y2010 was 228Mt and the total supply was 270Mt. Not only in 2010, if you see the trend for the past 5 years before 2010, the supply more than demand. This clearly tells us India is a food surplus country and there is no real pressure on the demand-supply process. The supply is mainly increasing because of better and modern farming technique and high productivity per hectare. Storage facilities have improved over the last 2 decades and at affordable prices are helping the farmers to preserve the crop thru the year. There is still a lot of scope for improvement for our agro output storage facilities. Our storage facilities are not on par with other developed countries and our farmers end up with a lot of spoiled food grains. Table: Agro Production –Demand in INDIA between 2005 and 2011 (All Figures in Metric Tons) Source: Focus on Agriculture- Union Budget 2014. Government has proposed a technology driven green revolution and in this specifically protein revolution had more focus this year. Below par expectation of monsoon and its obvious impact on Agriculture was certainly considered this year. Keeping this in mind Government has proposed aRs.1,000 crore outlay for a new scheme named, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, which will address sufficient irrigation facilities and mitigate some risk. To address the problem of price volatility, fund called Price Stabilization fund amounting to 500 crores was allocated. Agriculture credit target was set to 8lakh crores. Interest subvention for timely repayment of loans at 3% subvention has also been included against the current 7% rate. Rural infrastructure fund of 25000 crores was also institutionalized. Soil health is one major factor which is linked to productivity. In this regard, 100 crore project scheme was included which delivers every farmer a soil health card. In this mission, an additional 56 crores towards mobile soil testing laboratories was proposed. Agriculture research institutions to come up in Assam and Jharkand with an initial investment of 100 crores and an additional allocation of 200 crores for Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan and telangana and Haryana for Agriculture and horticulture institutions respectively was also proposed. Kisan TV, a dedicated channelon various aspects of agriculture. Bhoomi Heen Kisan scheme, institutionalized through NABARD for landless farmers towards guarantee for finance was proposed. Funds will cater to around 5 lac farming groups who will practice joint farming. Warehouse infrastructure fund of 5000 crores was allocated to address wastage loss in supply chain. Existing APMC, will be re-oriented in close association with state governments which in potential must take care of markets and introduce reforms for farmers. One thing that was criticized was the denial of a policy of minimum price Scheme, MPS which figured in the previous government’s budget. Impact of Fiscal Policies on Agricultural Sector Most Gov.’s that came to power in India have implemented pro-agricultural policies and have given a lot of sops and benefits to this sector. Though the outlook might seem healthy, the short term inconsistent policies have made the agricultural sector unproductive and unsustainable. If the situation continues like this, experts believe that Indian would become a net food gain importer in the next 20-30 years of time. Subsidy Input subsidies are a major part of the policy in Agricultural sector in India. The major subsidies are subsidies on electricity used in farming subsidy in fertilizer prices subsidy in seed purchase Indian agricultural sector is more dependent on input subsidies than any other major emerging countries. The recent Gov. order passed by the Chief Min of the newly farmed Andhra state to waive off all the agro loans taken by its farmers is an example of this Input subsidy and illustrates how heavily this is impacting the Agro sector. The subsidy on fertilisers has been increased to 67% in 2010 from 41% in 2004. This steep subsidy was possible because Gov. kept the nominal fertilizer prices unchanged in spite of high inflation and allowed real subsidized fertilizer prices to fall. The total Gov, input subsidy stood at 9.6% of the total Agro sector output. Among all the subsidies fertilzer subsidy amounts to 11 Billion dollars out of the total 60 Billion subsidy provided by GOI. This also plays a key role in the increase in non plan expenditure and which in turn increases the fisical deficit. The input subsidies have also produced some unintended side effects like over utilization of land, soil degradation, nutrient imbalance of soil and reduction in ground water level. Minimum Support Price The Govt had setup the Commission of Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) to define the minimum support price for almost all the major crops. The intention is to help the farmers but it interferes with the demand and supply. Tax Subsidies Indirect taxes for farm output is almost nil. Inflation The GOI expansionary policies and fiscical stimulus in 2009-10 has resulted in increase in inflation. This has resulted in the increase in cost of the farm labour and non subsidized farm equipment procurement. This has put pressure on the margins of the farmers. Restriction on Exports/Imports Whenver the supply was lower than demand for a particular crop happens i.e in supply shock scenario Govt generally tends to look to restricy exports. This has been an usual pattern with recent incident when the prices of onion and sugar increased as a result of lower production and the got wa quick to restrict the exports of these commodities Impact of Monetary Policies on Agricultural Sector Agricultural loans are available for various farming related activities. Farmers may apply for loans to purchase inputs for the cultivation of food grain crops as well as for horticulture, aquaculture, animal husbandry, floriculture and sericulture businesses. There are also certain special loans made available by many public sector banks and co-operative agriculture banks to finance the purchase of agricultural machinery such as tractors, harvesters and trucks. Construction of biogas plants and irrigation systems as well as the purchase of agricultural land can also be financed through different types of agricultural finance. NABARD offers a Kisan Credit Card Scheme and crop loans under the Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana. Kisan Credit Card Scheme helps farmers raise short-term funds for agriculture and other farm-based activities, on an on-going basis, with very flexible and friendly repayment terms. It also offers an agricultural loan for development of agriculture related industries, purchase of machinery and other agricultural purposes. Interest Rates Conclusion The agriculture community must be weaned off the subsidies gradually once sufficient development is made so as to increase the sustainability of Indian agriculture by providing them the right price for the cultivated produce, introducing highly effective storage facilities, providing necessary training to the farmers regarding use of technology and equipment thereby reducing wastage considerably and enhancing the sector as a whole. Agricultural subsidies can be a blunt instrument that can impede progress and slow down economic growth if theyre implemented without heed to the situation and specific date of expiry. Agriculture and industry has shown remarkable vigour and dynamism in contributing to a healthy growth in exports in the recent past. India’s food security depends on producing cereal crops, as well as increasing its production of fruits, vegetables and milk to meet the demands of a growing population with rising incomes. Policy makers will thus need to initiate and/or conclude policy actions and public programs to shift the sector away from the existing policy and institutional regime that appears to be no longer viable and build a solid foundation for a much more productive, internationally competitive, and diversified agricultural sector. References
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay example --
Jules Verne was a family man who loved his wife and children, but also had a true passion for writing. He spent much of his time with his beloved spouse of thirty years and his three children that he loved deeply. When he wrote he would be inspired by the travels that he took with his family. Verne was born February 8, 1828 and he died on March 24, 1905. As he grew up he learned that he had diabetes that later killed him. In Verne’s seventy-seven year life he dabbled in the stock market to try to earn money. Before the stock market he went to school to follow in his father’s footsteps in the field of law. While in the stock market he decided that he did not want to continue in the field of law so he quit school and went on to write many books that were inspired by his long life. Mr. Verne’s Family consisted of his parents Sophie Allotte dela Fuye Verne and Pierre Verne. His siblings were Paul, Anna, Marie and Mathilde who had all been younger. On the tenth of January in 1857 Honorine Hebe du Fraysse de Viane Morel and Jules Verne became a married couple. Michel, his son, was born on the third of August in 1861 on board a ship sailing to Denmark and Norway. His two stepdaughters were Valentine and Suzanne. As he grew up he lived in various location such as Liverpool, Paris and even France for a period of time. During Verne’s childhood was put under strict rules by his father. His father sent Jules Verne to boarding school when he was young. While at school Verne did very well in the subjects of geography, Greek and Latin. With his time off from school in the summer he and his family went to Maritime Port City to spend time by the lake. Once he became much older his father sent his to Paris so they he could fol... ...devoted fans. His fans also say that the book is a fascinating tale that they were not able to put down until the book was finished. Many of the fans had previously read some of his book before they came out and they noticed that there were dates in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that corresponded with dates in a couple from Verne’s other books. Some of the people who found the connection were intrigued to find out if all of his books were connected through one endless string of stories. From the publishing process Verne learned that many people anticipated the book and wanted it before it came out. Overall Jules Verne was a great man. He loved His family until his death and even after his death. He was also a person whose true passion was to write books. Him being both a family man and a great writer prove that he loved life itself in every possible way.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Opinions and Social Pressure Response Essay
Summary: In the article, â€Å"Opinions and Social Pressure†by Solomon E. Asch, he states that social pressure from a majority group could influence a person to conform. Asch and his research team wanted to find out how and how much social forces constrain people’s opinions and attitudes. The researchers also wanted to find out whether or not, when confronted with an incorrect answer, individuals would conform to the group or have his own answer. The experiment starts with seven to nine young men seated in a room. The young group of men have been told before the experiment to all agree on the correct answer and continue to say the correct answer, except one person. The last individual has no idea that the others were told to state the incorrect answers the entire time. There are two cards placed in front of the members that consist of four lines, all of different lengths. The card on the left is the line you are comparing the other three lines to on the card on the right. The members would answer which two lines are identical in order from who sat down first to who sat down last. All of the young men continue to give the correct answer. On this set of trials only 1% of the time the subject would disagree with the majority. To see if the minority would continue to conform, Asch conducted a second trial. During this trial, all of the participants, except one, stated the wrong answer. When the last person answered, the subject q uickly changes his answer to the wrong answer. On this set of trials, 36.8% of the time the minority agreed with the incorrect answer. On the third trial, Asch decided to add more people to the minority. As the contestants gave their answers, those in the majority were allowed to give any answer they wanted. These results showed that 13.6% accepted the wrong answer compared to the second experiment. This sudden drop indicates with only one person in the minority, he was more likely to conform. When there were more in the minority, participants were more likely to answer how they would and not feel pressured. In the last experiment, the member in the minority was allowed to be seated next to someone he knew personally. During this set of trials, the member in the minority ended up answering almost invariably independent. Out of all of the trials, Asch concluded that people will conform for two reasons: they want to fit in with the others and because they believe the group is better informed (on an intelligence level) than they are. Response: While there have been many psychological tests similar to this, this experiment lacks certain criteria that I believe would change the outlook of this experiment. Since this experiment was done in the 1950s, which was a time in which it was the norm to conform, this could not address to young men now based on how time has changed along with norms. Secondly, since this was done in America, this could not fully take effect in other countries because not all countries conform like we do, so the statistical evidence would vary immensely. Besides the negative, two studies have brought some more insight to this experiment that have shed light as to how time changes Asch’s results. In a conformity experiment by Richard Crutchfield, his studies found participants with high intelligence scores and leadership abilities to show less conformity than others-which is something Asch did not address. Secondly, in 1980, psychologists Perrin & Spencer replicated Asch’s study and found only one conforming response in 396 trials. They said â€Å"cultural changes over the last fifty years had led to a reduction in conformity†(McLeod). Based on all the evidence, I do believe that under certain circumstances we do conform, but not a majority of the time due to how we are raised, norms, cultural changes, and other aspects that could change how we view things.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marketing baby food in Sweden Essay
In doing so it added three ingredients, â€Å"selenium†which is a substance that helps the body get rid of harmful oxidants since it is a proven antioxidant that has the capacity to turn harmful radicals that appear in the body into innocuous water and oxygen. The second ingredient it added was â€Å"nucleotides†whose main function is helping the growth of good bacteria in the gut so that the gut can fight bad bacteria and this ingredient is available in breast milk enabling children to build a natural immune system. And when children are using breast milk substitute formula, unless this substance is added they could be vulnerable to many kind of diseases, one of the reasons breast milk advocates had been highlighting, although it could be solved by simply introducing this substance into baby foods, which nestle did. The third ingredient was â€Å"beta-carotene†whose main function is to create a fortified immune system in the body since it is an antioxidant and it also helps in developing good vision early on, as well as it adds to the good development of the skin. [7] These are ingredients that are supposed to raise the eyebrows of mothers and their pediatricians who are mostly responsible for recommending what kind of baby food formula is good for the newborn children. From the outset the team knew that it has a winning product on its hand and this product is expected to cannibalize the regular Piltti in the long run, which is a little bit cheaper, but it is also presumed to beat many of the competing products that have not yet introduced functional baby food products in their baby food product line, even if their catching up quickly is imminent. However, until that happens the team was aware that there would be a window of time the company could do a quick profitable business. They have everything at their disposal except that they were aware of the WHO Code, which stipulates rules that make all the areas where an effective promotion could have taken place off limit. They are not allowed to have a direct contact with pregnant women or mothers of small children, although in today’s marketing campaigns that might not be essential, yet sometimes it is possible to come up with events where a close interaction between the marketing team and those who would be firsthand users of their product would have been possible. Because not only they can educate the mothers about their products but also they can give out samples and gifts that will build good relationship, which the code prohibits nonetheless. [8] It is not only that they cannot advertise using the known methods where they can put their ads on billboards, distribute brochures, or give out samples. All that can be carried out is through approved institutions by the WHO Code and if any of the allowed institutions are engaged in giving out free samples that are allowed to receive free samples from the manufacturers they have to make sure that there will be enough supply for the involved mothers for as long as they need it. This is so because this tactic had been highlighted where marketers and distributors of baby food products would usually start giving out free samples and if the mothers become dependent on it at the earlier stage of their breast feeding days and avoid breast feeding it will affect their ability to produce milk leading to their forced dependency on the substitute, which would mean they will be forced to buy the breast milk substitute products. Those who might not afford it could harm the normal growth of a child, which is a justifiable cause to be concerned about. [9] Therefore, there are very limited channels the marketing team could be promoting through and spotting those channels is very important. In addition, it is important the marketing team as well as the company should know that their new product should aim at those that are four months old and higher in normal circumstances and the only exception is when the mothers are not in a position to do breast-feeding for various reasons, there are no wet nurses, and at times access to breast milk banks might not be available since there are some of them in some communities. This would mean their marketing interaction is severely limited to interacting with health care personnel only and it is through them their would be customers will be educated to use their product as advertising to the general public is not allowed. Marketers do not have permission to show their existence at the point of sale, put posters, or any other means of advertising to promote their products. They cannot solicit mothers directly or indirectly or cannot give them gift nor free samples. Even if the health care system has the discretion of recommending the use of breast milk substitutes, they cannot allow their workplace for promoting any kind of such products. Nor any of the staff of such establishments have permission to accept any money from distributors and manufacturers of such products. But at least if the authorities see it beneficial they can make arrangement where pregnant women and mothers of young children to be educated or to be informed by a sales team, but the purpose of the meeting is far from pitching a product and it will be educational, where they will always be advised there is nothing better than breast-feeding for the newborn children. The labels on the products should not display a child’s picture and labels should clearly describe what the ingredients are, how to prepare it, and at what kind of temperature to store the product. In addition, they have to testify that the substitute does not come near to breast-feeding and the message will have to be to the point, without idealizing the breast milk substitute. The overall scenario when promoting baby food formula resembles medicine where there are go betweens who are the health officials and the authorities, and manufacturers of medicine target physicians when it comes to promoting their product since they are the ones who would subscribe it to their patients. Furthermore, almost no medicines are available without prescription, even if there are a few over-the-counter products. With the same token, even if the breast milk substitutes could find their way into grocery stores or even drug stores where anyone can pick them off the shelf without prescription, the consumers of such products could get their information from health workers only or from the labels that are required to follow some procedures, and marketers should not try to reach the direct consumers who are mothers of young born children or expectant mothers. Therefore, the team only had to approach a given number of institutions, mostly health establishments, where they are allowed to distribute their samples, gifts, and educational material so that the health officers will be informed about the benefit of their products and pass it on to the mothers of the young children. Due to this restriction the cost and the effort involved in marketing a baby food brand is not very high since they are not allowed to put billboards on the highways of several comminutes, or they do not have to advertise on TV, print, or are not allowed to print brochures and distribute them to the public, but they can pass such material to the health officials to help them with their educating the mothers. Hence, the undertaking would not be expensive since doing it in a continuous basis until the product becomes popular is not required as the case is when promoting other products. Instead, what is involved here is arranging an appointment with the involved officials or at times, all it might take is visiting these establishments in person that might number less than hundred. Since such officials are not allowed to ask any payment directly or indirectly that also saves the company a lot of money and it can focus only on samples and at times gifts, to be given to the mothers through the health officials in a form of utensils and the like. Nevertheless, giving physicians bonus is a common practice in the pharmaceutical industry since it is through them all the manufactures are selling their products. When it comes to baby food market it is not allowed, yet the sales team had started taking note to see if there will be some that will qualify in the long run for a preferential treatment and if there is a possibility of getting around the restriction to introduce a bonus even if the code prohibits it, but since it is a marketing scheme there has to be some way of compensating some of the health care workers who would choose to recommend the particular. Nestle product for their clients when there are other competing products, because even if Functional Piltti is new in the market, it might not take more than three months for the other manufactures to come up with similar products. Consequently, the job of the sales team is cut out for them where they have made a list of the establishments that are responsible for advising mothers and expectant women what kind of breast milk substitute to use. The job of the establishments that are medical and health care centers, hospitals and private pediatricians is to educate the mothers when to start mixing the breast milk substitute with their breast-feeding and what quantity and frequency to use, a knowledge they would acquire from the manufacturers and from their own experience as a health care officials. There is always a department at the bigger institution that will deal with the various marketers and when the need arises it is possible to arrange a one-on-one appointment and the promoting and the education process could take any form and any length of time. But the anticipated end result is in due time the company will start selling its products, either through the drug stores of big hospitals and health centers that can arrange to receive a shipment or the mothers will have to go and buy it from outside market once it is recommended to them by the health officers.
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